Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2018
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Evaluation of Teaching Factory Program at Industrial Vocational High School
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Analysis of Mall - Hotel Development Investment in Yogyakarta Caused by Project Delay
Hananto Wibowo, Mark Setiadi, Iwan B. SantosoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Impact of Environment Planning On Rural Development in Telangana
Farqad Alaa Hwaidi, Dr. P. Brahmaji RaoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Implementation of Solar-To-Fuel Conversions in Achieving Performance by Nanotechnology
Farooq Adil Easa Al-Musawi, Dr. G. GiridharAbstract PDF![]() |
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Isolation of Microbes from Polluted Soil and Water Samples to Evaluate the Bioremediation Activity on Chromium
Hussein Oleiwi Anber, Dr. Pandu Brahmaji RaoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Isolation of Melanin Pigment Producing Bacteria from Marine Water and Study of Photoprotective Role of the Pigment
Shoumita Chakrabarty, Shweta PatelAbstract PDF![]() |
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Security and Privacy Issues in Vehicle Ad Hoc Network
Sandeep Maan, Pooja RaniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Power Oscillation Damping of Multi-Area Power System Using SSSC
Vinod S. Tejwani, Hitesh B. Kapadiya, Dipak. G. ParmarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Simulation of 100kw Grid Connected Solar PV System Using MATLAB/Simulink
V. Venkata Swathi, G.Chandra Sekhar, P.V.V.Pawan kumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Phase Transition Temperatures Through Statistical Parameters By Image Analysis On Py14BA:nFA Mesogens
Ch. Kamalakar, C. J. Sreelatha, D.M. Potukuchi, S. Sreehari SastryAbstract PDF![]() |
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Phytochemical Evaluation and Anti Diabetic Effect of Cissus quadrangularis
G.V.Sasi Rekha , Dr. P.T.DevikaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Recent Advances on Desalination Technologies
Abdulkarim MayereAbstract PDF![]() |
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Risk Analysis of Apartment Project Development
Andri Tanzil, Mark Setiadi, Iwan B. SantosoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Semi-automation of Fitting Electric Motor into a Fuel Dispenser
Karthick L, Giri Haran S, Arun B, Gughan R P, Jeevanandham BAbstract PDF![]() |
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Comparative Degradation of Aspirin
Dr S. V. Khedkar, Dr. N.W. IngoleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Desulphurisation of Kerosene by Adsorption Process
Dr S.V.Khedkar, Dr. P.V.Thorat, Rushabh RaipureAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on Excess Dielectric Constant of Human Erythrocytes through a Novel Technique of Dielectrophoresis
Mohammed Abdul Razack Maniyar, Dr. Mohd Khalid Mubashir Uz ZafarAbstract PDF![]() |
18. |
India’s Act East Policy: the North-East States of India with 3 C’s Formula
Ashok BrahmaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Impact of Changing Consumer Behavior on the Growth of Supermarkets
Rashi AgarwalAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study on Improvement of the Properties of Biomass Fuel through Briquetting Technique
Akkhiraj Borah, Anirban Chakraborty , Dr. Dimbendra Kumar MahantaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Impact of Progressive Web Apps on Web App Development
Sayali Sunil Tandel , Abhishek JamadarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design & Analysis of LPG Gas Kit for a Dual Fuel Bike
Abhaykant Sinha, Reshma SinhaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Artificial Intelligence Based Power Quality Monitoring and Improvement System Using NI LabView
Monika MitterAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analytical Study and Optimization of Connecting Rod by ANSYS of Bajaj XCD-135
Sahil Sharma, Er. Manjeet SinghAbstract PDF![]() |
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Seismic Design and Performance Criteria for Hydraulic Structure
Azhar HusainAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Overview of Earthquakes and Dams in India
Azhar HusainAbstract PDF![]() |
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Cost reduction of Solar Cell using Modified Metallisation Pattern
Hardip ShahAbstract PDF![]() |
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Structured Compressive Sensing Aided Data Detection for SM-OFDM
Dipali Vijaykar, Prof. S.B.MuleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Construction a Walking Robot Using Theo Jansen Robot
