Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2015
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Environmental Vulnerability Evaluation in Basra Province based on Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Mushtak T. Jabbar, Ammar S. DawoodAbstract PDF![]() |
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Network Visualization: Application to Wireless Network
Emerole Kelechi , Imhomoh Linus, Iwuamadi ObiomaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Assessment of People's Knowledge and Perception on Climate Change: a Case Study of Asunafo North District, Ghana
Prince Twum Barimah, Samuel Osei Kwadwo, Oppong DavidAbstract PDF![]() |
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Evaluation of an Airport Terminal Building for Developing a Measurement of Passenger Satisfaction Standard in Turkey
Hasan Ş. Haştemoğlu , İlker ErkanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Sawdust Wood on Physical Properties of Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (RPET)
M.F.AL- Obaidi, I.A.AL-AjajAbstract PDF![]() |
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The Environmental Impacts of Fabrication Process; Methods, Equipment and Materials
Jeffrey M Molavi, Peter K NdunguAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study of Flow Characteristic at Horizontal Mini Channel
Othman Ashafai Othman Atpoly, Budi Santoso, Dwi Aries, Ammar Mufrih, Latif Ngudi WibawantoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Waste Water Characterization of Alfred Akawe Torkula Hostel, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
V.D Chia, S.O. Enokela, J.T LibertyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Evaluation of Effect of In-Wheel Electric Motors Mass on the Active Suspension System Performance Using Linear Quadratic Regulator Control Method
Abdussalam Ali Ahmed Omar, Başar ÖzkanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Ab Initio Investigation of Physicochemical, Thermodynamical and Spectroscopic Characteristics of Hydantoin Structures
Mohammad Ghorbanifaraz, Ahmad JafariAbstract PDF![]() |
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Regression Based Crowd Density Estimation
AR.Arunachalam, Dr. Robert MasilamaniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Computation of Problems Involving in Linear Programming
Dr.P.Sumathi, K.Yuvarekha, V.NandhakumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Lucky Edge Labeling of Certain Graphs
A. AishwaryaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Forward Kinematic Analysis, Simulation & Workspace Tracing of Anthropomorphic Robot Manipulator By Using MSC. ADAMS
Amit L Talli , B. B. KotturshettarAbstract PDF![]() |
14A. |
Time of Single Stage Boost Inverter with Coupled Inductor Fed by a Fuel Cell
Dr.M.Balasubba ReddyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Determination of Thermo Optical Parameters Using Image Analysis Technique in nBA: 7HB Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystals
S. Sreehari Sastry, K. Lakshmi Sarada, K. Mallika, L. Tanuj Kumar, Ha Sie TiongAbstract PDF![]() |
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Vision Based Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Pipeline Tracking
Manikandan. G, Sridevi. S, Dhanasekar. JAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding the Benefits of Outdoor Play Among School Going Children in Selected School of Bhilai, Chhattisgarh
Ariya .S. Kurup, Prof. V. HemavathyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Behaviour of Concrete on Replacement of Sand with Quaries Stone Dust as Fine Aggregate
A. Suribabu, Dr U.Rangaraju, Dr.M. Ravindra KrishnaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Study on the Properties of Concrete Incorporated With Various Mineral Admixtures – Limestone Powder and Marble Powder (Review Paper)
C.Dhanalaxmi, Dr.K.NirmalkumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study on Special Concrete by Replacement of Aggregates with 'Quarry Dust' and 'Broken Glass'
J.Gopi Krishna , J.R.ThirumalAbstract PDF![]() |
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Modeling and Simulation of Solar PV Module on MATLAB/Simulink
Ami Shukla, Manju Khare, K N ShuklaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on the Employees Perception towards Safety Program at Scudder Memorial Hospital, Vellore
