Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2019
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Innovative Design Principles of Old Stone Bridges as Part of the Road Network of Greece
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Dynamic Behaviour of Rigid Pavement Plate due to Load Moving with Acceleration
Ridwan Halim, Sofia W. AlisjahbanaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Travel Recommendation Based on Social Media Facebook POI
Atharva Shool, Omkar Yadav, Pratik Shelar, Iffat Shaikh, Prof V.R. SonarAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Automatic Summarization Using Multi-Modal Summarization System for Asynchronous Collections
Shilpadevi Vasant Bhagwat, Sheetal .S. ThokalAbstract PDF![]() |
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Online Social Networking Data for Ranking-Based Location Recommendation
Swapnil Vinayak Wagh, Kailash Patidar, Sudeesh Chouhan, Rishi KushwahAbstract PDF![]() |
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Voltage Regulation and Over Voltage Protection for High Gain High-Efficiency DC-DC Converter
N.T. Bakhtiyari, B.R.Prabhu , Shilpa PatilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Behaviour of Steel Frame Structure under Dynamic Loading
Bharath K, D DattaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Study of Plate Girder by Tension Field Theory
D C Gollangi, D DattaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study of Conceptual Data Modelling in the Era of Big Data: A Case of Zambia
Listone Kaputula, Dani Eliya BandaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Secured and Advanced Authentication System Using Finger Vein Imaging
N.AngayarkanniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Enhanced Downloading Delay Reduction Scheme over Cloud and Fog Supportive Platform
K.PriyangaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Intelligent Phishing Detection Scheme with Enhanced Fuzzy Norms over Fog Networks
B.SeethaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Intelligent Fine-Grained Data Access with Attribute Based Re-Encryption Norms over Cloud Platform
V.Saravanan, P.AlagusundaramAbstract PDF![]() |
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Internet of Things and its Applications in Agriculture
Prof. Deepa H. KulkarniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Dynamic Model for Predicting DNBR in PWR during Loss of Flow Accident
Salwa Helmy, Magy. KandilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Steam Flow-rate Effect on the Transient Behaviour in Phebus Experiment FPT-1
Salwa Helmy, Basma. FoadAbstract PDF![]() |
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Kinetic Modelling For Rotating Biological Contactor for Treatment of Greywastewater
Dr.S. Syed EnayathaliAbstract PDF![]() |
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Desert Cooler Operated on Vapour Absorption System Using by Two Stage Cooling using Three Fluid Systems
Aniruddha Kulkarni, Shubham Yadav, Satyam Yadav, Snehal WadhokarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Intrusion Detection System in Wireless Sensor Networks
Pooja Thakre, Mohammad Hassan, Irfan Javed, Sneha SambareAbstract PDF![]() |
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Production Analytics of Certain Crops of India
G. Sunitha, K. Sampath Kumar, S. A. Jyothi Rani, V.V. HaragopalAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Approach for Enhancing the Power Quality and Fault Ride-Through Capability of Distributed Power Systems
Alluri Madhusudhanachari, K HarshavardhanAbstract PDF![]() |
22. |
On Nano ag*s-Closed Sets in Nano Topological Spaces
S.Sathyapriya, S.Kamali, M.KousalyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Extraction of Sulforaphane from Broccoli and To Analyze Its Effect on Biofilm Formation as Quorum Sensing Inhibitor
Yash Parte, Chitra MestryAbstract PDF![]() |
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Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithms PrePost, FIN, H-Mine – A Survey
M.Ranjanisindu, Dr.S.Gunasekaran, N.R.DeepaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Relation of Concrete Mix, Porosity to Permeability, and Compressive Strength of Lightweight Concrete without Fine Aggregates
Sony WijayaAbstract PDF![]() |
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To Study Sun Drying Banana Peel Powder Nutritional Value Used As Beneficial Nutritional Juice
Kalyani Jambhale, Chaitali GohatreAbstract PDF![]() |
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Building Information Modelling and Its Applications
Abhishek Kadam, Arjun Chougule, Rushikesh Majale, Meghendra Mane, Sunil Kage.Abstract PDF![]() |
