Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015
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Proof of Concept of DiffServ-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering: A VoIP-based approach
AymenBouzid, AymenZelfaniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Improvement by Micro-Aeration of Anaerobic Digestion of Slaughterhouse Wastewater At 38°C
Nabil Zouari, Hayat Al JabiriAbstract PDF![]() |
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Kinetics and Mechanistic Chemistry of Sodium N-Halobenzenesulfonamides Oxidative Decolorization of Azo Dye Acid Orange 10 in Acid Medium: Spectrophotometric Approach
Jayachamarajapura Pranesh Shubha, Yadati Madhusudhan , PuttaswamyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Gen-X of Vehicle Anti-Theft System
Vinston Raja R, KrishnaRaj M , SathisKumar. RAbstract PDF![]() |
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Development and Validation of LC-MS/MS Method for the Analysis of P-Toluenesulfonicacid, In Antiviral Drug Acyclovir
Noor Shabana, K. Dayananda ReddyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Development of Agave Americana Anti-Bacterial Fabric for Healthcare Applications
Rajkumar Kandhasamy, Krishnaveni VasudevanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Unlocking the potentiality of UAVs in Mining Industry and its Implications
Indresh Rathore , N. Pavan KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Stability Analysis of a Natural Slope Located at Padumale Village
Vijayakumar SurebanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Single Axis Semi Automatic Drilling Machine with PLC Control
A.Karthik 1, R.Krishnaraj, Nunnakarthik, R.Kumaresan , S.Karthik , R.MuraliAbstract PDF![]() |
10. |
Extraction of Cheese Whey Protein from Dairy Effluent by Using Polyethylene Glycol and Sodium Sulphate
Ponni M Mohan., Shamnamol G. KAbstract PDF![]() |
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Improved Algorithm for Inferring User Search Goals with Feedback Sessions
C. Nalini, B.Nagalakshmi, Dr. B. Venkata Ramana ReddyAbstract PDF![]() |
12. |
A Study to "Assess the Knowledge Regardind Hepatitis-B among the Mothers of Fewer than Five Children in Anagaputher, Chennai"
K.Punitha, Prof. V. Hemavathy,Abstract PDF![]() |
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Recommendation System for High Utility Itemsets over Incremental Dataset
J K Kavitha, U Kanimozhi, D ManjulaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review on Optimization of Machining Parameters in EDM
Trupti G. Raut , M.Y. ShindeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Major Crop Combination Regions in Jammu Province: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis
NishaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Regular ⍺ Generalized Open Sets In Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topological Spaces
Nivetha M , Jayanthi DAbstract PDF![]() |
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Secure Data Retrieval using Color Histogram
Mohana E, Premalatha R , Kalaivani MAbstract PDF![]() |
18. |
Neutron Stars - Unique Compact Objects in the Gigantic Laboratory of the Cosmos
R. SashikanthAbstract PDF![]() |
19. |
Utilization of Solid Waste Particles as Aggregates in Concrete
K.Sathish Kumar, S.Dilli BabuAbstract PDF![]() |
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Aerodynamic Study of Payload Fairing
Pranav Mahamuni, Pratik Bhansali , Akhilesh Kulkarni , Yash ParikhAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study of Hypervelocity Impact on Honeycomb Structure
Pranav Mahamuni, Pratik Bhansali, Sachin Salunke, Yash ParikhAbstract PDF![]() |
22. |
The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Dry sliding Wear Behaviour of as cast and Grain Refined and Modified, Gravity cast A356
Ravindra Babu G, Dr Girish D PAbstract PDF![]() |
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Studies on Decolourisation of Acid Blue 113 Using Staphylococcus Aureus and Escherichia Coli Isolated From Tannery Wastewater
Nazeeha Ayaz, Rema Thankappan,. S. V. Srinivasan,. A. TamilSelviAbstract PDF![]() |
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Delay Minimization and Data Integrity Using Multi Path Relay Routing in Wireless Networks
R.Gopi , Ramsna Ramesh ,V.Shafla Shinu, Sonam.SAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Comparative Study to Assess the Nutritional Status of Primary School Children (6-10 Years) In Rural and Urban School
C.Jegatha, Prof.V. HemavathyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Properties of High Strength Concrete Incorporating Colloidal Nano-Al2O3
B. A. Hase, Prof. V. R.RathiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Development of Dual Mass Flywheel System