A.Asha Christina, Prof. V. HemavathyAbstract PDF![]() |
22. |
The Efficient Energy Aware Routing and Data Aggregation in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Network
Kiruthika.A, Sugandhi.NAbstract PDF![]() |
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Abel-Type Method of Summability in Non-Archimedean Fields
R.DeepaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Electron Beam Irradiation of Nylon 66: Characterization by IR Spectroscopy and Viscosity Studies
Nilay Kanti Pramanik, M.Sarwar Alam, Rakesh Kumar KhandalAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analysis of Exhaust Emission, and Performance Characteristics of Single Cylinder CI Engine Fuelled With Palm Oil and CNG
Mahesh M.Patil, Dr.R.R.ArakerimathAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study of Recycled Aggregate Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Fly Ash
K.Sathish Kumar,S.Dilli BabuAbstract PDF![]() |
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Gears of Job Satisfaction among Star Hotel Employees
Kiruthiga.V, Dr.R.MageshAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Staging Height on the Seismic Performance of RC Elevated Water Tank
Bojja.Devadanam , M K MV Ratnam , Dr.U RangaRajuAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Discrete Model of Three Species Prey-Predator System
A.George Maria Selvam, R.Janagaraj, P. RathinavelAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effectiveness on Prevention of Road Traffic Accidents among School Going Children
V.J.Bini Paul, Prof. V. HemavathyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Analysis of E-Glass/Epoxy Composite Monoleaf Spring for Light Vehicle
SushilB.Chopade, Prof.K.M.Narkar, Pratik K SatavAbstract PDF![]() |
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Composite Section Design for Minimum Weight in Structural Application
Devendra B. Sonawane, Prof. R. N. Garad, Pratik SatavAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Approach in Improving Performance of Efficient Data Dynamics in STaaS using FMT
George Fernandez. I, S.Vinoth LakshmiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Young Workforce-Emerging Challenges and Actions in India
Srinivas Yadav Dadaboina, Babu TejavathAbstract PDF![]() |
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Steady State Stability Analysis of a CSI Fed Synchronous Motor Drive System with Damper Windings Included using ANFIS
Srikant Prasad, Manoj Kumar Jha, M. F. Qureshi,Abstract PDF![]() |
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Fuzzy logic based Analysis of Steady State Stability of a CSI Fed Synchronous Motor Drive System with Damper Windings Included
Srikant Prasad, Manoj Kumar Jha, Qureshi M. F.,Abstract PDF![]() |
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Artificial Intelligence Based Fault Diagnosis of Power Transformer-A Probabilistic Neural Network and Interval Type-2 Support Vector Machine Approach
Nisha Barle, Manoj Kumar Jha, M. F. QureshiAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on Pre Engineered Steel Building Structures
J.Jayavelmurugan, J.R.Thirumal, Padmanabhan haridasAbstract PDF![]() |
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Dissolved Gas Analysis of Power Transformer using AUROCC-based Genetic Fuzzy SVM Fusion model
Nisha Barle, Rama Sarojinee, Manoj Kumar JhaAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Ethnobotanical Study of Plains of Yamuna Nagar District, Haryana, India
Parul, B.D.VashisthaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Problems Based On Rational and Irrational Numbers in Real Number System
M. Somasundari, K. JanakiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Kinetics of Oxidation of Aromatic Anil by Pyridinium Dichromate – Study of the Effects Oxidants, Substrate, Solvent and Perchloric Acid
G.Mathubala , R.Kalpana DeviAbstract PDF![]() |
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Study of Water Quality Status of Sai River in Uttar-Pradesh With Reference to Water Quality Index Assessment
Vineeta Kumari, Girdhari Lal ChaurasiaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Common Fixed Point Theorem Governed by Implicit Relation and Property (E. A.)