Dr.Wadah Jasim, Duha Kareem, Esraa Ali, Wurood FadhilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Trustworthy Routing Protocol for WSN
M Swathi Mithran Sushama, C.SuryawanshiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analysis of Optimal Selection of Machining Parameters in CNC Turning Process on MRR and Surface Roughness of Al Using Taguchi Method
B D Sawant, G A Bhosale, M R Desai, P S Dhavan, V B DoifodeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Reliability Analysis of Multi-Storey Building with Floating Column for Long Span
Kuldeep Dubey, Dr. Rakesh PatelAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Production of an Electrical Resistivimeter
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The Successful Application of Nanotechnology in the Primary Preparation of Oil
Nugmanov A.K, Dashdiyeva T.KAbstract PDF![]() |
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The Curriculum of the Private Architectural Education between Theory and Application
Mohammed Zakaria GhareebAbstract PDF![]() |
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Risk Assessment in Turnkey Contracts and Its Impacts on Construction Project in Egypt
Mohammed Zakaria GhareebAbstract PDF![]() |
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Garbage Level Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi
Omkar Pathak, Akash Nalawade, Chinmaya Kaundanya, Sanket ParodeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Poisonous Plants which are List in Siddha Medicine – A Literature Review
Dr. M. Siva, Dr. A. Rajarajeshwari, Dr. M. ThiruthaniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Prevalence of Athithoola Noi [Obesity] among the Broiler Chicken users in two wards, Palayamkottai in Tirunelveli[dt].
Dr. P. Suriya, Dr. A. Rajarajeswari, Prof. Dr. M. ThiruthaniAbstract PDF![]() |
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X-band Power Amplifier using pHEMT GaAs Technology with Harmonic Tuning
Jyoti Malik, Ketan Gupta, Renuka WekhandeAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review on Fatigue Failure in Marine and Naval Applications
Addetla Girish Kumar , Gunda Sowmya, Vamshi Kadali, Renuka NethiAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review on Impact of Notch Length on Fatigue Life of Metals
Vamshi Kadali, S. Ramakrishna, Addetla Girish Kumar, Naresh MamidiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Dynamic and Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Social Internet of Things and Cognitive Radio
Sanjay Kumar Pawar , Anshul Awasthi , Manish GurjarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Wireless Sensor Networks: Routing Protocols on Challenging and Security Issues
P Chitralingappa, Dr. V Raghunatha ReddyAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review on the Impact of Surface Coatings on Fatigue Life of Welded Joints
S.Pavan Kumar, P. Sampath Kumar, Vamshi Kadali, Addetla Girish KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on the Problems in Theoretical Physics
R. SashikanthAbstract PDF![]() |
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COOKPAD: KNN based Recipe Retrieval using Ingredient Recognition
Gangothri R. Sanil, Anusha Anchan, Vijetha Achar, Kavya HegdeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Failure Study of a Water Boiler Tube in a District Heating System to Generate Power
Jayendra Singh DawerAbstract PDF![]() |
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The Study of Effectiveness in Using Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Planning Phase in an Industrial Building
Heri Wijayanto, Jason LimAbstract PDF![]() |
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Energy Analysis of a Prototype of Power Generating Unit Using Sliding Plates
Piyush Jasooja, Harish Chhatija, Manish KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Blast Furnace Tap Hole Closing By Using Emergency Mudgun System
Swaroop, Mayur D pawarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Review Paper on Concept of Antilock Braking System (ABS)
Saurabh.S.Murkute, Shinu Philipose, Anmol.M.Arora, Jitendra.D.Patil, Ketul.V.Chauhan, Yogendra.R.Borje, Abhishek.A.DahakeAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Library Services as relates to Quality of Learning and Teaching; A Case Study of Pwani University, Kenya
Moses Isutsa Richard ShilecheAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Surface Roughness on Fatigue Life of Al 6160 Alloy
Gopini Akula, V.V. Satyanarayana, Addetla Girish Kumar, Vamshi KadaliAbstract PDF![]() |
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Survey with Design & Development of Mathematical Modelling for Ash brick Production Hydrualic Machine