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Constructability & Cost Feasibility Analysis of Pune Metro Rail Project Including Planning & Design Specifications
Ashish Wanve, Gaurank Patil, Lavina Karva, Zankhil Patel, Hitesh Mistry, Aditya Kumar Sethi, Kalpesh KholiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Optimizing of Raman Gain and Bandwidth for Dual Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers Based on Four-Wave Mixing
Hatem K. El-khashab, Fathy M. Mustafa, Tamer M. BarakatAbstract PDF![]() |
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Comparative Assessment of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Surface and Ground Water of River Chambal at Kota District Rajasthan
Rajeev kumar Chauhan, Anil k. Bansal, Abhishek Kothotya, Puneet K. Parashar, R. C. ChhipaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Prediction of Skin Cancer Using Morphological Neural Network Analysis
M.Ishwarya, J.SudhaAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Enhanced Sentiment Analysis Model for Incorporating Implicit Aspects
R. Sindhuja, M. Devi Sri NandhiniAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Travel Recommendation Based On Social Media Facebook Poi
Amar Deshmukh, Sanket Chinchole, Shekhar Pawar, Pallavi Mali, Prof.Dipali PawarAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Efficient Hybrid Algorithm for High Utility Item Set In Pattern Mining Using TKU and TKO
Rahul Chavan, Chirantan Dhumal, Shivani Sawwalakhe, Shivani Patki, Sandeep M. ChitalkarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Chelating Agent on the Efficiency of Phosphate Solubilisers
Arushi Makkar, Anshu Sibbal Chatli, Navdeep Kaur, Parneet KaurAbstract PDF![]() |
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?a-Totally Continuous Functions in Topological Spaces
Karthika A.P, Balamani NAbstract PDF![]() |
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Investigation of Thermal Energy Storage System for Steam Generation Using Heat Exchanger
S.Manikandan, R.Vignesh, B.GunasekaranAbstract PDF![]() |
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Computational Issues of Automated Extraction of Plasticity Parameters: A Case Study of Spherical Indentation
Emeruwa Chibuzo, Anisiji Emeka ObioraAbstract PDF![]() |
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Evolutionary Ai Algorithm for Health Risk Prediction
Anup Agrawal, Mayur Gajarmal, Sahil Nadaf, Niraj Kumar, Prof. Anjali DeviAbstract PDF![]() |
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IOT Based Border Security with Automatic Gun Actuation Using Motion Tracking System
Munmun Das, Mayur Khairnar, Pavan Bansode, Prashant Kadam, Mayur BhagatAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Combined Approach of Cryptography to Enhance the Security Using Traditional DNA and Tree Traversal Technique
Aayushi Saxena, Sushil Sharma, Lalit Mohan GuptaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Statistical Study on Phone Usage and Its’ Impacts
Ambika.S, Sunrose Shalini.SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Improved Visual Secret Sharing Scheme for Multi-Color QR Code Application
Nikita Jalkote, NishaJadhav, Ashwini Kendre, Karishma Khade, Dipali PawarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Resolving Online Video Replication and Placement Issues Using Effective Resource-Saving File Management Scheme
Suraj B. Patil, Prof. Santosh T. WaghmodeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Topology Optimization of two-stage Gearbox for All-Terrain Vehicles
Kunal Menavlikar, Snehal Wadhokar, Arbaz Shaikh, Aniruddha KulkarniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Supply Chain Management Strategies in Hospitals
Tarun Kumar Yadav, Hemant Jain, Amit Patel, Jagmohan Kurmi, Sanjay Yadav, Surendra ChakravartiAbstract PDF![]() |
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IOMT: A New Research Paradigm in IOT
Prakruti Prashant Kulkarni, Dr. S. S. Sonawane, Prashant Krishnaji KulkarniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Data Driven Crowd Management System using an Android Application
Leeza Sharma, Divya BansalAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Low Voltage Very High Impedance Current Mirror Circuit and Its Application
Priya M.K, V.K.Vanitha RugmoniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Underwater Wireless Communication Using Visible Light LEDs
C.Mahendran, K.Nandha Kumar, V.JeyamohanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Characterization of Antimicrobial Activity of Some Indian Spices
Sri Durgadevi.R, Aishwarya.NAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Encompassing Review on Hand Gesture Techniques