G. P. S. Rathore, Bijendra Singh, Kirty ChauhanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Influence of Powder Composition & Morphology on Green Density for Powder Metallurgy Processes
Suresh K.R, Mahendran S, M.S.Krupashankara, Avinash LAbstract PDF![]() |
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Carbon Liquification Process Using Nanotechnology
M.Deepa, G. VasumathiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Influence of Chemical Reaction, Heat Source, Soret and Dufour Effects on Heat And Mass Transfer in Boundary Layer Flow Over a Stretching Cylinder Embedded in a Porous Medium using Brinkman-Forchheimer Extended Darcy Model
Bishwa Ram Sharma, Animesh AichAbstract PDF![]() |
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Object Tracking using Association Rule in Clutter Environment
P.P.Halkarnikar, S.N.Talbar, P.N.VasambekarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Environmental Status Assessment of Guruvayur Temple Precincts in Kerala, India
Govind M.P., Yogesh KeskarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Three Dimensional Fluctuating Slip Couette Flow with Heat Transfer through A Porous Channel
K.Sumathi, T.ArunachalamAbstract PDF![]() |
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Long-term Web Prefetching Algorithms: A Comparative Study
C.Anuradha, Sundararajan.M, Arulselvi SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Influence of Various Glass Compositions on Physical and Spectroscopic Properties of Cao-Pb3O4-Zno-P2O5 Glass System
S. Sreehari Sastry , B. Rupa Venkateswara RaoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Analysis of Channel Assignment Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 WLAN Network Performance Enhancements
Ram Krishan , Dr. Vijay LaxmiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Investigation into the Causes of Pulsation of Flow of Hydraulic Pumps and Its Effects
B. J.Patil , Dr. V. B.SondurAbstract PDF![]() |
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Modelling Architecture for Multimedia Data Warehouse
Mital Vora , Jelam Vora , Dr. N. N. JaniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Enhancing Security using Location of Mobile Users
Aniruddha S. Raut, Harshraj N. Shinde, Shubham R. Vidhale, Rohit V. Sawant, Vijay A. KotkarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Overall Productivity Improvement in Casting Industry by Using Various Industrial Engineering Techniques
Mayank Dev Singh, Swati Singh, Derasari Keyur, Soni Saumil, Patel Niki, Panchal HarshalAbstract PDF![]() |
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Hand Talk: Intelligent Sign Language Recognition for Deaf and Dumb
S.Philomina , M.JasminAbstract PDF![]() |
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RF Based Automatic Vehicle Speed Limiter by Controlling Throttle Valve
Saivignesh H , Mohamed Shimil M , Nagaraj M, Dr.Sharmila B, Nagaraja pandian MAbstract PDF![]() |
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Performance Comparison of Wallace Multiplier Architectures
I. Hussain, R. K. Sah, M. kumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Mesoporous Zr-MCM-41 and Ti-MCM-41 as Solid Oxidation Catalysts in the synthesis of Epichlorohydrin
Shrinivas Ghodke, Rajesh Patel, Uma ChudasamaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Combustion in Compression Ignition Engine Using CFD
Avinash Patidar, N.K.SagarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Cluster Based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
S. Gopikrishnan, R.Janani, D.Shyam PrakashAbstract PDF![]() |
63A. |
Treatment of Industrial Waste Water Using Low Cost Abosrbents
Sidhardhan. S , Naufal Rizwan P., Anupriya Jeyaseelan, Shanmugapriya S.A.T ,Jansi Sheela.SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Density of States of an Electron Gas in Lower Dimensions
C.Radhika, R..SuganyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analytic-Synthetic Processing Of Information as Smart-Based Environment for Text Summarization
Boumedyen Shannaq , Richmond AdebiayeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design of VFD Drive for a 3-Phase Induction Motor
M.DeepaAbstract PDF![]() |
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In Vitro Flowering and Rapid Propagation of Physalis Minima Linn. - A Medicinal Plant
E.Sheeba, S.Palanivel, S.ParvathiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Simulation of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna
Trupti Ingale, A.A.Trikolikar, Gunjan Rathore, P.C.LataneAbstract PDF![]() |
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Methods of Signal Processing Applied to Gyrokinetic Simulations
UMA G. KARTHAAbstract PDF![]() |
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Evaluation of HVS Based Image Enhancement Technique for Noisy Images
P.R.Pawar, Dr. V.V.PatilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Fabrication of Anti-Theft Steering System with Vehicle Accident Information System through SMS
