International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science 2014
(ICETS 2014)

On 10th & 11th February
Organized by
Department of CIVIL, CSE, ECE, EEE,
Mechanical Engg. and S&H
Muthayammal College of Engineering
Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India
S.NO | Title and Authors | |
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An Exploratory Study on Municipal Solid Waste Management System and Energy Recovery In Tiruvallur, IndiaD.Arivukkarasu, T.S.LakshmiDepartment of Civil Engineering, GRT Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tiruttani-631209, Tiruvallur Dist, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Root Cause Analysis of Issues in Construction IndustryMr. A.Ramkumar, Prof.S.GopalakrishnanStudent M.E (CE&M), Erode builders educational trust group of institution, Kangayam – 638108, India Professor & Head, Department of civil engineering, Erode builders educational trust group of institution, Kangayam – 638108, India Abstract![]() |
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Study on the Factors Affecting The Performance Of Labours in Indian Construction IndustryB.Vijay Antony Raj and Mrs.P.S.KothaiII Year M.E., (CEM), Department of Civil Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode-638052, India Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode-638052, India Abstract![]() |
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Axial Compressive Behaviour of Slender CFST members–Analytical InvestigationK.Kalingarani, B. Shanmugavalli and Dr. M.C. SundarrajaPost Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India1 Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India2 Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India3 Abstract![]() |
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Comparative Study of Local and Migrant Labours For Productivity Enhancement in Construction FieldMr.S.S.Janagan, Prof K.ThirumalairajaStudent M.E. (CE&M), Erode Builder Educational Trust's Group of Institutions, Kangayam-638108, India Associate.Prof, Dept of Civil Engg, Erode Builder Educational Trust's Group of Institutions, Kangayam-638108, India Abstract![]() |
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Analytical Investigation on the Compressive Behaviour of CHS Tubular Columns Strengthened Using FRP CompositesV.Viveka, B. Shanmugavalli and Dr. M.C. SundarrajaPost Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India Research Scholar Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India PROFESSIONFaculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Evaluation of Safety Performance Level of Construction Firms In And Around Erode ZoneK. MouleeswaranStudent, ME – CEM, Erode Builder Educational Trust's Group of Institutions, Kangayam-638108, India Abstract![]() |
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Study of Quality Management in Construction IndustryD.AshokkumarStudent, ME – CEM, Erode Builder Educational Trust's Group of Institutions, Kangayam-638108, India Abstract![]() |
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A Study on Construction Jobsite Safety ManagementAUTHORAV.PRAVEEN KUMAR, CK.VISHNUVARDHANM.E.,II Year M.E., (CEM), Department of Civil Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode-638052, Tamilnadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode-638052, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Building Contactors' Perception Towards Renacon Aac Blocks With Reference To Erode DistrictG.AmirthagadeshwaranStudent M.E-CEM, Erode Builder Educational Trust's Group of Institutions, Kangayam-638108, India Abstract![]() |
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A Study on the Building Demand Forecasting For the Erode Town, Tamilnadu, IndiaT.R.Raghavan, Mr. T. Prateep M.E. , Mr. M. Suresh MSc. M.Phil. PGDCA.Student of Final Year- M.E (CE&M), Department of Civil Engineering,, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of management studies, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Project Performance Evaluation By Earned Value MethodAntony Prasanth M A, K Thirumalai RajaDepartment of Civil Engineering, EBETi Kangayam, Thirupur Dist, Thamilnadu, Anna University Chennai Associate professor, EBETi Kangayam, Thirupur Dist, Thamilnadu, Anna University Chennai Abstract![]() |
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Ontology EvolutionArivarasan SAssistant Professor, Department Of Information Technology, Tagore Engineering College, Chennai Abstract![]() |
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Mobile Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Bounded Relay HopMs. PRABHA. N, Mr. ASHWIN.M, M.E (PhD)M.E, Department of CSE, Adhiyamaan college of engineering, Krishnagiri,Tamil nadu ,India. Professor, Department of CSE, Adhiyamaan college of engineering, Krishnagiri,Tamil nadu ,India. Abstract![]() |
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An Efficient method to improving performance on long range in Distributed Hybrid Wireless NetworksG.Sindhuja, R.Supriya, B.Gowri, S.KalaivaniFinal Year, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Manakula Vinayagar Institute Of Technology, PuducherryAssistant Professor, Manakula Vinayagar Institute Of Technology, Puducherry Abstract![]() |