Humaafroz Tamboli, Ravindra ShelkikarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analysis and Assessment of Solid Waste Management through Field Approach
Hema H C, H J Surendra, Nagasahadevareddy KAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Contemporary Approach to Devise Whip-Smart Environs
S.Sheeba Jeya Sophia, G.JeyalakshmiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Performance Analysis of Single Basin Solar Distillation with Parabolic Reflector
Jitendar Kumar, Devendra Singh, Dr. Ajay Kumar SharmaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Development and Implementation of Nanodemulsifiers for the Treatment of Formation Water in the Conditions of Primary Oil Preparation is One of the Priorities Directions of Oil Field Nanotechnology
Nugmanov A.K, Dashdiyeva T.KAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review on Exhaust Gas Energy Recovery Using Steam Turbocharging
Parag BetgeriAbstract PDF![]() |
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Trivial Colouring and Non-Trivial Colouring for Graph’s Edges
M.E. HassanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Mobile Self Encryption System
Viraj Jagtap, Tushar Ingale, Vaibhav Walke, Sahil Satpute, A. S.KhandagaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Improvement of Overall Equipment Effectiveness of a Cable Factory
R.VigneshAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Smart Chatbot for Education System
Divyani Sejkar, Sheetal Jagdale, Ritu Punamiya , Pushpanjali Ghadge , Nivedita BhirudAbstract PDF![]() |
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Partitioning of Cholesterol Oxidase Produced by Streptomyces olivaceus MTCC 6820 in Different PEG-Salt-Water Aqueous Two Phase Systems
Shraddha Sahu, Kshitij Agarwal, Swati Vasisht, Shailendra Singh Shera, Rathindra Mohan BanikAbstract PDF![]() |
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Study and Review of Selective Spell Checking Approaches
Anita A. Patil, Priti R. SharmaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A New Data Transfer Datamatrix Methodology for Digital Water Marking
Sathishkumar S, Gopalakrishnan GAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analyzing Integrated Renewable Energy And Smart-Grid Systems by Using Wireless Power Transfer
E.Vijayaragini, N.SathyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Bluetooth Based Agriculture Three in One Machine
S.Senthilraja, S.Dinesh Raja, S.Sabarinathan, K.Gowtham, P.BalamuruganAbstract PDF![]() |
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RFID Based Attendance Monitoring & Power Saving System
N Ramesh, R.Prakash, P.Sivapriyan, V.Gowsick, K.B.Praveen ChandAbstract PDF![]() |
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Isolation and Characterization of Endophytic Bacteria from Aloe Vera Plant and Screening of its Antibiotic Activity
Rahul Nemani, Dr. Rupali Sinha, Shobha.M, Ajay Kumar Sahu, Shweta KumariAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Comparative Clinical Study on the Efficacy of Yastimadhu Churna and Brahmi Churna on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in School Going Children
Dr.Bhima Devi, Dr.Rakesh Sharma, Dr.Savita KatwalAbstract PDF![]() |
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Catching Packet Droppers and Modifiers in Wireless Sensor Network
Raghuram A.SAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review on Document Clustering Using a Machine Learning Framework
Sidhesh Sawalkar, Sahil Swapnil, Rajat Dave, Rudransh Sinha, Vaishali WangikarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Correlation Analysis of Variation Orders With Schedule of Works on Low Rise Building in Indonesia
Felix, Mark Setiadi, Iwan B. SantosoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Performance of Cuckoo Search Algorithm in Optimal Power Flow Problems
D.Thangaraj, S.SakthivelAbstract PDF![]() |
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Assessment of Effect on Environment due to Electronic Waste in Dhaka City
Farhana ChowdhuryAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effort / Near-Wake Correlation on a Towed Cylinder in the Presence of a Free Surface
Luc Rakotondrajaona, Eddy Rasolomanana, Cyriaque Randrianantenaina, Raphael RajaonaAbstract PDF![]() |
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FEA Analysis of Composite Leaf Spring Using Ansys
Mohammad Abid Ali Zardi, P.C. KolurAbstract PDF![]() |
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Preparation and investigation of Diesel Engine using Neem Oil
S.Sudhakar, P.Baskar, N.Sri Krishna Kumar, S.Sathish KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review Paper on ‘Stabilization of Subgrade Using Bitumen, Steel Slag and Geogrid’