Marshanlang Kharpran , C.Jagadeesh Vikram, C.Coomarasamy, Chamewan lakiang, Daman Ha-oo Lipon Hamarbabiang Dkhar, Naveenchandran.PAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design Parameters of Different Configurationof Optical Filters Made up of MgF2 and Ta2O5
M S Patil, S K Omanwar, S GargAbstract PDF![]() |
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Stress Analysis of Perforated Tube Sheet Used for Pressure Vessel having Square Pitch Hole Pattern
R. D. Patil, Dr. Bimlesh KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Efficient Weighing Algorithm for Information Retrieval in Unstructured P2P Networks
AR.Arunachalam, Sundararajan.M, Arulselvi SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analysis and Improvement of Quality in Wet Grinder Manufacturing Industry Through Customer Complaint Investigation
L.Initha, J.Jegan, R.KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analysis of Surface Properties of Al2O3 Coating over Mild Steel Using Plasma Spray Process
I Arul raj, S RamachandranAbstract PDF![]() |
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Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy for Emergency Caesarean Section: Anaesthetic Management
Dr. Anisha Nagaria, Dr. Deepika Shukla, Dr. Jayshree VaswaniAbstract PDF![]() |
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The Probability of Predicting E-Customer's Buying Pattern Based on Personality Type
Atefeh Danesh Moghadam, Ali Jandaghi, Seyed Omid SafaviAbstract PDF![]() |
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Development and Evaluation of Fracture Characteristics and Microstructure Analysis of Al6061 Reinforced with TiB2
Lakshmana H K, Vinutha P, Mohan Kumar GAbstract PDF![]() |
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Generation of Pulsed Fe Plasma and Study of Its Physical Parameters
Naseer M. Hadi , Sabah H. Sabeeh, Mustafa M. R. SabhanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Low-Cost Phonocardiogram Board with Graphic LCD, Solar Panel and Embedded Heart Sound Analyser
André Rodrigue Tchamda, Robert Tchitnga, François Béceau Pelap, Martin KomAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Evaluation of "Security Services" schemes For IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN's Using Qualnet
Richa Gupta, Hamid Ali, munendra kumar das, Shalini ChaudharyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Soil Moisture Sensor Design for Crop Management System by Using Cellular Communication
B.Vamsi Krishna , K.PriyankaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on Portfolio Management through Mutual Fund
KC. Narayana, Dr. M. GanesanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Synthesis and Characterization and Biological Activities of Hydrazones
K. Kamalaker Reddy, Sayaji Rao, Biyyala Sreedhar RaoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Implementing Multiprime RSA Algorithm to Enhance the Data Security in Cloud Computing
Suganya .N, N.Boopal M.E , Naveena .MAbstract PDF![]() |
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Forecasting Diseases by Classification and Clustering Techniques
Nikita Ghiya, Samruddhi Godbole, Pooja Hol, Gayatri Deortare, Madhuri ChavanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Social Condition during Mauryan Empire
Dr Shabir Rasool Goroo, Dr Zulfqar Ashraf waniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Passive Elimination of Static Electricity In Oil Industry
Mićo GaćanovićAbstract PDF![]() |
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The Bacterial Flora of Wounds Suffered By Diabetic Patients in Guyana
Reshma Persaud, Kumar Sukhraj, Abdullah Ansari, Raihaana AliAbstract PDF![]() |
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Hadoop: A Challenging Approach to Mine Big Data
D.Kerana Hanirex , Dr.K.P.KaliyamurthieAbstract PDF![]() |
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Further More Investigations on Methods Developed For Database Security
R.S.Venkatesh, P.K.Reejeesh, Prof.S.Balamurugan, S.CharanyaaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Further Investigations on Strategies Developed For Efficient Discovery of Matching Dependencies
R.Santhya, S.Latha, Prof.S.Balamurugan, S.CharanyaaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Spectrum Utilization in an Efficient Manner Using Overlay and Underlay of Cognitive Radio
S.Kumaravel, M.Appadurai, A.BakiyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Further More Investigations on Evolution of Approaches and Methodologies for Securing Computational Grids
R.S.Venkatesh, P.K.Reejeesh, Prof.S.Balamurugan, S.CharanyaaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Certain Investigations on Security Issues and Resolving Strategies in Cloud Computing
K.Deepika, N.Naveen Prasad, Prof.S.Balamurugan, S.CharanyaaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Investigation on LPG as Alternative Fuel for Two Wheelers
Jayendra Singh DawerLecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Polytechnic College, Nowgaon (M.P), IndiaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Certain Investigations on Evolution of Approaches for Securing Computational Grids
