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IJIRSET Citation Report


Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2023



Simulation of Annealing for Portfolio Selection in Mean-Pseudo-Variance Fuzzy Model

Farbod Dehghani
Department of Economics, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI 49008-5330 USA
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Analysis of Traffic Impact of Yiyang Xiliuwan Bridge Construction on Relevant Areas

Jianping Li, Qiong Long, Zhaoming Zhou and Pengfei Li
College of Civil Engineering, Hunan City University, Yiyang 413000, China
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Smart Building Technology as an Approach for Sustainable Restoration andPreservation of Heritage Buildings

Prof. Dr. Mona Hassan Soliman, Dr.Niveen Sabry Gomaa, Eng.Nermeen Abdeldayem Soliman
Professor of Architecture, Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, Egypt
Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, Egypt
Researcher, Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, Egypt
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Stiffness Analysis of Steel Truss Composite Slab during Construction

Xing Liu, Yujuan Chen, Zhiyong Li, Minxuan Liu, Bin Guo, Guang xiang Mao, Zaihua Zhang
Bachelor Student, Civil Engineering College, Hunan City University, YiYang, Hunan, China
Associate Professor, National Engineering Experimental Demonstration Center of Civil Engineering, Hunan City University, YiYang, Hunan, China
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Impact of Continuous Groundwater Decline on Foundation Subsidence of Existing Buildings

FANG Weiqi, PENG Zhigao, YANG Aocheng, ZHANG Zhengran, WU Di, DENG Rui
U.G. Student, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan City University, Yiyang 413000, China
Instructor, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan City University, Yiyang 413000, China
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Deep Learning Advancements in Data Science

Vinayak Pillai
Data Analyst, Denken Solutions, Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex Texas, USA
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Cybersecurity and Network Engineering: Bridging the Gap for Optimal Protection

Srikanth Bellamkonda
Barclays Services Corporation, New Jersey, USA
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NANOTECHNOLOGY : A New Tool to Agriculture , Medicine and Environment

U.G Student, Department of Pharmacy, SRMS College of Engineering and Technology, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Arduino Fire Fighting Robot with SMS & Call Alert

S.Y. Divekar, Asmita Pravin Ahirrao, Uday Dadasaheb Agale, Yash Sandeep Bhagyawant, Rupa Mohan Gole
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, India
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Design, Simulation, and Analysis of a 6-axis Robot using Robot Visualization Software

Ramavath Mallikarjuna Naik, Shreenivas
PG Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Bheema Institute of Technology & Science, Adoni, India
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Bheema Institute of Technology & Science, Adoni, India
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Green Approach for Synthesis of Some Substituted Dihalo-1, 4-Benzoquinones by Microwave Irradiation and Its Spectral Studies

Manoj Kumar Batra, Chhavi Batra
Department of Chemistry, S.P.C Government College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry, M D S University, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
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Effect of Date Seeds on Properties of Black Cotton Soil

Prof. Vaijwade Sujit M, Prof. Sogarwal Akash M, Prof. Ghatol Chaitanya B
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, MGM University, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, India
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Comprehensive Review on Road Safety Audit

Gajanan B Takey, Dr Arun V Parwate, Dr P B Nagarnaik, Dr D K Parbat
PG Student, Dr. Rajendra Gode Institute of Technology & Research, Amravati ( MS) India
Principal, Dr. Rajendra Gode Institute of Technology & Research, Amravati ( MS) India
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Rajendra Gode Institute of Technology & Research, Amravati ( MS) India
HoD, Department of Civil Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Bramhapuri (MS) India
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Identification of Tourism Potential of Vagamon (Idukki, Kerala) for Caravan Park

Nijas V. P, Arpita Srivastava, Bijay Kumar Das
B. Arch, Department of Architecture and Planning, NIT Patna, India
M. Arch, Department of Architecture and Planning, NIT Patna, India
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture and Planning, NIT Patna, India
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Case Study on Fracture Treatment in Dam Foundation

Er. Sharad Goel, Prof. Priyanka Patil
P.G. Student, MITCOM, MIT ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, MITCOM, MIT ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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A Predictive Model to Visualise the Change in Built Fabric of a Street

Arpita Srivastava, BijayKumar Das
M. Arch. Student, Department of Architecture & Planning, National Institute of Technology, Patna, Bihar, India
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture & Planning, National Institute of Technology, Patna, Bihar, India
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A Review on Online Courier Delivery System

Prof.K.N.Aglave, Raut Omkar Sanjay, Wakase Pallavi Umesh, Kadam Tushar Maruti, Jadhav Ambika Yalappa
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Nicotine Causes Habituality and is Used by Every Other Person in India

Dr. Ashutosh Tripathi, Prof. Bramahanand P Singh
Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, KS Saket PG College, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India
Dept. of Political Science, PB PG College, Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Study of Occupational Structure of Population in Nohar Tehsil (District Hanumangarh)

Dhruva Poonia, Dr. M. M. Sheikh
Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Govt. Lohia College, Churu (Rajasthan), India
Associate Professor & Head,Department of Geography, Govt. Lohia College, Churu (Rajasthan), India
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An Empirical Study on How AI is Disrupting Market Research

Mohd Shoaib Sayyed, Aryaman rawat, Prof Prithwiraj Das
MBA Student – AIMS IBS Business School, India
MBA Student – AIMS IBS Business School, India
AIMS IBS Business School, India
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An Empirical Study on How AI is Disrupting Market Research

Mohd Shoaib Sayyed, Aryaman rawat, Prof Prithwiraj Das
MBA Student – AIMS IBS Business School, India
MBA Student – AIMS IBS Business School, India
AIMS IBS Business School, India
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Experimental Study on Industrial Waste Red Mud Sludge with M60 Grade Concrete

Assistant Professor, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
UG Students, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Continued Digital Transformation in Marketing

Himanshu Singh
UG Student, Department of BBA, Galgotias University, Gr. Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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A Web Application to Automate Multiple Task like Text Recognition from Speech, Speech Recognition, Machine Translation

Disha.D.Naik, Gauri.V.Mochemadkar, Triveni.D.Parulelar, Mhir.A.Sawant, Prof.Kate.P.D
Department of Computer Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, India
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Early Chronic Pulmonary Disease Predication System

S. Zulaikha Beevi, G.Kavipriya, A. Kaviyadharshini, E. Prabadevi
Professor, Dept. of CSE., V.S.B Engineering College, Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Dept. of CSE., V.S.B Engineering College, Karur,Tamil Nadu, India
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A Review on Conversion of Waste Plastics into Fuel

Dr. Vilas A. Pharande, Sarfraj Shakil Bagwan
Principal, Arvind College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
P.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Arvind College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
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Design and Analysis of G+3 Residential Building Using STAAD Pro

S.Suleman, S.Ajwad, D.Naveen, U.Bala Subramanyam
U.G Student, Department of Civil Engineering Siddartha Institute of Science and Technology, Puttur, Indiah5>
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Siddartha Institute of Science and Technology, Puttur, India
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Photovoltaic-Wind and Hybrid Energy Storage Integrated Multi-Source Converter Configuration for DC Microgrid Applications

Y. Rajesh Babu, G Narayana Sai Ganesh, Sk Tousif Riyaz, K Kiran, T.Niranjan Raju, P Venu Madhav
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, A.P., India
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, A.P., India
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, A.P., India
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, A.P., India
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, A.P., India
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Energy Harvesting Using Human Locomotion

P.NAGARAJAN, Ganesam Manasa, Allugundula Mokshitha, Mathangi Sanjana, Chereddy Tejasri
AP/ECE, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
Department of Electronics, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
Department of Electronics, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
Department of Electronics, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
Department of Electronics, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
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Probability-Based Logic-Locking Technique Using DSCH and Microwind Tools

P.Rajesh, K.Shiva Krishna, S. MD. Salman, B.G. Sudeesh Kumar, T.Sai Nath
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India
B.Tech Students, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India
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Crop Yield Recommendation Using Machine Learning Techniques

K.Mathivanan, Gollakaram Ganga Bhavani, Amudalapalli Akshaya, Jadapalli Shivani, Challa Meghana
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
Department of Computer Science, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
Department of Computer Science, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
Department of Computer Science, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
Department of Computer Science, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
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Continued Digital Transformation in Marketing

Sarthak Vikram Singh
BBA 3rd year, Galgotias University, Gr.Noida, India
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Pharmaceutical Formulations Using Artificial Neural Network- A Review

Apoorva V, Pratiksha Akki, Dr. Kusum S Akki, Tanmay Yaligar
Department of Pharmaceutics, KLE College of Pharmacy, Hubballi, Karnataka, India
Department of Pharmacognosy, KLE College of Pharmacy, Hubballi, Karnataka, India
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Methodology of Designing High Speed Gears

Murali V, Thulasiram R, Sethubalan B
Research & Development Department, Shanthi Gears Ltd, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
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Design and Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Pavement Panel

Sanjay V. Jagtap, Dr. Shriganesh S. Kadam
P.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering, Korti-Pandharpur, Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Maharashtra, India
Head, Department of Civil Engineering, SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering, Korti-Pandharpur, Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Maharashtra, India
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Review on Dental Cones in Treatment of Post Tooth Extraction Complications

