• ISSN (Online): 2319-8753
  • /
  • ISSN (Print): 2347-6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

|ISSN Approved Journal | Impact factor: 8.699 | ESTD: 2012| Follows UGC CARE Journal Norms and Guidelines|

|Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Scholarly, Multidisciplinary and Open Access Journal|Impact factor 8.699 (Calculated by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar| AI-Powered Research Tool| Indexing in all Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator |Digital Object Identifier (DOI)|

Impact Factor : 8.699 ijiset.com | Author submit manuscript to [email protected] ijiset.com | Fast Track Review Process ijiset.com | Digitally Signed E-Certificates will be sent immediately ijiset.com | Authors helpline: Whatsapp No: 6381907438 / Mobile No: 6381907438 ijiset.com
IJIRSET Launched Hard copy Publication and Hard copy of Certificates from Vol.4, Issue 1, January 2015 issue.

Recent News

Call for Papers

Vol. 14, Issue 3, Mar 2025
Submission :   31st Mar 2025
Notification :   24 Hours
Publication :   12 to 24 hours
E-Certificates :   Immediate

IJIRSET Citation Report


In which country IJIRSET is based ?

Is this journal Peer Reviewed ?

Does IJIRSET provides Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for each paper ?
Yes, our DOI is 10.15680/IJIRSET

What is the Impact Factor of IJIRSET?

A : Impact Factor is 8.514 [2024] .

What kind of papers does IJIRSET publishes?
A : IJIRSET aims to publish research papers in all the areas of Science, Engineering and Technology. The research paper publication process starts with the submission of your research paper via email. And the peer review process usually complete within 3-4 days time, depending upon the number of research papers in the pipeline.

How do I submit an article for publication?
A : Authors can submit the manuscripts to the email id This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Your paper must be in IJIRSET MS Word Single Column Format. The paper acceptance/ rejection notification will be sent within 7 days from the date of paper submission.

How does the review process work?
A : The review of articles is done through a blind peer review. All the articles received by IJIRSET are sending to Review Committee after removing the name of the author to have an unbiased opinion about the research.

Whether each author can receive the soft copy & hard copy of certificates?
A : Yes. Each author of the paper shall receive individual soft copy and hard copy of publication certificate with free of cost.

How long does it take for an accepted paper to be actually published?

A : The actual date of publication is 15th of every month. It takes minimum 24 hours for an accepted article to be published. We will intimate all the authors of a journal about the acceptance or rejection of an article. In order to publish the accepted article, any one of the author should transfer copyright form to IJIRSET.

Is the Journal published at regular intervals?

A : The journal is published every month i.e. Twelve issues per year.

Is it possible to publish either the National or International conference papers as SPECIAL ISSUE ?
Yes. The conference papers will be published as SPECIAL ISSUE within 15 days from the day of conference. To know about more details, please click here

Is there any restriction for number of pages and fee for extra pages?
A : Yes. We would accept an article with any number of pages and extra charges will be collected if it exceeds above 8 pages. (Rs.100 / 5 USD for each additional page)

What is the Publication fee for an accepted article?



Indian Authors

Foreign Authors

Type of Publication / Charges

Rs.900 Per Paper
[Online publication+ E-Certificate for each author]


[if online publication+ e-certificates only]




DOI Activation Charges

Rs.250 Per DOI


If exceeds 8 pages:

Rs.50 for each extra page

2USD for each extra page

How do i pay the publication fee?
A : Indian authors can pay the fees through Direct Bank deposit or Net banking facility.
Foreign authors can pay the fees through PAYPAL or Western Union Money Transfer or Wired Banking Transfer.

Is it possible for Indian Authors to pay the fees through IJIRSET website ?
A : No. It is not possible to pay the fees through our website using either credit card or debit card.

When is the next Call for Papers?
A : Paper has to be submitted on or before 8th of every month. The accepted paper will be published online in the current issue. Paper submitted after 8th of every month will be published in the next issue if accepted.