Sameer More, Pravin Medankar , Prof.Mahesh NagargojeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Emotional Management Skill as an Important Tool in Hospitality Industry
A.RavikumarAbstract PDF![]() |
29. |
Predicting Relative Risk for Diabetes Mellitus using Association Rule Summarization Technique in EMR
K.Thulasi, S.Sowmiyaa, P.PremaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Facility Layout Planning: A Review
Rohit Monga, Varinder KhuranaAbstract PDF![]() |
31. |
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Smoking Hazards among the School Boys
B.Dhanalakshmi, Prof.V.Hemavathy,Abstract PDF![]() |
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Waste Management by Anaerobic Digestion of Kitchen Waste- A Review
K. Mehraj Pasha, AmiyaAkram, K.Narasimhulu, G.N.KodandaramaiahAbstract PDF![]() |
33. |
Study on Heavy Metal Distribution in the Coastal Environments along the Foremost Places of South-East Coast of India
James Balgan Anand D, Dr. Mary Jelastin Kala SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Invitro Evaluation of Botanicals and Biocontrol Agents against Pomegranate Bacterial Blight Pathogen
Seema J Patel, Shalini D B, Sripriya P A , Priyanka S, Sowmya B MAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Optimization in Enhancement of Stability of Motor Bikes
S.Arun, S.Vanangamudi,A.Balaji, R.Rahul, K.Sathish, B. Sarath KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Sustainability of Structure Using Base Isolation Techniques for Seismic Protection
Pallavi Wamanrao Taywade , Madhuri Narayan SavaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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To Improve Cop of Domestic Refrigerator with the Help of Water Cooling Condenser
Sukani Sunny, Savaj Jayesh, Cop Improver GroupAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Analysis and Investigation of Groove Porosity in Rear Cross Over Brake Disc of FG260 Material
Vaibhav Vijay Patil, Mahesh A. SutarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Some Common Fixed Point Theorems in Cone Rectangular Metric Space under T – Kannan and T – Reich Contractive Conditions
M. Rangamma, P. Mallikarjun ReddyAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on Lucky Edge Labeling
A. AishwaryaAbstract PDF![]() |
41. |
Isolation of Nostocales and Study the Effects of Scytonemin on Growth Profile and Melanogenesis by using Melanoma Cell Line
Pranay Abhang, Girish PathadeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Information Hiding Using Secret Particle Visible Mosaic Image With Magnify Security
B SundarrajAbstract PDF![]() |
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Information Technology in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Stem) Discipline for the 21st Century: New Horizons
Javed MohammedAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on atmospheric turbulence with Shearing Interferometer wavefront sensor
M.Mohamed Ismail, M.Mohamed SathikAbstract PDF![]() |
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Some More Properties of Euler Method in Non-Archimedean Fields
R.DeepaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Reduction of Induced Drag by Single Slotted Raked Wingtip
Swagat Prasad Das, Sangram Keshari Samal, Radharaman Dalai, Manas Ranjan PadhiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Evaluating the Behavior of Aluminum Corrosion in Hydrochloric Acid in the Presence Aqueous Extract of Olive Seeds
Aisha M. Al-Turkustani, Khadijah M. EmranAbstract PDF![]() |
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Data Routing for in-Network Aggregation in WSN
Dr T.Kavitha, Dr. R. UdayakumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Comparative Study of Some Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography Algorithms
Nivedita Bisht, Sapna SinghAbstract PDF![]() |
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Structural Investigations of Cr3+ Ions Doped Alkali Lead Zinc Phosphate Glasses
S. Sreehari Sastry, M.V.V. K. Srinivas Prasad, B. Rupa Venkateswara RaoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Impact of Gender, Positive and Negative Emotions on Manifest Anxiety among Mathematics High Achievers
R.Meghalai, K.saraladeviAbstract PDF![]() |
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Performance Analysis for Natural Draught Cooling Tower & Chimney through Numerical Simulation
Kanteyya A, Kiran Kumar RokhadeAbstract PDF![]() |
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CFD Investigation of Influence of Spanwise Pitch on Local Heat Transfer Distribution for In-Line Array of Impinging Jets for Medium Crossflow
Vivekananthan Karthikeyan, Ssheshan Pugazhendhi, Sai Krishnan Sundar Subramanian,Antony Aroul Raj VAbstract PDF![]() |
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Polypropylene/Nanoclay Nonwoven Composites; Preparation, Thermal and Mechanical Properties