Tanmay Yaligar, Vineeta V Nagathan, Apoorva V
Department of Pharmaceutics, KLE College of Pharmacy, Hubballi, Karnataka, India
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A Study of Wage and Payroll Administration

Anjali Singh
School of Business, Galgotias University, India
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Power Saving Automatic Room Light Controller

Kashinath Sudhakar Patkar, Siddhesh Raghunath Kasar, Gaurang Vijay Rane, Tukaram Shankar Mhapsekar, Sahil Suresh Gawade, Grishma M. Desai
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
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Design and analysis of Multiple Input Multiple Output Antenna for UWB Applications

Kolla Dharaneeshwar, Muvva Harsha Vardhan, Myneedi Naren Rohan, Kanneganti Lokesh, Ramavath Tejaswini
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology , Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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The Starter of Einstein’s Cosmological Constant Ʌ to the Theory of General Relativity

Pallavi Saikia
Former Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Kokrajhar Government College & Research Scholar, Bodoland University, India
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Smart Intravenous Fluid Monitoring System

P.Nagarajan, Tadimarri Sai Preethi Reddy, K.Ramya, R. Subhashree, R.Swetha
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekanand College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal, India
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Mathematical Analysis on the Geometrical Shape of the Observable Universe

Pallavi Saikia
Former Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Kokrajhar Government College & Research Scholar, Bodoland University, India
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Smart Street Light using IoT

Masurkar Kunal Vijay, Gawade Govind Gurunath, Kadrekar Prasanna Prasad, Shirodkar Aryan Sunil, Gawade Shailaja. Bharat
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
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The Role of Technology in Promoting Sustainable Healthcare Practices in Hospitals

Ravina Nagrare, Dr. Sangeeta Shinde
Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Abstractive Document Summarization Using Machine Learning Approach

Anuja Parve, Purushottam Nimje, Mayur Kardile, Pratik Bachche, Kanchan Pradhan
U.G. Students, Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM’s Bhivrabai Sawant Institute of Technology and Research, Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM’s Bhivrabai Sawant Institute of Technology and Research, Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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The Role of Debye Shielding in Plasma State of Matter

Pallavi Saikia
Former Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Kokrajhar Government College & Research Scholar, Bodoland University, India
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Design and Implementation of Under Water Optical Communication System

N.Vijaya Ratnam, V.Hema Sri, K.Anka Himanya, D.Suresh, V.Sasi Varma
Associate Professor, Department of ECE, Sri Vasavi Institute of Engineering &Technology, Nandamuru, A.P, India
U.G. Student, Department of ECE, Sri Vasavi Institute of Engineering &Technology, Nandamuru, A.P, India
U.G. Student, Department of ECE, Sri Vasavi Institute of Engineering &Technology, Nandamuru, A.P, India
U.G. Student, Department of ECE, Sri Vasavi Institute of Engineering &Technology, Nandamuru, A.P, India
U.G. Student, Department of ECE, Sri Vasavi Institute of Engineering &Technology, Nandamuru, A.P, India
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An Abridged Study on the Investigation and Application of Space Plasma

Pallavi Saikia
Former Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Kokrajhar Government College & Research Scholar, Bodoland University, India
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Automatic Car Washing System

Prof. S. V. Kalmegh, Harsha Raut, Prerana Gawai, Deepika Sangole, Vaishnavi Telkar, Pooja Barme, Surbhi Khadse, Suman Uike
Department of Electrical, P.R.Pote College of Engineering and Management, Amravati, India
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Mall Parking System using Python

Shivali Shashikant Dhumal, Aryan Kalidas Gad, Darshani Hari Shetkar, Shweta Ramesh Sawant, Omkar Ramchandra Sangvekar, Mayekar S.M
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
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Case study on Construction of Monopile &Quality Parameter

Er. Vivek Kale, Prof. Tushar Bhamare
P.G. Student, MITCOM, MIT ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, MITCOM, MIT ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Automatic Motor Bike Side Stand Slider

K.Kumar, P.S.Aravind, N.Narasimha, V.Dhanunjaya, T.Chaithanya
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (Autonomous), Tirupati, A.P, India
Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (Autonomous), Tirupati, A.P, India
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Green House Monitoring System Using IOT

Prof. Smita Kalmegh, Namrata Bhojane, Apeksha Bendarkar, Pooja Nimje, Swati Kalokar, Kajal Gosavi, Mayuri Sapkal
Department of Electrical Engineering, P. R. Pote Patil College of Engineering & Research, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
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ESP32 Based Underground Cable Fault Detector Using IOT

M. Harish, L. Lakshmi Shilpa, R. Siva Rama Raju, G. Ramu, Asst. Prof. S. Jaffar Ali
Student, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Kadapa, India
Student, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Kadapa, India
Student, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Kadapa, India
Student, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Kadapa, India
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Kadapa, India
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E-Voting System Using Block Chain Technology

Vikas Bhosale, Rutik Kshirsagar, Akshay Deshmukh, Srushti Gujar
Student, Department of Computer, KJCOEMR, Pune, India
Student, Department of Computer, KJCOEMR, Pune, India
Student, Department of Computer, KJCOEMR, Pune, India
Student, Department of Computer, KJCOEMR, Pune, India
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A Review of Vastu Shastra Planning for Residential Building & Commercial Building as Per Traditional Indian System & Science of Architecture

Prof. Santosh Kinayekar, Prof. Noorullah Nadvi, Prof. Vikas Gore
Asst. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Alamuri Ratnamala Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sapgaon, Shahapur, Thane, Maharashtra, India
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Fake Product Identification System Using Blockchain

Akshay S. Parse, Shalom S. Sonawane, Rajshri B. Wandhekar, Prof. Sapike N. S
Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwabharati Academy’s College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, India
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwabharati Academy’s College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, India
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Solar Panel Automation Cleaning System

Dr.Sanjay B.Warkad1 Vedant Gadge, Vishal Dhanade, Kalyan Baddamwar, Vedant Gulhane, Yashwant Dalvi, Anup Sav
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, P. R. Pote Patil College of Engineering & Research, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, P. R. Pote Patil College of Engineering & Research, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
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Kirloskar Brothers Ltd Working Capital Management: A Study

Garima Agarwal
School of Business, Galgotias University, Department of Finance, India
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The Greatest Investment Opportunities in the Indian Banking Industry & Financial Analysis

Rishabh Pathak
School of Business, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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Annual Audit of Infosys

Shaurya Malik
Department of Finance, School of Business, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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Interactive CApp using MERRN Stack

Adithya Urs M R, Udit Pathak, Dhanushkamath S, Neha Mahesha, Sunena Rose M V
Engineering Student, Dept. of CSE-AI, Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Jain (Deemed-to-be-University), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE-AI, Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Jain (Deemed-to-be-University), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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A Study Investigation of Fire Retardant Cloth with Coating

Dr M Ravi, Dinesh Kumar B
Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, India
P.G Scholar, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, India
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Removal of Textile Dye from Aqueous Solution Using Hydro gel Beads Adsorbent – A Review

Swathi A, Thamizharsan J, Dr. M. Hemalatha
UG Scholar, B. Tech Chemical Engineering, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India
UG Scholar, B. Tech Chemical Engineering, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical, Engineering, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India
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Applications of Real Vector Spaces: QR-Factorization

Parshuram A. Ahire
Head, Department of Mathematics, M.S.G. College Malegaon-Camp, Dist- Nasik, Maharashtra, India
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Synthesis and Characterization of 9OBA : EBCA Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonded Mesogen

D. Indrani, K. Lakshmi Sarada, C. Umadevi, S. Sreehari Sastry
Department of Physics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunangar, India
Department of Physics, DVR & Dr.HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla, India
Department of Physics, SPW Degree & PG College, Tirupati, (A.P) India
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Comparison of Linear and Kernel-Based Methods for Face Recognition

Poonam V. Kadam
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering,Metropolitan Institute of Technology & Managemnt (MITM), Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, India
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Akshay Khondre, Shruti Sankpal, Prashant Tandale, Anjali Gaikwad, Bhaskar Patil
MCA Students, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Institute of Management, Kolhapur, India
Asst. Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Institute of Management, Kolhapur, India
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A Research on Packaging in Hector Beverages

MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
AIMS IBS Business School, India
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An Empirical Study on Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Pullaiahgari Baby Suma, A. Irfana Sherin, Prof Prithwiraj Das
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
AIMS IBS Business School, India
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An Empirical Study on Impact of Brand Personality on Consumer Decision Making

Devi Prakash, Kurri Sai Geethika, Prof Prithwiraj Das
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
AIMS IBS Business School, India
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An Empirical Study on Emotional Resilience

Lakshmidevi M N, Bindu U V, Prof Prithwiraj Das
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
AIMS IBS Business School, India
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An Empirical Study on Investment Strategies and Portfolio Management at Standard Chartered Bank

Neelabh Bhise, Adnan Hasware, Prof Prithwiraj Das
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
AIMS IBS Business School, India
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An Empirical Study on Gold as an Investable Commodity in India

MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
AIMS IBS Business School, India
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An Empirical Study on the Role of Social Media in Shaping Consumer Behaviour and Purchase Decision

Maremalla Pushpa Gayathri Rishitha, Golla Sukanya Devi, Prof Prithwiraj Das
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
AIMS IBS Business School, India
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An Empirical Study on the Role of Central Banks in Monetary Policy

Anasuri Lakshmi Pavan Kumar, Vaishnav Unni V, Prof Prithwiraj Das
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
MBA Student - AIMS IBS Business School, India
AIMS IBS Business School, India
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Strength Characteristics of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement with fly-Ash & Metakaolin

T.Siva Sankar, IS.Anvesh
P.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Loyola Institute of Technology, Sattenapalli, Guntur, AP, India
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Loyola Institute of Technology, Sattenapalli, Guntur, AP, India
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Analysis and Design of Multi-Storey Building by Using STAAD PRO Software

Amir Sohel Mohd. Feroz Amdani, Zainul Aabedin Abdul Kalam, Arpan M.Katkar, Dipak D.Sapkal, Vitthal R.Chopade, Kiran G.Bharsakale
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MGI-COET, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
U.G Student, Department of Civil Engineering, MGI-COET, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
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Experimental Study on Metallurgical Property Changes to with Stand Acidic Properties on Silver

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Annamcharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (Autonomous), Tirupati, A.P, India
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Annamcharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (Autonomous), Tirupati, A.P, India
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Enrichment of Photoluminescence Quantum Efficiency in Semiconductor Based on the Einstein Mass Energy Relation

B. Jaya Prakash, K. Srinivasa Rao, Y. Gandhi, S.Venkata Laxmi
Department of Physics, B.T. College, Madanapalle, A.P., India
Department of Physics, Govt. Degree College, Mandapeta, A.P., India
Department of Physics, K V R College, Nandigama, A.P., India
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S.Balakrishnan, Oviga C.K, Parkavi.S, Roupa Dharshini R.K, Yalini C
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tamilnadu, India
Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tamilnadu, India
Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tamilnadu, India
Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tamilnadu, India
Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tamilnadu, India
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R Selvaraj, Nathera.E, Nivetha.S, Pavithra S, Poovizhi P
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tamilnadu, India
Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tamilnadu, India
Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tamilnadu, India
Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tamilnadu, India
Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tamilnadu, India
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Hybrid ECG Compression Using VLSI

Boopathy S, Nandhini B, Shivani T U
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
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A Survey for Street Vendor App

Omkar Ovhal, Maitreyee Sarode, Shubham Zine, Pratima Yadav, Smita Bhosale
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Profitability

Rajat Yadav
Department of Marketing, School of Business, Galgotias University, India
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Evaluation of Effect of Saw Dust Ash on Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil for Pavement Construction

Ankit Kumar Maurya, M. K. Gupta, Prashant Patel, Dharmendra Singh
Master Student, Department of Civil Engineering, KNIT Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KNIT Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Research scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India
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S. Blesson Raja, A. Ebeneasar, S. Mariappan, B. Jeyamutuganesh
Final Year, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikkulam, Thoothukudi, India
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S. Arun Kumar, G. Jeyabharath, K. Maharajan and M. Tamil Selvan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikkulam, Thoothukudi, India
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V. Bala Sathya, R. Malarvizhi, S. Siva and S. Thanga Dhinesh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikkulam, Thoothukudi, India
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P. Neelavarnam, J. Sam Johnson, N. Anish and M. Madhan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikkulam, Thoothukudi, India
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J. Antony Cruz Nishanth, P. Marimuthu, M. Panner Selvam and L. Samson
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikkulam, Thoothukudi, India
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J. Godson, M. Muralidharan, J.Jesuva and M. Naveen Raj
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikkulam, Thoothukudi, India
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M. Abishek, M. Essakki Durai, A. Sivamathava Ganesh and P. Sornakumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikkulam, Thoothukudi, India
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R. Nithya Shree, Dr. Lavanya S
M.Sc. Computer Science, Auxilium College (Autonomous), Gandhi Nagar Vellore, India
Head and Assistant Professor, PG Department of Computer Science, Auxilium College (Autonomous), Vellore, India
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Design and Fabrication of Arduino Based Stamping Machine

Vinayak Powar, Namdev Painaik, Manish Rawool, Armaan Khan, Kashiram Tandel, Ayush Gawade
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Maharastra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Maharastra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Maharastra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Maharastra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Maharastra, India
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Sun-Powered Stirling Engine: Design and Feasibility Study

Nirbhay Borikar, Meghraj Prajapat, Sapendra Uikey, Priyanshu Anand, Vikrant Singh, Pankaj Sonkusare
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Samrat Ashok Technological Institute, Vidisha, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Samrat Ashok Technological Institute, Vidisha, India
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Urban Flood Hazard Vulerability & Risk Assessment of Aurangabad City

Ajay Pathrut , Bhagyashri Shinde, Kartiki Wankhede, Aishwarya Lungare, Suraj Pathak, Geetika Bhise
U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Maharashtra, India
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Book Recommendation System using Machine Learning: A Review

Prof. Prachi Karale, Syed Mushahid Ali, Gurpreet Kukkar, Zohair Ali
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune, India
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune, India
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune, India
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune, India
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Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (Autonomous), Tirupati, A.P, India
Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (Autonomous), Tirupati, A.P, India
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Characterization of Storage Proteins in Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.)

Seema Gupta, Jyoti. M, Anupam Sehra, Aditya Kumar
Asso. Professor, Department of Botany, FC College for Women, Hisar, Haryana, India
Asso. Professor, Department of Botany, Government College, Hisar, Haryana, India
Asso. Professor, Department of Zoology, Government College, Hisar, Haryana, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, D.N. College, Hisar, Haryana, India
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Secure Data Encryption Techniques Using ABE In Cloud Computing

Madhura Maruti Burud, Pratiksha Anil Patil, Prajakta Ananda Kamble, Nutan V. Patil
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NMCOE College of Engineering, DBATU University, Lonere, India
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Design and Implementation of Adaptive Filter using Multi-Rate Approach for Acoustic Noise Cancellation

Gaurav Samadhiya, Prof. Satyarth Tiwari
M. Tech. Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, India
Guide, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, India
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Referendum Poll System: A Blockchain-Based Solution for Direct Democracy

Sonu Mondal, Rohit Rana, Lina Pawar, Akanksha Vishwakarma, Dr. Prashant S. Lokhande
Department of Information Technology, Pillai College of Engineering, New Panvel, Maharashtra, India
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Survey on Flight Delay Prediction by Machine Learning

Prof. Swati Dhadake, Tuljai Kadam, Amanoddin Shaikh,Sumit Sabale, Bhagyashri Shinde
Department of Computer Engineering, Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering (SKNCOE), India
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A Study on Impact of Agrochemicals on Ground Water Quality

Jyona Joseph, Divya J
P.G. Student, Department of Environmental Science, JSSAHER, Mysore, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, JSSAHER, Mysore, Karnataka, India
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Review paper on Credit Card Fraud Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithm

Vivek Kumar, Dr. Neelesh Jain, Dr. Ahtesham Farooqui
M. Tech. Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SAM College of Engineering and Technology, Bhopal, India
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SAM College of Engineering and Technology, Bhopal, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SAM College of Engineering and Technology, Bhopal, India
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Image Chaining Through Cryptography and Blockchain

Sagar Dhamal, Yash Jagtap, Prajwal Kande, Rahul Nimbargikar, Prof. Wazid Khan
Department of Computer Engineering, K J College of Engineering and Management Research, Pune, India
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Email Spam Detection Using Machine Learning

Prof. Kamble D. R., Yewale Pradip Dashrath, Chopade Sudam Sambhaji, Gujar Dattatray Navanath
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil Technical Campus, Indapur, India
B. E. Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, India
B. E. Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, India
B. E. Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, India
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A Review on Algorithmic Trading

Prof. Tonape.Y.L , Jadhav Saurabh Sanjay, Lokhande Amruta Dhanaji, Hardade Laxmi Bahirnath
Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, Pune, India
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Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wet Land Treating Domestic Waste Water

K Sumavalli, K Jyothiraju
Assistant Professor M. E., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (Autonomous), Tirupati, India
Research Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India
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A Study on Issues in Rural Marketing

Vidhi Chaudhary, Ms. Hemawati Pavitra
School of Business, Galgotias University, Department of Marketing, India
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Study on VLSI Circuit with Reference to Power Estimation

Roshan Kumar Goit, Dr. Amrita Pahadiya, Prof. Suresh S. Gawande
M. Tech. Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, India
Guide, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, Bhopal, India
Co-guide, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, Bhopal, India
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Empowerments of Women in Contemporary Society of India R.K. Naryana’s his Short Stories Collection “Malgudi Days”

Assistant Professor In Defence Degree College, (Amani) Tohana, Fatehabad), India
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A Review on “Smart Mirror”