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Study on Private CloudDivya pradha.N, Mr.G.R.AnanthaRaman,M.E.,(Ph.D)PG Scholar, Computer Science and Engineering, Adhiyamaan college of Engineering, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India Assistant profesor, Computer Science and Engineering, Adhiyamaan college of Engineering, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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An Effective Scheme of Identifying and Allocating Resources for Transactions in Windows AzureS. Akshaya, G. Sekar M.E.,M.E Computer Science & Engineering, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, Tamilnadu, India Assistant Professor (CSE), Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Analysis of Various Attacks and Prevention of Dos Attack in P2PSIP NetworksPooja Nandu, Narendra ShekokerDepartment Computer Enginerring, D.J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai-400097, India Department Computer Enginerring, D.J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai-400097, India Abstract![]() |
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Detecting MAC Layer Misbehavior in Wifi Networks By Co-ordinated Sampling of Network MonitoringM.Shanthi, S.SureshDept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Adhiyamaan college of Engineering, Hosur, India Abstract![]() |
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Autonomous Management of Context for Location Based ServicesMiss.Riya Mendhe, Miss.Purnima Soni, Mr.R.C.DharmikDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, R.T.M.N.U University, Nagpur, India PROFESSION Abstract![]() |
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Dual Transform Color Image Steganography MethodPrabakaran G, Dr. Bhavani R, Sankaran SAsst Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India PG Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Personalized Ontology Based on Consumer Emotion and Behavior AnalysisSaranya.R, Sathya.R, Umaiyal.R.M, Kanmani.PFinal year students, BE-Computer Science and Engineering, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Assistant Professor, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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An Authenticated Neighbour Location In Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksS. Bhuvaneswari P. SivakamasundariM.E Computer Science & Engineering, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, India Assistant Professor, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, India Abstract![]() |
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Novel Approach for Image Decomposition from Multiple ViewsP.Dineshkumar, R.Kamalakannan, V.RajakumareswaranPG Student, II – ME CSE, K S R Institute for Engineering and Technology, India PG Student, II – ME (COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS), Department of ECE, Mahendra Engineering College, India Abstract![]() |
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Top K Pruning Approach to String TransformationA. Meenahkumary, V. Manjula, B. Divyabarathi, V. NirmalaStudent, Department of CSE, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry, India Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry Abstract![]() |
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Motion Detection In Real-Time Video Surveillance With Movement Frame Capture And Auto RecordT.Deepika, Dr.P.Srinivasa BabuPG Student, Dept of CSE, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur, India Professor, Dept of CSE, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur, India Abstract![]() |
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Analysis of Integrity Checking Schemes in Cloud ComputingS.Ramila, R.MaheswariII-M.E, Department of CSE, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu, India Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Detecting And Eliminating Fraudulence Using Cloud StorageV. Kalaiarasi, R. Gugapriya @ Saruga, K. Nirmaladevi, Mr. P. AnandhajayamFinal Year, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry Abstract![]() |
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An Efficient approach to maintain and protect Human Health Based on Fall Detection AlgorithmDeepika.P, Saranya.A.R, Shruthi.G, Udayakumar.S.MAssistant Professor, Dept of CSE, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Final year students, Dept of CSE, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Improving Cache Consistency with Minimal Network Contention and Cache Replication in Server Based MANETBibiana Jenifer. J, Manikandan .MPG SCHOLAR, Dept of CSE, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu India Abstract![]() |
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Optimal Sleep Schedule And Directional Target Prediction In Wireless Sensor NetworksK.Ramesh, Dr. K.Somasundaram, E.JothimaniAssociate Professor, Information Technology, Nandha Engineering College, Erode, India. PG Scholar, Computer Science Engineering, Nandha Engineering College, Erode, India. Abstract![]() |
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Implementation of Mining Algorithms for Improving Efficiencies in Product Session DataNikhil Gaikwad, Gaurav Chavan, Twinkle Samal, Avinash SonuleB.E Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.C.Patil College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, India Abstract![]() |