Sujit M. Vaijwade, Dr. Shubhada S. KoranneAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Basic Concepts of Hyaluronic Acid and Albumin
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Minimization of Energy Consumption using modified BFO Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
Soham Walke, Gaurav Bhosale, Somesh Pawar, Sachin G.Shelke, Prof. Mr. Pramod D. GanjewarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Mood Based Emotion Based Music Player on Face Recognition System
Swapnil V Dhatrak, Ashwini G Bhange, Abhishek K Sourabh, Prof. Yogesh A HandgeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Lyapunov-type Inequality and Eigen value Analysis for a Fractional Problem of order
Nimisha PathakAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study and Performance Analysis of Sea Water Desalination using Solar Still Method
V.P.Joseph Arun Prasath, C.Jagan, A.Boominathan, M.Abineshwaran, K.MuneeshwaranAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Novel Privacy Preserving Biometric Identification Scheme in Cloud Computing
Dharani, Lakshmi Priya, NagajothiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Investigation of Sisal Fibre Concrete by Using Fly Ash
P. Sasikumar, G. Shiny PriyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Compression of Iris using Delta-Shannon Fano Source Codes
Aparna Singh, Deepak ParanjapeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design of Memory Circuits Using Reversible Logic
P.Sangeetha, M.Santhosh, A.Suji,Abstract PDF![]() |
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Design of Subthreshold Adiabatic Logic based Combinational and Sequential Circuits using Fin-FET
N. Sunmathi, G. SarigaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design of Comparator Using Reversible Logic
K.Sasikala, K.VinithaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Efficient Data Aggregation and Collection in Tree Based Wireless Sensor Networks
M.Ananthi, C.Pavithra, C.Pavithra, E.Sangeetha, MS.D.Sree ArthiAbstract PDF![]() |
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IOT based Design and Construction of a Self-Directed Cleaning Robot for National Highway Authority of India
P.Gowtham, Asheer Milton, Prabhakar.TAbstract PDF![]() |
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Overview on Internet Marketing Tools used for Website Traffic Dependence
Karunakar PothugantiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Testing of an IC Using Debugging Method
A.N. Sivadharshani M.E., C.I.Vimalarani M.E.,Abstract PDF![]() |
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Multipurpose Backpack
M.Bhuvaneshwari, S.K.Sreelegha, R.Kiruthika, S.Susikala M.E, R.Lakshmi PrabhaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Smart Platform For Gas Level Monitoring, Auto Booking and Leakage Detection
M.Deepthi, M.Tamil Elackiya, B.Jeevitha, S.Susikala, S.Mercy DeepikaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design of Subthreshold Adiabatic Logic based Combinational and Sequential Circuits using Fin-FET
N. Sunmathi, G. SarigaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design of Memory Circuits Using Reversible Logic
P.Sangeetha, M.Santhosh, A.Suji,Abstract PDF![]() |
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BER Performance of NLMS Adaptive Channel Estimation Technique for MIMO-OFDM Systems
Bipin Kumar, Prof. Sandeep ShrivastavaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Impact of Innovations in Teaching and Learning Methods for Higher Education
Shikha VermaAbstract PDF![]() |
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The Aptitude of Woman during Ancient Stories
Dr. Anita SinghAbstract PDF![]() |
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Plants in Stress Concept-A Review
Dr. Rajendra KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Origin of Strong Dielectric Response in the Pseudo-Cubic BF-0.5PFN: An X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study
Jay Prakash PatelAbstract PDF![]() |
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Generalization of the H-Function
Dr. H.M. DevraAbstract PDF![]() |
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Representation of Women Protagonists in the Novels, The Mango Season by Amulya Malladi and Goddess of Fire by Bharti Kirchner.
PRASAD. NAbstract PDF![]() |
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Practical Implications and Development of Project Risk Management Framework based on Industry 4.0 TechnologiesSakshi Sharma, Natasha DuttaIT Project Manager, Promedia Telecom Inc., San Diego, CA.Project Engineer, Online Micro Services, IndiaPDF |