Rasika Naik, Gunjan Sureka, Gargi Khanvilkar, Shreya Dhamane, Akshata Deshpande
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
U.G. Student, Dept of Electronics and Telecommunication, Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
U.G. Student, Dept of Electronics and Telecommunication, Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
U.G. Student, Dept of Electronics and Telecommunication, Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
U.G. Student, Dept of Electronics and Telecommunication, Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
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Design and Fabrication of PLC Based Elevator

Amrut Yadav, Manish Rawool, Hemant Asolkar, Chinmay Zende, Narahari Gawali, Sarvesh Sawant
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic Collage, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
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Crypto Currency - A New Investment Opportunity

Lakshay Chauhan
Department of Finance, School of Business, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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Design and Implementation of Power Consumption through Waste Water Using Pelton Turbine

Tamilselvi B , Monikaangel D, Stella Meena M, Vaishnavi R, Sherthana A B
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous) Hosur, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous) Hosur, India
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Design and Fabrication of Automatic Temperature Sensing and Evaporative Air Cooling System

Amrut G. Yadav, Vaibhav K.Sutar, Saish M.Satam, Satyam S.Sawant, Aditya A.Dalvi, Sarvesh S.Dalvi, Dipak M. Shahapurkar
Faculty, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
Students, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
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An Effectual Underwater Image Enhancement Using Deep learning Algorithm

S.Mallesh, I. Datri,Vadyanam Ramesh, Annadi Sai Kiran Reddy, Gottam Vamshikrishna
Dept. of ECE, CMR Technical Campus, India
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Intelligent Time Varying Metasurface Transceiver for Index Modulation in 6G Wireless Network

CH.Vinay kumar, Pantham Saikishore, Manchala Ganga Akhila, Gopagani Ajay Bhargav, Karli Nikhil Kumar
Dept. of ECE, CMR Technical Campus, India
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IoT Based Water Quality Measurement Device

Ashok Vishwakarma, Nimesh Hande, Nived Nakhawa, Tejas Gothankar, Prof. Jayshree Sonawane
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai, India
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai, India
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai, India
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai, India
Guide, Professor at Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai, India
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Battery Management System to Find Accurate Timing for Charging and Discharging of Battery

Boopathy S, Bharathi Priya M, Suruthiksha L, Nandhini G
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
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Cursor Movement Control Using Eyes and Facial Movements for Physically Challenged People

Prof.P.P.Bastawade, Damayanti Dharmik, Rutuja Gaikwad, Devashish Dhope, Gayatri Dake
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, A.I.S.S.M.S. Polytechnic Pune, Kennedy Road, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.I.S.S.M.S. Polytechnic Pune, Kennedy Road, Maharashtra, India
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Implementation of FSM for Read and Write Operation for OCP Master and Slave

Dr. K, Madhava Rao, Endirala Raja Shekar, Golla Sanjay kumar, Gollanapally Sri Kasyap
Department of ECE., B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, India
Department of ECE, B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, India
Department of ECE, B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, India
Department of ECE, B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, India
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An Integrated Approach for Non Linear Image Enhancement with Histogram Specification

Arshpreet Kaur, Suraj Pal
Department of Computer Science, GCET, Gurdaspur, India
Department of Computer Science, GCET, Gurdaspur, India
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A Study On The Marketing Strategy Of Honda

Deepak Kumar
Department of Marketing, School of Business, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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Automation of Heat Treatment Chamber

Rethick Arun, Sammrat B, Nithish Mohan, Alagumeenaakshi M
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
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Bank Loan Prediction System using Machine Learning

Prof.R.L.Ghule, Gaikwad Diksha Dilip, Kolekar Gauri Dnyanoba , Pawar Ashwini Dilip
Department of Computer Engineering, S.B.Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, India
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Flora of Series Microspermae in Haroti Region, South-East Rajasthan

Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Government College Bundi, Rajasthan, India
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Smart Wireless Transmission System for Autonomous Electric Vehicle Charging

J. Mohan Kumar, Manoj Kumar. G, Ramu. M, Siva Prasath. Siva Kumar. M
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous) Hosur, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous) Hosur, India
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Survey Paper on Designing Image Based Captcha Using Machine Learning

Prof.R.L.GHULE, Bansode Prashant Arjun, Hajare Jaydeep Somnath , Raut Raju Vijaykumar, Shinde Vishal Uttam
Department of Computer Engineering, S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, India
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Email Spam Detection Using Machine Learning

Prof. Kamble D. R., Yewale Pradip Dashrath, Chopade Sudam Sambhaji, Gujar Dattatray Navanath
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, India
B. E. Department of Computer Engineering, S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, India
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Youtube Transcript Summarizer

Vaishnavi Prakash Parabkar, Anukruti Sanjay Kshirsagar,Pournima Arjun Kadam, Dhanshri Vitthal Kate, Nikeeta Rajendra Jadhav, Sana Qasimali Shaikh
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
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Study and Analysis Risk Associated in Real Estate Projects

Sonal Bharat Kumbhar, Prof. S. S. Chavan
PG Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tatyasaheb Kore of Institute of Engineering and Technology Warnanagar, India
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tatyasaheb Kore of Institute of Engineering and Technology Warnanagar, India
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An Analytical Study on the Opportunities of Rural Marketing in India

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Fake Account Detection using Machine Learning Techniques

Prof.V.G.Bharane, Momin Aayman Rafik, Pathan Nafisa Sharif, Suryavanshi Priyanka Dattatray
Department of Computer Engineering, S.B.Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, India
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An Cloud Enhanced Intelligent Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning

II MCA, Department of MCA, Paavai Engineering College, Paavai Nagar, Pachal, Tamilnadu, India
Head of the Department, Department of MCA, Paavai Engineering College, Paavai Nagar, Pachal, Tamilnadu, India
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Carbo Securing on Road Vehicle from Accidents and Alert System Using GSM and GPS

S. Nandakumar, Diwakar.P, Hanees Ahamed. A, Kiran raghul.R, Suresh .S
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous) Hosur, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous) Hosur, India
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Li-Fi (Light Fidility) Based Induction Motor Failure Detection and Analysis the Life Span of Motor

J. Mohan Kumarme, Gokul Kirshnan. K, Manikandan S, Mohan. Praveen K
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous) Hosur, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous) Hosur, India
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A Review on IRSM-41/91 Steel on Indian Railways

S. Praveena, B.Ranjith, U.Saisasank, U.Sasi, K.Manojkumar, M.Bharath
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Annamcharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (Autonomous), Tirupati, A.P, India
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Annamcharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (Autonomous), Tirupati, A.P, India
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Review on Living Material as a Building Facade the effect of Moss Growth on Building

Prof G. F. Potbhare, Prof Natish M. Sayyed, Mohit Wanjari, Jaywanta Bhondve, Vaidehi Gour
Principal, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
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Exploring the Impact of the Environmental Sustainability of the Electric Vehicle on Consumer Purchase Intentions: A Study on EVs in Selected Areas in Noida

Akshat Mishra
Department of Marketing, School of Business, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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A Brief Review on Recent Development and Progression of Corten Steel

Bhanuprakash M. S., Yoga Balaji S., Shaik Jabivulla., Vijaya Shankar G., Pavan Kalyan N., Dr. Sudheer Reddy B
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Voice Based Wi-Fi Controlled Notice Board

Chintan Jethva, Mukul Desai, Adiya Singh, Raj Yeola, Mahesh Raut
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Concerned with Building Smart Machines

Nidhi Mishra
JRF, Research Scholar, Dept. of Commerce, University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Integrated Farming System for Sustainable Development of Small and Marginal Farmers

Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh
SMS, Animal Science, Mahayogi Gorakhnath Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Heart Disease Prediction System using Machine Learning

Dr. Sunil B. Wankhade, Gaurav Jain, Shrushti Jadhav, Neeraj Gupta, Sagar Dapurkar
Head of Department, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Blockchain Enabled E-Commerce For Agricultural Products

Chaitra Janardhan Patgar, Mohammed Banda Nawaz, Prathik M R, Rubeen Noolkar, Prof. Radhika Patil
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
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Sign Language to Text Conversion

Atharv Sunil Suryavanshi, Sagar Tukaram Pukale, Yash Mahesh Kulkarni, Vivekanand Khandoba Koli, Sanket Somnath Ghatte, Sangeeta Lagamnna Jadage
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
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Smart Video Surveillance System using YOLO Algorithm

Humera Girkar, Moiz Ahmed Khan, Sakshi Shinde, Himanshi Singh, Rahul Jiwane
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Asst. Professor, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Design, Fabrication and Testing of A Direct type Solar Dryer

Ankit Kumar Agarwa, Brij Mohan Sharma, Sandeep Kumar Bhaskar, Arun Beniwal, Yogesh Kumar Sharma
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swami Keshnanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
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Wear Parameters Optimization of Biomedical Alloy by Using Taguchi Method

C.Subhahan Basha, D.Arif, M.Dada Khalandhar, B.Pundarikakshaiah, E.Kumar, N.Anil Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gates Institute of Technology, Gooty, India
IV B.Tech Mechanical Students, Department of Mechaincal Engineering, Gates Institute of Technology, Gooty, India
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Zigbee Based Analysis of Solar Powered Forest Fire Detection and Control System