Dr. Mahendra S. Dhande, Dr. R. L. Himte , Dr. V. M. Nanoti, Dr. J. P. ModakAbstract PDF![]() |
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Toxicity of Textile Dyeing Effluent on Ethological Changes in the Common Carp Cyprinus Carpio
Dhanalakshmi.G , Reniprabha, D.Chitra, M.SwarnalathaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Movie Recommendation with User Interest in Social Network
Santosh Dange, Prof. V. M. LomteAbstract PDF![]() |
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Studies on the Antidyslipidemic and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Swertiamarin, a Major Secoiridoid Glycoside of E. Littorale Leaves Studied in High Fat Diet Fed-Low Dose Streptozotocin Induced Experimental Diabetes in Rats
R. Selvam, K. Muruganantham, S. SubramanianAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design, Analysis and Behavioural Assessment of Hydraulic Braking System
Viraj S. Shah, Abhilash R. Chopade, Swapnil BalpandeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Vibration Analysis of Single Point Cutting Tool on Lathe Machine by Using FFT Analyzer
Prof. A. M. Patil, Pooja I. Patil, Trupti Patil, Shreya SonmaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Evaluation of Black Olive oil as Water Repellent Admixture in Concrete
Ogbo E. Happiness, Onuegbu.O. Ugwu, Tarzomon. T. ThaddeusAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Design of Collection and Separation of Cashew Fruit Machine
Prof. S A Wani, Teja Gavhane , Megha Lohar , Pratik Shinde , Sandip Thange , Omkar VichareAbstract PDF![]() |
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Optimisation of the Boom of an Excavator
Pinak Padman , Sharayu Battuwar, Karthik Kini, Aishwarya KulkarniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Supplementation of Ragi Cookies among Under Nourished Preschool Children in Primary Schools at Chennai
D.Anitha, Dr.N.PrabhavathydeviAbstract PDF![]() |
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Polyhouse Predictions on Meteorological Parameters Using Time Series Analysis and Precision Agriculture through CLOUD & FOG Interfaces
Prof M. Surendra Prasad Babu, Prof. Li WenZheng, M. Sneha Deepika, B.SravaniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Staff Planning Observation of Pt ABC Contractor from the Cost Side towards Project Characteristics
Pungkas Priastama, Jason Lim, Onnyxiforus GondokusumoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Removal of Nickel from Simulated Wastewater Using Tea waste as a Natural Adsorbent
Shwetha K C, Dr. S G JoshiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Evaluation of Lead Content in Paints and Contaminated Soils by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Hadi Muhammed T, Harikrishna N.K, Ismail A.C, Suma KAbstract PDF![]() |
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Dual Sprocket in Two Wheeler (Theoretical and Experimental Studies)
R. ShanmugavelanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Emotional Intelligence and Academic Anxiety of Trainee Teachers of CTEs of Odisha
Sarbani Sankar PanigrahiAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review on Design of Microcontroller Based PMU With or Without GPS System
Himani K. Bundele, Pankaj BhakareAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design of Discrete Hartley Transform using Parallel and Partition Multiplier Method
Shikha Pandey, Hema SinghAbstract PDF![]() |
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Review Paper on Segmentation of Color Image using Morphological Processing
Komal Jain, Prof. Anshul Awasthi, Dr. Manish GurjarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Prediction of Heart Diseases on the basis of the Cleveland Database
Dr. Kalpana ChansoriaAbstract PDF![]() |
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MSMEs in Building ATMA Nirbhar Bharat: Issues and Challenges
Dr. Manju GuptaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Teacher’s Perspective in the Context of Environmental Education
Shikha VermaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Organic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Simla Mirch
Dr. Rashmi Singh, Dr. PK Singh, Dr. NK SinghAbstract PDF![]() |
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The Pioneer of Revolution 'Makhanlal Chaturvedi'
S. Shafi Haider AmilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Arsenic Poisoning on Human Health
Dr. Agha Parvez Masih, Dr. Syed Sadiq AbbasAbstract PDF![]() |
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Cashless Economy: the Impact of Demonetization on Small and Medium Business
Mamta BaylaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Dr. Shilpi Deep MathurAbstract PDF![]() |