S.S. Bhattacharya, Aadhar MandotAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Realtime Analytics Framework for Smart Grid Energy Management
K.Sornalakshmi, G.VadivuAbstract PDF![]() |
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Performance Assessment of Large Vapor Absorption System
Loveneesh Talwar, Mukesh PadhaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Implementation of Switching Method
G.Vasumathi, Deepa.MAbstract PDF![]() |
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Geo Service Automatic Mobile Alert System
P.Deepika , S.Sangavi , B.Sakthi Karthi DuraiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Simarouba Biodiesel as an Alternative Fuel for CI Engine: Review
Praveen A. Harari, Akshatha D. S, Manavendra.GAbstract PDF![]() |
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Implementation of NTRU in Mobile Phones
S.Esther SukilaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Groundnut Husk Ash as fine aggregates in mortar
S.Revathi, Dr.R.Kumutha, Dr.K.VijaiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Interaction Of Higher Order Dromion in (2+1) Dimensional Long Dispersive Wave Equation Using PTA
P.Myvizhi, R.VelavanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Development of Mobile Library Application Based on Android in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Yana HendrianaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Some Methods and Application of Operational Research
M. Somasundari, K. JanakiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Simulation of Hydrodynamic Behaviour and Mixing Pattern in Tubular MFC Reactor
Anantha Moorthy.U, K.Radhika, Sangeetha AnandAbstract PDF![]() |
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Pongamia Oil, Methanol, Koh and its Effects on the Ci Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics of Organic Diesels
Jayendra Singh DawerAbstract PDF![]() |
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Case Study of Active Rock Anchor in Basement
Monali Bhakare, A. R. RajanAbstract PDF![]() |
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A New Ranking Scheme for Multi and Single Objective Problems
A. R. Khaparde , V. M AthawaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Habitual Untimely Exposure of Malarial Parasites Using Intellectual Algorithm
R.Kavitha, Sundararajan.M, Arulselvi SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Ergonomics Analysis in the Scarfing Process by OWAS, NIOSH and Nordic Body Map's Method at Slab Steel Plant's Division
Nasir Widha Setyanto, RembaYanuar Efranto, Rio Prasetyo Lukodono, Aisah DirawidyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analysis Of Physico-Chemical Properties of Groundwater
Nikunj Ashiyani, Dr. Falguni Parekh, Dr. T.M.V. SuryanarayanaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Musical Notes Separation Using Non-Negativity Approach
Jaywant Vilasrao Patil, Zakir Mujeeb ShaikhAbstract PDF![]() |
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Process Flow Improvement through 5S, Kaizen and Visualization
Mayank Dev Singh, Swati Singh, Abhishek Chokshi, Harshad Chavan, Dhrudipsinh DabhiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Personal Growth and Trait Anxiety among Higher Secondary School Students
S.velmurugan, K.SaraladeviAbstract PDF![]() |
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Human Monitoring System Using PDA
P.Gayathri, A. RamaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Annealing Temperatures on Zinc Thioindate Thin Films
S.Hemalatha , J.Tamil Illakkiya , Rachel OommenAbstract PDF![]() |
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Biodegradability Studies of Bio-Composites of Polypropylene Reinforced By Potato Starch
Srabayeeta Basu Roy, Subhas C Shit, Ranjan A Sengupta, Premal R ShuklaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Studies on Extraction Behaviour of Reserpine during Reverse Micellar Extraction from Rauwolfia Vomitoria
D.Ranganath, M A Lourdu Antony RajAbstract PDF![]() |
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Thermal Analysis of the Molten Lead Kettle Failure at the Galvanizing Plant and Development of Novel Design Using CFD Techniques
Prasad Manoj, Prasad Sonal, Patel AmitAbstract PDF![]() |
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Computational Analysis of Compressor Blade
Sheik Ghouse .M, P. ManivannanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Analysis of Spiroid Winglet
W.GiftonKoil Raj, T.AmalSeba ThomasAbstract PDF![]() |
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Adder Design Using QCA Technique with Area Delay Efficient
R.Nithiyanandham, S.Charles Lekonard, U.Duraisamy, V.P.Ahmeed Faheem, V.M NavaneethakrishnanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Rejection Analysis in Piston Manufacturing Unit