Hrutika Tanpure, Nupur Talekar, Anushka Shelke, Prathmesh Galande, S.S.Gite
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Amrutvahini College Of Engineering, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Amrutvahini College Of Engineering, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India
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Female Shavmi in Shivani's novels

Ph.D. (Researcher), Department of Hindi, Kurukshetra High School Kurukshet
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Timeline and Sylree Approach to Environmental Protection

Dr. Sangeeta Sharma
Associate Professor, Sandhi Division, Dayanand College, Sarsar.
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A Novel Viewpoint Feature Enhancement Method Stereoscopic Image Saliency Detection and Quality Assessment using Disparity

K.Kannaiah, E Rakshana, CH Rohitha, J Venkata Sai Teja, K Yamuna
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, NBKR IST, Vidyanagar, Kota,Tirupati, India
Student Scholar, Dept of ECE, NBKR IST, Vidyanagar, Kota, Tirupati, India
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Agricultural Based Industry And Rural Development: A Case Study of Dausa District

Agricultural Based Industry And Rural Development: A Case Study of Dausa District
Dr. Abhishek Vashishtha
Assistant Professor, SPNKS Govt. PG College, Dausa, Rajasthan, India
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Fabrication of an Automated Self-Adjusting Railway Ramp for Physically Challenged People

R. Hari Prasath, T. Karan Kumar, N. Madhavan, S. Antony Jobert, Dr. Robinston Jeya Singh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, India
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Medical Image Forgery Detection Using Smart Healthcare

Jyoti Bagate, Vinaya Nair, Akshay Jain, Girish Gopalakrishnan, Yukta Talagana
Assistant Professor, Department of EXTC, University of Mumbai, VESIT, Mumbai, India
Student, Department of EXTC, University of Mumbai, VESIT, Mumbai, India
Student, Department of EXTC, University of Mumbai, VESIT, Mumbai, India
Student, Department of EXTC, University of Mumbai, VESIT, Mumbai, India
Student, Department of EXTC, University of Mumbai, VESIT, Mumbai, India
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User Centered Website Using Customer Segmentation

Vijay Shinde, Nikhil Ransing, Satywan Ransing, Srijan Chitranshi, Prof. A. S. Shinde
Department of Information Technology, Sinhgad College of Engineering Pune, India
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A Survey on Alzheimer's Disease Detection using CNN Algorithm on 3D MR Images using Android App

Rutik Rokade, Abhijit Shelar, Shantanu Shegedar, Prof. S. M. Patil
Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
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A Survey on Dairy Products Management System

Prof. Santoshi. Shete, Devansh. Pitale, Pranay. Kudale, Atharva. Chougule
Professor, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS’s Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS’s Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Implementation on Smart Computer Usage Control System

Prof. Varsha R. Palandurkar, Atharva Giramkar, Lalit Hinduja, Bhushan Khandagale, Arnav Galande
HOD, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS's Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS's Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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File Sharing System using Django-REST

Shivani Kshirsagar, Vallari Bhuse, Srushti Mulage , Shifa Shaikh , Parth Undale, Jayshri Sachdev
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AG Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AG Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AG Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AG Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AG Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, AG Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
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A Survey on Home Automation System

Prof.Anjali S. Khandagale, Prof. Sunil S. Sonawane, Sangram Kadam, Sushant Kale, Prajwal Wadghule, Abhishek Rathor
HOD, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS’s Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Guide, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS’s Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS’s Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS’s Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS’s Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS’s Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Design and Development of Autonomous Dual Axis Multi-Purpose Solar Tracker for Heavysolar Collectors

M.Esakki, M.Karthik, K.Kathiresan, R.Kodeeswaran, Dr.M.Kannan
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
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IoT Based Flood Detection and Avoidance System

Hrishita Yadav, Abhishek Kumar Singh, Avinash Kumar, Ashish Chauhan
Department of Electronics and Communication, IMS Engineering College, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Ransomware Detection System using Machine Learning Algorithms

Arshi Bhaldar, Vibha Shinde, Siddhanth Das, Gaurav Singh, Abhay Patil
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Asst. Professor, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Survey on A Smart Library Automation System based on an RFID Technology

Prof. K.N. Agalave, Alisha Laxman Gaikwad, Komal Sandipan Kalel, Rutuja Popat Mane
Department of Computer Engineering, S.B.Patil College of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
Department of Computer Engineering, S.B.Patil College of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
Department of Computer Engineering, S.B.Patil College of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
Department of Computer Engineering, S.B.Patil College of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
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Health and Position Monitoring System of Soldier Using IOT

Pranitha, Rahul K, Arthik Shetty, Hrushikesh Rao, Vinayak Naik
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information Science and Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodabidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Students , Dept. of Information Science and Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodabidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
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Smart Vehicle and Anti Theft System Using IOT

Prof Asif Mulla,Adithya Krishna K,Amal Prasad,Libin Sabu,Subin Anand
Professor, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
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The Smart Wireless Water Management System

Prof. M.T. Dangat, Tushar Ghatol, Tejas Gaikwad, Nandan Ghodke, Akash Mohite, Kedar Dighe
Lecturer, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Department, AISSMS's Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS's Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Navigation Smart Stick for Blind

Pranitha, Ismail Raihan, Mohammed Zihan, Nikhil, Vivek M
Assistant Professor, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
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A Secure Trading Platform for Non-Fungible Tokens Based on Web 3.0

Khushi Gaikwad, Neha Nanche, Pauravi Tawde, Priyanka Udmale, Dr.Swati Narwane
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Feeding the World: the Role of Bioprocess Engineering in Ensuring Sustainable Agriculture for Future Generations

Dr. Manish Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor, Botany, KS Saket PG College, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Text Summarization using GPT-3

Dr. Sunil B. Wankhade, Ritika Ghanekar, Debjani Das, Vijetha Kamath, Nikita More
Prof.& HOD, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Students, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Automation of Education System

Harsha C J, Rebeiro Johnson, Vaibhav C, Manjunath Naik
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Students of 8th semester, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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Odour Control Technology- A Review and Proposal for Mangaluru city Dump yard

Rohan R Shetty, Suraj S Kumar, Prathisha G, Megha Mayuri B G
U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, MITE College, Moodabidri, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MITE College, Moodabidri, Karnataka, India
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Review for Student Attendance and Performance with help of Face Recognition

Dipa Bhadkvad, Namrata Badhe, Priti Patole, Parvati Jeure, Prof. Pallavi Raikvar
Diploma Students, Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM'S Bhivrabai Sawant Polytechnic,Pune, India
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM'S Bhivrabai Sawant Polytechnic,Pune, India
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Modification in Design of Oil Skimmer to Control Speed Mechanism

Darshit Sangani, Tejas Savaliya, Sahil Jiyani, Nishit Bhimani, Mayank Parmar, Divyesh Jariwala, Rakesh Patel
Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tapi Diploma Engineering, Gujarat, India
Guide, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tapi Diploma Engineering, Gujarat, India
Guide, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tapi Diploma Engineering, Gujarat, India
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Experimental Study on Thermogravimetric Analysis and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis on Tire Tread Made of Orange Peel Oil

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, India
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Comparative Study of Eggshell Concrete and Conventional Concrete

Rashmi Barai, Tapasvi Velodekar, Vaishnavi Borde
U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, STC Engineering College, Shegaon, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, STC Engineering College, Shegaon, India
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Disease Detection and Quality Analysis of Arecanut

Prof. Deeksha K R, Mr.Rakshith, Chaithra, Ms. P Megha Rao, Ms. Sameeksha Jain
Professor, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
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Plant Disease Detection and Proposing Solution Using Image Processing and Deep Learning with IOT

Ganapathi Avabrath, Mohana Poojary, Pavan Vinayak Shetty, Pramod Samson Maben, Ranjith
Professor, Dept. of Information Science and Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
Students, Dept. of Information Science and Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
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Exploring the Underlying Constraints to the Use of Geosynthetics Material for Civil Engineering in Road Construction

Prof. Natish Sayyed, Prof. Ritesh Raut, Hrishkesh Sawarkar, Abhishek Mohate, Ashutosh Jha, Ashutosh Jha, Md Nadeem Alam, Nikhil Kumar Singh, Pratima Binzade
Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
Guide, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
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IOT Based Modern Helmet and Intelligent Bike System

Vignesh.R, Subash.V, Suresh Kannan.M, Jebasam.M, Subramanian.N
UG Scholar, Dept. of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli., India
UG Scholar, Dept of EEE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli., India
Assistant Professor, Dept of EEE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli., India
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Sentiment Analysis in Youtube Videos using Machine Learning

Sarthak Zende, Atharwa Wadkar, Aayush Giri, Mujahid Hussain, Suresh Shinde
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, SKN College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, SKN College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, SKN College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, SKN College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, SKN College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Integrating Mulit-Modal Features of ECG and PCG to Predict Heart Diseases