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A Secure Approach with Physical Layer Encryption in MANETC. Suhashini, S. SivakumarDepartment of CSE, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Reversible Watermarking Based on Encryption Image Classification and Dynamic Color TechniquesMr.J.Nagaraj Jaya Sridhar, Mr. K.MoorthiM.E. Computer science Dept., Adhipaprasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, Chennai, India Assistant professor, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, Chennai, India Abstract![]() |
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Ensuring Secure and Timely Availability of Reputation Data in Peer To Peer NetworksS.Saranya, K.Kiruthika DeviP.G Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu Abstract![]() |
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Common Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness SegmentationL. Ashok Kumar, K.Karthika, S.Kavitha, T. Vinoth KrishnanAssociate professor, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Final year students, B.E- CSE, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Privacy Preserving Data Analysis TechniqueG.Monika, R.Saraswathi, K.Sujitha, Mrs.M.VaralakshmiStudent, Department of CSE, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry, India Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry, India Abstract![]() |
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A Secure Data Distribution and JAR Authentication in Cloud Storage SystemsMr.PREMKUMAR.M.G, Mr. K.SUDHAKAR, Ms.R.MENAKAIV SEM,M.E CSE ,Department of CSE, Sengunthar College Of Engineering, Trichengode, India Assistant prof , Department of CSE, Sengunthar College Of Engineering, Trichengode, India Assistant prof. [Sl.Gr], Department of IT, Velalar College Of Engineering And Tech, Erode, India Abstract![]() |
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A Review on Routing Protocols for In-Network Aggregation in Wireless Sensor NetworksP.THIRUMOORTHY, DR.N.K.KARTHIKEYAN, S.SUDHA, B.MANIMEGALAIAssociate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Nandha College of Technology Professor and Head, Department of Information Technology, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology Coimbatore, Tamilnadu P.G Scholars, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu Abstract![]() |
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Vehicle Speed Estimation Using Headlight Trajectory Information in Night TimeCindia V Anand, V. JananiDept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of engineering, Krishnagiri, Tamil nadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Secure Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for Cloud storageSathiskumar R, Dr.Jeberson RetnarajDepartment of Information Technology, Sathyabama University, Chennai, India Department of Information Technology, Sathyabama University, Chennai, India Abstract![]() |
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Region Based Image Retrieval using k-means and Hierarchical Clustering AlgorithmsDr. K.Sakthivel, R.Abinaya, I.Nivetha, R.Arun KumarFinal Year Students, B.E- CSE, K.S.Rangasamy College Of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Professor, B.E- CSE, K.S.Rangasamy College Of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Secured Aggregation Based on Learning Procedure in Wireless Sensor NetworksK.Sudha, P. Divya Bala, D.Lavanya, S.GajalakshmiAssistant Professor, CSE, Christ College of Engineering and Technology, Puducherry, India. Final year Student, CSE, Christ College of Engineering and Technology, Puducherry, India Abstract![]() |
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Preserve Privacy Data Using Stile MethodsP.Nithya and M.Lakshmi prabhaStudent, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India Assosiate Professor, Department of CSE, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India Abstract![]() |
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Providing Access Permissions to Legitimate Users by Using Attribute Based Encryption Techniques In CloudR.Udhayakumar, M. Jawahar , I.RamasamyPG Student, Dept. Of CSE,KSR Institute For Engineering And Technology, Tiruchengode, India Asst. Prof., KSR Institute For Engineering And Technology, Tiruchengode, India PG Student, Dept. Of CSE, Fatima Michael College of Engineering and Technology, India Abstract![]() |
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Texture and Shape Content Based MRI Image Retrieval SystemN. Kumaran , Dr. R. BhavaniDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India Abstract![]() |
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A Novel Key Distribution Scheme for Efficient Group Communication in MANETG. Babu, R. Balamurugan M.EM.E Computer Science & Engineering, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, India Assistant Professor, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, India Abstract![]() |
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Efficient Certificate Revocation of Attacker nodes using CCRVC in Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksV. Kalaivani , M. AshwinDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Adhiyamaan college of Engineering, Hosur, India Abstract![]() |
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Malicious Node Detection in MANETSujitha.R, Dr.Thilagavathy.DPG scholar, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Adhiyamaan engineering college, Hosur, India Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Adhiyamaan engineering college, Hosur, India Abstract![]() |