Ashwini.A, Avinash.K.SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Groundwater Quality of Kosasthalaiyar River Basin, Thiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu, India
Jagadeshan G, Anandasabari K, Poornavel SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Strength Properties of Concrete Using Crumb Rubber with Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate
S.Selvakumar, R.VenkatakrishnaiahAbstract PDF![]() |
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R.Kalpana Devi , G.MathubalaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Potential Application of Bacterial Inoculum to Increase Different Mechanical Strength in the Prepared Concrete
Gandhimathi. A, Suji. D, Rajesh. R, Elayarajah. BAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Passengers Comfort Analysis from Driver's Skills
Sarang SuryawanshiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Vertical Stiffness Irregularity on Multi-Storey Shear Wall-framed Structures using Response Spectrum Analysis
Hema Mukundan, S.ManivelAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Comparative Study of Object Tracking Techniques
Meha J. Patel, Bhumika BhattAbstract PDF![]() |
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"Green" Chemicals from Renewable Sources: A Mini Review
Dr. Shweta VyasAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Analysis on Nano Graphene Coated Extended Surface
R. Sabarish, Dr. J. Hameed Hussain, S. K.Pravin Kumar, S.VigneshAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Performance Evaluation of Structural Double Glazing Facade Technology
T.N Brinda, E. PrasannaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Modern Life has Low Ethics and High Materialism
Dr. SarojAbstract PDF![]() |
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Smart Car Features Using Embedded System and IOT
ANITHA M. T.Abstract PDF![]() |
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Solving Single Machine Scheduling Problem Using Type-2 Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers
R. Helen, R.SumathiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Improvement of BER Performance Using Transmit Antenna Selection in Multiple Antenna Systems
S.Ananthi, G.Ramprabu , R.V.Anisha, M.Chandralekha, D.HeeraAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design Aspects and Installation of Geosynthetics
Hema. C , R.ElanchezhiyanAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on Pressure Monitoring and Relieving Systems
G Durgadevi, P Jamuna, J Janet Priskilla , M PrincyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Automatic Extraction of Blood Vessels and Exudates Segmentation for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
D Gowrishankar, G Ramprabu, E Bharathi, R Divya, S ThulasiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Implementation of Neural Network Approach for Short term Load forecasting
L. R .Arvind BabuAbstract PDF![]() |
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Cohesive Strip Antenna for Biotelemetry Analysis
S.Hemalatha, T.Annalakshmi, P.G.Aishwarya, S.Jayanthi, B.KaviyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Automation of Bucket Wheel Excavator Using PLC
V.Hemamalini, S.Hemalatha, M.J.Julie Dale Marine, M.Mythili, S.Naga PraveenaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Multi-Input Multi-Channel Analyzer (MIMCA) Using Universal FPGA Board
Hery Andrianiaina, Heinz Rongen, Raoelina Andriambololona, Gérard Rambolamanana, Jean-Baptiste RatongasoandrazanaAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Efficient Data Security in Cloud Computing Using the RSA Encryption Process Algorithm
V.Masthanamma,G.Lakshmi PreyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review on Key Aggregate Cryptosystem of Vital Data Distribution in Cloud
B Thejaswini, N Sakthi PriyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Dynamic Data Replication System in Cloud Computing
M.Amutha, R.SugumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Brain State Identification and FMRI
M.Beemamehraj, Sundararajan.M, Arulselvi SAbstract PDF![]() |
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FSSIKM: a Novel Approach for Brain Interaction Patterns
K.Vidhyadevia, M.Beema Mehraj, Dr.K.P.KaliyamurthieAbstract PDF![]() |
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Identifying Security Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers Under attack
S.P.Mohana Priya, S.PothumaniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Mosaic Image Creation in Videos for Secure Image Transmission
S.Pragatheeswari, Maram Reddy Srija, Mannuru Tejaswini, M.S.Vinmathi MAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Enhanced Group Mobility Protocol for 6LoWPAN-Based Wireless Body Area Networks
A.Parimala, Geethapriya, C.MurthyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Visualizing Web Search Results on the Basis of Snippet Similarity