Swathi Subramaniam, Jai Shiddharth Essaki, Jayant Shankar, Dr. K. R. Baskaran
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
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Dr. Sanjeev Kulkarni, Akshay Kumar P V, Aslaha Mashitha, Nithesh C M, Prajwal V K
Associate Professor, Dept. of Information Science and Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India.
Students, Dept. of Information Science and Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
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Remote Intensive Care Unit Monitoring And Communication

Sandeepa Prabhu, Abdul Mufeed, Abdul Rahiman Sinan, Joswy Rodrigues, Nibraz Rehaman
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Student 8th Semester, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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SQL Query Generation from Natural Language Using NLP

Abhishek Kharade, Parth Kasurde, Samadhan Sable, Shubham Karadkar
Department of Computer Science, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune, India
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Cotton Price Prediction Using ARIMA Model

Prof. Anushree Deshmukh, Dhiraj Kumar Shastri, Abhishek Pal, Harsh Palan, Tejas Kharat
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Handwritten Character Recognition Using Deep Learning Neural Network

Prof. Jalindar Nivrutti Ekatpure, Bharati Rajesh Shinde, Dipti Raju Waidande, Saniyz Raju Kazi
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, S B Patil College of Engineering Indapur, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Students, Department of Computer Engineering, S B Patil College of Engineering Indapur, Maharashtra, India
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Classification of Lanzones Weeds Diseases Using Image Processing Technology and a Convolutional of Neural Network

V Parthasaradi, L Ramachandran, N Suriya
Assistant Professor And Head , Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering Collage, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering Collage, Nagapattinam, India
PG student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering Collage, Nagapattinam, India
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Real Time Car drowsiness Detection

Sohail Sameer Shaikh, Zaheer Gaffar Shaikh, Rohit Shrinivas Badgu, Mallikarjun Channavir Gangade, Pragati Ramesh Jamadar, M Toushif Latif Patil
Diploma Students, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Head of Dept., Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
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Survey on Bank Loan Prediction System using Machine Learning

Prof.R.L.Ghule, Gaikwad Diksha Dilip, Kolekar Gauri Dnyanoba , Pawar Ashwini Dilip
Department of Computer Engineering, S.B.Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, India
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Emotion Based Music Recommendation System

Abhay Patil, Pratham Soni, Kushal Soni, Sakshi Rathod, Vishesh Pancholi
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Survey on Emotion-Based Song Recommendation System

Prof. R. M. Bhutada, Priti Kadam, Snehal Bhople, Rushita Jangid, Vaishnavi Gavatre, Ankita Deokar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mauli Group of Institutions College of Engineering and Technology, Shegaon, India
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Sugarcane Disease Detection

Avdhut Tarwal, Roshan Thankar, Om Deorukhkar, Amey Mestry, Prof.Anushree Deshmukh
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology(Mumbai University),, Mumbai, India
Asst. Professor, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Analytical Prediction of Rainfall using Machine Learning

Dr.Sunil B.Wankhade, Rutuja Chavarkar, Nandini Yadav, Sanjeev Yadav, Shubham Sah
Head of Department, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Design and Development of Solar Still

Wankhede Darshan, Joshi Rahul, Gaikwad Aditya, Gaud Aakul, Patel Veer, Divyesh Jariwala, Rakesh Patel
Student, Department of Mechanical, Tapi Diploma Engineering College, Gujarat, India
Guide, Department of Mechanical, Tapi Diploma Engineering College, Gujarat, India
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Analysis of Heat Transfer Rate of Different Metals before and after Heat Treatment

Pranav Kharwar, Bhautik Sorathiya, Bhushan Chaudhari, Jay Patel, Neel Gadhia, Rakesh R. Patel, Divyesh S. Jariwala
Diploma Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tapi Diploma Engineering College, Surat, Gujarat, India
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tapi Diploma Engineering College, Surat, Gujarat, India
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Defence for Women Safety

Samruddhi Kadam, Avantika Pilankar, Rina Patil, Apurva Agre, Prof. Neha Marathe
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Finolex Academy of Management & Technology, Ratnagiri, India
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Finolex Academy of Management & Technology, Ratnagiri, India
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Finolex Academy of Management & Technology, Ratnagiri, India
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Finolex Academy of Management & Technology, Ratnagiri, India
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Finolex Academy of Management & Technology, Ratnagiri, India
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Fathimath Suhaila, Mishriya, Paavana M R, Sambreena Banu, Prof.Asif Mulla
B.E Student, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Professor, Dept. of ISE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
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Netnomining: Understanding Perception of Consumer’s using Products from E-Commerce Companies

Prasad Chaudhari, Aman Sande, Dr.Dashrath Mane
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, VESIT, Chembur Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, VESIT, Chembur Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, VESIT, Chembur Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Spoof Detection for Fingerprint Recognition Based on Deep Learning

M Sujitha, R Ayyappa, V Parthasaradi
PG Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor and Head , Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
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Power Optimization and Theft Detection

Thripthi B Shetty, Akshatha, Thejashwini, Shreekripa, Vanshika D Anchan
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
UG Student, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
UG Student, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
UG Student, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
UG Student, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
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Image Processing Based Early Forest Fire Detection Based Deep Learning

V Parthasaradi, M Nuthal Srinivasan, K janani
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
PG Student, Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
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A Survey for Virtual Police Station App

Shubham Dhole, Vishal Gire, Aishwarya Narawade, Mayuri Shinde, Kaustubh Shinde
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Infrared and Thermal Studies on Mesogenic p- Decyloxy Benzoic Acid:Hexyl p -Hydroxy Benzoate (10OBA:6HB)

B.Satyanarayana Sai, K. Lakshmi Sarada, C. Umadevi, S. Sreehari Sastry
Department of Physics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunangar, India
Department of Physics, DVR & Dr.HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla, India
Department of Physics, SPW Degree & PG College, Tirupati, (A.P) India
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Movie Recommendation Engine Using Collaborative Filtering

Kishor Sonawane, Khushi Tiwari, Vedantika Wadkar, Rohit Prasad, Varsha Gosavi
UG Student, Dept. of C.S., SKNCOE, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
UG Student, Dept. of C.S., SKNCOE, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
UG Student, Dept. of C.S., SKNCOE, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
UG Student, Dept. of C.S., SKNCOE, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of C.S., SKNCOE, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
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NFT Marketplace Using Ethereum Blockchain

Aditya Gole, Shoaib Khan, Sarthak More, Hersh Pathak, Sunil Wankhade
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Head of Department, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (MumbaiUniversity), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Pet Feeding & Food Dissipate Using IOT Technology

Patankar Samarjeet Satish, Gaikwad Sushil Pandurang, Sonawane Sonal Eknath, Bait Rukshita Dinesh, Prof. B. R. Bhatti
Department of Computer Science, Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Dhangawadi, Pune, India
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Eventor –Workshop & Events Registration & Management Application

Noaman Kaysingwala, Shivshankar Sahu, Piyush Save, Shaikh Mohd. Arshan, Shirish Sabnis
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Asst. Professor, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Comprehending the Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Driving Autonomous Vehicles and the Rising Demand for Chip Providers

Keerthi Kumar, Raja Reddy
M Tech Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, PES Engineering College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Retd. Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, PES Engineering College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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Static Structure and Steady State Thermal Analysis of Two Wheeler Disc Brake

Sathishkumar R, Ayyappan S
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oxford College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Balaji Chockalingam Engineering College, Arni, Tamil Nadu, India
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A Study on Swelling Characteristics of Lime Stabilized Soils

Sheetal Parashuram Naik
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jain College of Engineering& Research College, Belagavi., Karnataka, India
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Smart Agro Study using IoT

Prof. Rakshak Sood, Anushka Rane, Tanvee Jaiswal, Shruti Biyani, Rithika Kothur
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
Student, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India.
Student, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India.
Student, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India.
Student, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India.
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Removal of Impulse Noise in Images using Adaptive Decision Tree Based Image Denoising

Harikrishnan S , Y. Yaswanth, K. Jagadeesh, P. Thulasi Reddy, R. Naveen Kumar Reddy, M. Jaswanth Reddy
Head of Department, Sanskrithi School of Engineering, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sanskrithi School of Engineering, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India.
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Multiple Disease Prediction System using Machine Learning

Harsh Pandey, Vishal Yadav, Nikunjkumar Darji, Parth Sawant, Dr. Swati Narwane
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Asst Professors, Department of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Mumbai University), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Raghavendra G.S, Ahmed Yumnaan, Mohammed Soud, Mohammed Muzammil, Mohammed Safwan
Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Student, Dept of CSE, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Student, Dept of CSE, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Student, Dept of CSE, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Student, Dept of CSE, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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Teeth Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review

Prof. V. G. Bharane, Gauri R. Adekar, Dhanashri V. Chaudhari, Vijay M. Dudhal, Vaibhav P. Patil
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
UG Student, Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Smart Solar Air Dryer for Arecanut

Dr. Prasanna Kumar C, Shraddha Shetty, Sajna, Ayesha Shahistha, Usha S R
Professor, Department of ECE, YIT, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Student, 8th Semester, Department of ECE, YIT, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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A Study on Stock Market Awareness among the Educated Youth with Special Reference to Villupuram Town