R.S.Venkatesh, P.K.Reejeesh, Prof.S.Balamurugan, S.CharanyaaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Investigations on Decentralized Access Control Strategies for Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored In Clouds
J.Ganeshkumar, N.Rajesh, J.Elavarasan, Prof.M.Sarmila, Prof.S.BalamuruganAbstract PDF![]() |
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A New Hybrid Wavelet Based Approach for Image Fusion
Gagandeep kaur , Anand Kumar MittalAbstract PDF![]() |
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Satisfaction & Brand Loyalty towards Bath Soaps: A Study of Consumers in Chennai
S. Dhanalakshmi , Dr. M. GanesanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Lithology of Copper Sediment-Hosted Zhezkazgan Deposit
Baibatsha Adilkhan, Bekbotayeva Alma, Mushinsky AndjeyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Recycled Coarse Aggregate on Concrete Properties
Fathei Ramadan salehlamein, Mochamad .Solikin , Ir.sriSunarjonoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Synthesis and Characterization of Pharmaceutical Salt of Prulifloxacin
Raghuram Morampudi , Mohammad Sarwar Alam , Mohan Prasad , Chandra Has KhanduriAbstract PDF![]() |
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Development and Validation of a Stability Indicating Reverse Phase HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Etodolac and Paracetamol in Its Tablet Dosage Formulation
Mithlesh Rajput, Hinna Hamid, Manjeet Aggarwal, Rakesh Kumar KhandalAbstract PDF![]() |
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Spatio¬-Temporal Analysis of Human Resource Development in District Headquarters of Rajasthan
Divya Shukla, Rajesh Kr DubeyAbstract PDF![]() |
101A. |
Allied Health Professionals in Public Health
Dr.B.SendilkumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analysis of Work Participation Rate among District Head Quarters of Rajasthan
Divya Shukla, Rajesh Kr DubeyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Biotechnological Interventions and Prophylactic Studies in Clonal Multiplication through Nodal Stem-segments From Mature Trees
Dubey Rajesh KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Phyto-Remediation Studies on Bacterial-Fungal Interaction in Stimulation, Growth and Amelioration of Physiological Condition of Citrus Crop
Rajesh Kumar DubeyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analysis and Simulation of Active Suspension System for Full Vehicle Model Subjected To Random Road Profile
A. M. ShirahattiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Investigation of Thermal Performance in Natural Convection from Rectangular Interrupted Fins-A Review
Wankhade Sachin D , Bhor S.K,Nagraj A.MAbstract PDF![]() |
107. |
Long term evolution of geomagnetic activity under the influence of 11 year cyclic variations in solar activity during solar cycle 23 and 24
Malik A. Waheed, Parvaiz A. Khan, Sharad C. Tripathi, A. M. Aslam, Azad A. Mansoori, Purushottam Bhawre, A. K. GwalAbstract PDF![]() |
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Enhancement of Heat Transfer Rate and Thermal Efficiency of Solar Air Heater by Using Flow Turbulators'-A Review
Nagargoje Mahesh , Bhor S.K ,Vikram Bharat B RAbstract PDF![]() |
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Solid State Fermentation of Overheated Soybean Meal (Waste) For Production of Protease Using Aspergillus Oryzae
S.A Thakur, S.N.Nemade, Sharanappa AAbstract PDF![]() |
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Performance Comparison for Different Configurations of SRAM Cells
R. K. Sah, I. Hussain, M. kumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Physical and Optical Properties of Ge10Se90-xSbx Glasses
Atul K Kukreti, Shilpa Gupta, Manish Saxena, Nikhil RastogiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Efficacy of Established Standard Deviation on M30 Grade Concrete
S. Mishra, Doyol Kenna-o, Lagun Sonam, Pynksan Pamtheid, Rei TaramAbstract PDF![]() |
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Role of Information Technology and Multimedia in Distance Education
Dr. R. P. DwivediAbstract PDF![]() |
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Study and Analysis of Discovering and Exploring the Use of Evolutionary Approaches in Computer Networks
Dr.M.Umamaheswari, S.S.Riaz AhamedAbstract PDF![]() |
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Indian Culture in Relation to Spirituality
Dr. Chandra Prakash JoshiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Hindi Journalism during Independence Movement
Dr sarojAbstract PDF![]() |
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Industrialization and Pollution
Dr. Panmal PahariyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Metal Toxicity or Metal Poisoning in Certain Forms and Doses of Life
Dr. Dhirendra SinghAbstract PDF![]() |
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Women Welfare and Human Rights
Anita MahawarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Long-Term Consequences of Bullying in Adolescence
DR. PRITI SINGHAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study on a Single Slope Solar Still: with and Without Internal Reflectors
Neha SharmaAbstract PDF![]() |