Priyanka Daimary, Rachana Das, Sangita Kumari, Sakthipriya NAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Novel Based Statistical Information for Medicine Reviews Using Data Mining Concepts
V.Ranjani Gandhi, N.PriyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Learning Image Re-Rank: Query-Dependent Image Re-Ranking Using Semantic Signature
A Ramachandran, M Sai Kumar, Dr. C. NaliniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Distance Based Localization and Detection of Scattered Nodes in WNS
B.Somasundaram, A.Sathiya Raj, S.Krubakaran, K.SivagurunathanAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey of Advanced Feature Selection Techniques in Genomics
Cephas Paul Edward V, Hilda Hepzibah SAbstract PDF![]() |
113. |
Detection of Spammer Based On the User Recommendation Report in Web Mining
Dr.C.Nalini, G.R.UmaraniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Social Recommendation System by Online Distribution in Web Mining
P.Vignesh, K.G.Vinoth, Dr.K.P.KaliyamurthieAbstract PDF![]() |
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Privacy-Preserving and Content-Protecting Location Based Queries
Anandababu A, S.Brintha Rajakumari , Dr.C.NaliniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Observing the Effects of Colored Lenses on Iris Recognition using Feature Extraction Technique
Adityavardhan Chavali, Dr. C. NaliniAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on Effective Methods for Ensuring Privacy in Cloud Computing Environment
Mahendran D, Jothi Prakash V, S.Manikandan, K. KarthibanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Meeting Scheduler Using GPS and G-API on Android Devices
Pritam Kumar Tripathy, Ratnesh Kumar, Dr. C. NaliniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Organic Agri-Biotechnology Improvises Green Growth & Sustainable Development
Rajesh Kumar Dubey, A K Singh, A PrasadAbstract PDF![]() |
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Detection of Proximity to Voltage Collapse by Using L –Index
Elfadil.Z. Yahia, Mustafa A. Elsherif , Mahmoud N. ZaggoutAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Fabrication of Agro-based Automatic Plantain Tree Cutting Machine
Balaji A, Jahir Hussain H, Faheem Ashkar MR, Gowsick C S, Subakar KAbstract PDF![]() |
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Promotion of Organic Farming & Eco-friendly Technologies through Rural Institutions
Rajesh Kumar DubeyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Working With the STARS:Innovations to Green Growth & Organic Farming
Rajesh Kumar DubeyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Temperature Monitoring with the Linux Kernel on a Multi Core Processor
R.Arvind , A.VinnarasiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Probability Detection of A Multi-Hop Communication Link Using Vehicle Mobility Model
R.Gopi, K.Priyanka, R.Reshmabegum, N.SangeethaAbstract PDF![]() |
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GPS/GSM Enabled Person Tracking System
Amol Chaudhari, Shabbir Bohra, Harshada Karma , Ashwini DhupadaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study on the Ductile Characteristics of Light Weight Ferrocement Beams under Monotonic and Repeated Loading
Sri. Naveen G.M, Sri. G.S. SureshAbstract PDF![]() |
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Security Enhancment on LEACH Protocol From HELLO Flood Attack in WSN Using LDK Scheme
Mayur S, Ranjith H.DAbstract PDF![]() |
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Distribution of Alkaloides and Allelopathism of Selelected Weeds from a Post Harvest Crop Field
Parimita Purohit, Rosina RosalinAbstract PDF![]() |
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Synthesis and Consolidation of Cu-Al2O3 Composite by Mechanical Alloying
L. Rajesh kumar, S.VidhyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Dr. Alok MishraAbstract PDF![]() |
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Modern Life has Low Ethics and High Materialism
Dr. SarojAbstract PDF![]() |
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Technical Progress and Performance Enhancement of Solar Energy Systems
Dr. Tulsi PanwarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Agarian Reforms in India: Problems, Challenges And Solutions
Dr. Arun SinghAbstract PDF![]() |
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Mitigating Global Warming: Policy Strategies and Economic Implications
P SunitaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence: Navigating Bias, Fairness and Accountability
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SWOT Analysis of Mining Industry of Rajasthan
Dr. Rajni SharmaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Function of a Gas Turbine Range Extender for Hybrid Vehicles
Sanjay BhatAbstract PDF![]() |