Drishti Rani, S. Keerthana
Assistant Professor, PG & Research of Commerce, Theivanai Ammal College for Women, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, India
UG Student, PG & Research of Commerce, Theivanai Ammal College for Women, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, India
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Smart Irrigation System Using IOT

V.R.Sonar, Anuj Dhokale, Mayur Mirgale, Diksha Dhekale, Aamir Aland
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, India
Students, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, India
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Automatic Helmet Detection Using Surveillance Video in Real Time

Prof. K.S.Zanwar, Anushri Tayade, Sonal Helode, Vanita Lande, Shruti Deshmukh, Ashutosh Wakde
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mauli Group of Institutions and College of Engineering Shegaon, India
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Skin Cancer Prediction Using Deep Learning

Prof.Kajal Vatekar, Ayush Tiwary, Chirag Patel, Sakshi Phapale, Akshada Bhor
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, SKNCOE, Pune, India
Students, Department of Computer Engineering, SKNCOE, Pune, India
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Experimental Study on Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams by Fracture Mechanics and Comparison with Reinforced Concrete Beams

Riya Kangralkar
Assistant Professor, Department of civil Engineering, Jain College of Engineering and Research Udyambag, Belagavi, India
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Dynamic Analysis & Assessment of Irregularity In Irregular High-Rise Structures

Mohammed Sameer Ather, R G Nauman Khan
P.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Division, Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, Himayat Sagar, Hyderabad, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Division, Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, Himayat Sagar, Hyderabad, India
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Student Attendance System

Nazia Mulla, Pragati Gaikwad, Pranali Kadam, Priyanka Maske, Payal Ovhal
Lecturer of Department Computer Engineering, JSPM's Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Polytechnic., Tathawade, India
Student of Department Computer Engineering, JSPM's Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Polytechnic., Tathawade, India
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Advanced Quality Control System with Smart Automation

Mayur Shelake, Tushar Kambale, Abhishek Shinde, Prof. Vivek Diware
UG Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, India
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Pressure Ulcers Classification and Detection

Prof. Akshatha Rao, Rithesh Kumar, Sharanya S, Sharanya U, Swathi Bhat
Professor, Dept. of ECE, SMVITM, Bantakal, Udupi Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of ECE, SMVITM, Bantakal, Udupi, Karnataka, India
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Design Optimization of Special Tool for Commercial Vehicle

Shriprasad G. Lakhapati, Dr. Kumar. D. Sapate, Priyanka B. Sawant
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Asst. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Smart Glasses for Blind People

Abhishek Badade, Yash Sarode, Misba Shaikh, Kamlesh Tambe, Prof.A.E.Kachare
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Amrutvahini Collage of Engineering, Sangamner Maharashtra, India
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Amrutvahini collage of Engineering, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India
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Design and Fabrication of River Cleaning Machine by Using Remote Control and Solar

Head of Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sanskrithi School of Engineering, Puttaparthi, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sanskrithi School of Engineering, Puttaparthi, India
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Solar Powered UPS

Savitha K.P, Riya Susan George
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Chengannur, India
U.G. Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Chengannur, India
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Moving Vehicle Number Plate Detection

Ashish Modak, Yerusha Ingale, Onkar Jadhav, Payal Mhaske
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic College, Kennedy Road, Pune, India
Students, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic College, Kennedy Road, Pune, India
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Baby Monitoring Smart Cradle System Using Arduino

P Shobika, Santhoshi, V Parthasaradi
PG Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S.Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S.Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor And Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S.Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
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Audit of Amazon

Ayushi Pandey
Department of Marketing, School of Business, Galgotias University, India
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Smart Home Automation Security System Using IOT Based on Fuzzdos

V Parthasaradi, C Mathuvanesan, E.Balayogesh
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering Collage, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering Collage, Nagapattinam, India
PG student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering Collage, Nagapattinam, India
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Implementation of Smart Online Voting System

Prof. Santoshi Shete, Vaishnavi Pofale, Onkar Basawane, Kalash Jain, Sameer Dhamdhere
Department of Information Technology, AISSMS's Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS's Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Social Distancing Violation Analyzer

Sanjivani Joshi, Piyush Hadge, Sanket Parsewar, Vaibhav Parsewar, Umar Shaikh
Dept. of Information Technology, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
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Arduino Based Multiple Nodes Access of Wireless Beam Modulation for 6G

M Susima, V Sathya , V Parathasaradi
PG Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
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Numerical Investigation in Thermal Behaviour with Various Ceramic Coatings on Metal Roof Sheet by Ansys

Sumit Kumar, Dr. Surrya Prakash Dilli Babu
P.G Scholar, Industrial Safety & Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Associate Professor, Industrial Safety & Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Moving Vehicle Number Plate Detection

Mr.Ashish Modak, Yerusha Ingale, Onkar Jadhav, Payal Mhaske
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic College, Kennedy Road, Pune, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic College, Kennedy Road, Pune, India
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Machine Learning –Based Massive Augmented Spatial Modulation for IOT VLC Systems Using Arduino

S Divya, R.S Koteesawari, V Parthasaradi
PG student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
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Automatic Hand Sanitizer

Prof. M.R.Talware, Naresh Vishe, Tejas Ughade, Manish Premsagar, Ayush Chavan, Pranav Rathod
Associate Professor, Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic College, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic College, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Design and Fabrication of PLC Based Sorting Machine

Swapnil Sawant, Milind Rawool, Nikhil Naik, Gangaram Rawool, Ashish Sawant, Pandurang Parab
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic Collage, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YBP Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
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Design and Optimization of Dashboard Holding Fixture

Vivek Dilip Patil, Dr. Kumar. D. Sapate, Priyanka B. Sawant
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Asst. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Design and Fabrication of Four-Wheel Steering Mechanism

Dr. Cv. Raja Reddy, Ph.D., Jangam Jayakrishna , Morreppagari Nuthan Prasad Reddy , Kalasamudram Lokesh Kumar, Shaik Shabaz, Batti Mubeentaj
Head of Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sanskrithi School of Engineering, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sanskrithi School of Engineering, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Design and Construction of a Four-Wheeled Vehicle’s Automatic Brake System

C. Anand, M.Bhuvana Chandra ,K.Sudarshan, K.Bharath Sekhar Reddy, B.Basavaraju, G.Tharun Kumar Reddy
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sanskrithi School of Engineering, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sanskrithi School of Engineering, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Design, Development and Optimization of Bush Removal and Fitment from Suspension

Nitin Ashok Dhage, Dr. Kumar. D. Sapate, Priyanka B. Sawant
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Asst. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Identifying Fake Products through A Barcode Using Machine Learning

Prof. A N. Kawade, Sarade Sonali Shahaji, Devkate Snehal Sadashiv, Markad Ankita Bibhishan
Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil Technical Campus, Indapur, India
B. E. Department of Computer Engineering, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, India
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Sign Language Detection

Shazid Shaik, Susanth Reddy B, S G B Subhiram Gurlinka, Karthik Nandam, Rajesh A
Dept. of CSE – AI, Jain (Deemed To Be University), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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Child Abusing Detection and Avoiding System Using Image Processing and ML

Nilesh Desai, Kartikey Rathod, Prathamesh Lokare, Sanket Bawane, Prof. E.K. Rathod
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sinhgad College Engineering College, Pune , Maharashtra, India
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Algorithmic Music Composition Using RNN

Yogesh Yadav, Anurag Kumar
Masters of Computer Applications, School of Engineering, Ajeenkya D Y Patil University, Pune, India
Masters of Computer Applications, School of Engineering, Ajeenkya D Y Patil University, Pune, India
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Electronic Band Structure and Related Properties of Paramagnetic FCC Technetium

S. B. Madan
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, M.G.Science Institute, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
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Traffic Sign Board Recognition using CNN

Harshad Kadam, Sanskar Sonawane, Vishal More, Sahil Nangare, Prof. P.G.Waware
Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
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Development of Plant Irrigation Water Sprinkler Robot

G Sujaykumar, Akshay S S, Kamil Hussain, Nihal Manzoor, Nihal
Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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WhatsApp Chat Analyzer Using Artificial Intelligence

Kushal Sankhe, Viditi Vartak, Sarvmbh Sawant, Thaksen Parvat
Department of Information Technology, Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering and Technology, Vasai Road (W), India
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Safety in Hilly Roads Using Modern Techniques

Vishal Gahane, Govind Yele, Tilakchand Pakhmode, Mohit Borkar, Vina Bramhankar, Chhabila Lanjewar, Sandip Kumbhare
U.G. Students, Department of Civil Engineering, MPCE, Bhilewada, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MPCE, Bhilewada, Maharashtra, India
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Blockchain Framework for Securing and Managing Electronic Healthcare Records

Nidhi G T, Priyanka S, Sneha G M, Yashaswini S P, Dr. Pardeep N
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
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Depression Detection System Using NLP

Chaitrali Jagdale, Aishwarya Nigade, Rushikesh Gaikwad, Asif Shaikh
Department of Computer Engineering, NESGI, Pune, India
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QR Based Patient Health Record System with Disease Prediction

Vaibhav Kale, Vishal Rayate, Manoj Thombal, Prof.Sapike Nikita
Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwabharti Academy College of Engineering, Ahmadnagar, India
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwabharti Academy College of Engineering, Ahmadnagar, India
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Password Based Doorlock System Using Microcontroller

Prof.Snehal Ranit, Ghumare Priyanka, Bhavle Asha, Sakhare Rutuja
Dept. of E&TC, Genba Sopanrao Moze College of Engineering, Balewadi, Pune, India
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Blockchain Enabled Security Framework for Customer Registration in Banking

Deekshitha K, Khushi V S, Preethi G, Kavyashree N M,Prof. Dr. Pradeep N
U.G Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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Exploration and Documentation of Wild Edible Plants of Muniya Conservation Reserve (MCR) of Nagpur District, Maharashtra state

N. G. Chandewar, Dr. Rupali Chandewar
Assistant Conservator of Forest, Forest Department, Government of Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, BMAM, Nanadanvan , Nagpur, India
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Design and Analysis of Automated Shop Shutter

Sandeep Chape, Avinash Chavan, Vikram Deshmukh³, Manish Rathod, Prof. R.S.Mote
U.G Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
Project Guide, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
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Algorithmic Trading

Prof. Y.L. Tonape, Saurabh Sanjay Jadhav, Amruta Dhanaji Lokhande, Laxmi Bahirnath Hardade
Department of Computer Engineering, Spvp's S. B. Patil College of Engineering Vangali, Indapur, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
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Survey on Hashing based Deduplication System in Cloud Computing

Atharva Girish Kirve, Akshay Kaduba Khandebharad, Shrikant Gokul Patil, Prof. Poonam Jadhavar
Department of computer Engineering, Padmabhooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology, Pune, India
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Optical Character Recognition Notes Application

Saloni Khatu, Kevin Parmar, Aditya Mane, Rajat Singh, Priya Karunakaran
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, St. Francis Institute of Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, St. Francis Institute of Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Development of Site Logistics Plan of Pune Metro Budhwar Peth Station

Surender Kumar, Prof Tushar Bhamare, Prof. Asha Oak, Prof Aditi Sonawane, Prof Surbhi Chittora
P.G. Student, Department of Construction Management, MITCOM, MIT-ADT University, Pune, India
Associate Professor, Department of Construction Management, MITCOM, MIT-ADT University, Pune, India
Head of Department, Department of Construction Management, MITCOM, MIT-ADT University, Pune, India
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Smart Medicare System

Muzaffar Minhaz Alam Munshi, Rahul Ravendra Singh, Dnyaneshwari Balu Bhore, Sakshi Anil Ugade, Ankita Pravin Maske, Milind Madhukar Kulkarni
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
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Effect of Temperature on Strength of Self-Curing Concrete

Prof. Sujit M. Vaijwade, Vedprakash Varma, Nirjara Kulkarni, Kalyani Sonawane, Anurag Tathe, Shareeque Khan, Sumeet Sarode
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, MGM University, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Students, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM's Polytechnic, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, India.
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A Study on Safety Measure of Workers in Redova Logistics

P.G. Student Department of Management Studies, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
Associate Professor School of Management Studies, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India.
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Detection of Cyberbullying on Social Media Platforms

Dr. Gururaj T, Prof. Vaishnavi Ajay Inamdar, Puneeth GL, Shashank G J, Sinchana I S, Yashaswini N S
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
U.G Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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Traffic Violation Proctoring System: Helmet and Triple Riding Detection

Roja E N, Sahana S M, Shalini K R, Soundarya P, Prof. Gangadhar S, Prof. Jagadish A N
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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Use of Self Compacting Concrete for Sustainable yet Economic Development

Ayushi Singh, Dushyant Kamal, Hrishabh Mishra, Jaipal Prajapat, Krishna Muwal, Mohit Sharma, Javed Ul Islam
B.Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering,Jaipur Engineering College & Research Centre,Jaipur, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,Jaipur Engineering College & Research Centre, Jaipur, India
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Case Study on Earthquake Resistant Structures in Japan

Shubham, Saransh Sharma, Saurabh Jorwal, Tushar Sharma, Sneha Sanwal, Chandraveer Singh Shekhawat, Javed Ul Islam
B.Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering,Jaipur Engineering College & Research Centre,Jaipur, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,Jaipur Engineering College & Research Centre, Jaipur, India
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Build and Deploy Decentralized Cryptocurrency Application Using Web 3.0

Adarsh P G, Kusuma C R, Thrupthi G, Vinayaka E, DR. Nirmala C R
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, BIET Engineering College, Shamanur Rd, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science Engineering, BIET Engineering College, Shamanur Rd, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
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Study on the Future of Electric Vehicles in India

Preyajeet Kumar
Department of Marketing, School of Business, Galgotias University, Gr. Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Waste Management on the Campus with an Incinerator with Heat Recovery System

L S Prasad, Nithin A.M, Adarsh S R, Jefin Baby, Robin Thomas
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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Design and Fabrication of Multi Agriculture Machine by Using Remote Control and Batteries

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sanskrithi School of Engineering, Puttaparthi, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sanskrithi School of Engineering, Puttaparthi, India
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Design and Development of Fruit Sorting Machine

Nagnath Dange, Ruturaj Gomare, Satyajit Deshmukh, Rutik Suryawanshi, Prof. N.A Mulani
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering , Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering , Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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A Study of Cyber Security, Its Challenges and Its Emerging Trends on Latest Technologies

Dr. Sandeep
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Structural Health Monitoring Based on Vibration Approach

Prof. Sogarwal A. M, Aditya Padul, Nakul Phulewade, Paranjal kale, Mahadev Dhakane, Piyush Dandge, Karan Narawade
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, MGM University, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Students, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM's Polytechnic, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, India
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Soil Stabilization by Using Alum Sludge

Sagar Vetal, Prasad Chavan, Vishvjeet Patil, Rutvik Basagare, Umesh Dhotre
U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Adarsh Institute of Technology and Research Center, Vita, India
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Adarsh Institute of Technology and Research Center, Vita, India
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Patient Medicine Assistance Bot Using RPA

Nandeesh Reval, Prajwal Reddy B S, Prerana C P, Spoorthi G T, Prof. Naseer R, Prof. Ranjitha H S
B.E Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering andTechnology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering andTechnology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
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Design and Fabrication of Folding Bed with Defecation System

G Sujaykumar, Larin Philip Lagi, P J Thejash, Steny Joseph, Vishesh
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YIT Engineering College, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
U.G. Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YIT Engineering College, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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Literature Review on Soil Stabilization by Advance Technique

Atul D. Gautam, Vaibhav Meshram, Ganesh Hirekhan, Sagar Rahangdale, Saurabh Dongre
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, J D College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, J D College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
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Bones of Fragility: Diagnosis of Osteoporosis Fracture using Image-based Techniques and Convolutional Neural Networks

Shivani Arthamwar, Snehal Bhogawade, Priti Ekhande, Apurva Gaikwad, K.S. Patil
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
Guide, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
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An AI Approach to Detect Concept Drift in Pharmaceutical Data Stream

Mallikarjuna G M, Seela Chaithanya Sai, Nandini K S, Vaibhavi D R, Prof. Abdul Razak M S, Prof. Rahima B
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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Fabrication of Slip Measurement Apparatus in Belt Drive

Asmit Ghogale, Santosh Jadhav, Anant Sail, Siddesh Kanekar, Head of Mechanical Department: Abhishek Rane
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
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Detection, Identification and Proactive Prevention of Phishing Websites

Rahul M, Sinchana K P, Sneha V, Spandana K J, Prof.Raghu B R, Prof.Shwetha G
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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Identification of Liver Fibrosis using Machine Learning Techniques and Image Inference

K L Sathvik Patel, Nishita S, Sathvik R Bennihalli, Shazia Kousar S, Prof.Chandrashekhar M V, Prof.Waseem Khan
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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Implementation on Video Conferencing System

V.R. Sonar, Aniket Vasant Mhaske, Chetan Subhash Mhaske, Arpan Kumar Moharana
Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Engineering, A.I.S.S.M.S. Polytechnic Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, A.I.S.S.M.S. Polytechnic Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Design, Analysis & Monitoring of Sun Tracking Solar Panel

Sourabh G. Arasidha, Atharva A. Tupe, Abhishek S. Yadav, Rohit S. Thorat, Prof. N. M. Kamthe
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
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Charging Station for E-Vehicle Using Solar With IOT

R Keerthana, S Senthilkumar, V Parthasaradi
PG Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor and Head , Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
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Review and Analysis of Signature Verification System Using Image Processing Technique

Aroshi Sharma, Suraj Pal
Department of Computer Science, Golden College of Engineering and Technology, Gurdaspur, India
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Personality Prediction through CV Analysis

Teena Sonwane, Vaishnavi Deshmukh, Vaishnavi Kulkarni, Prof. P. S. Jadhavar
Degree in Computer Engineering, Dept. of Computer Engineering, PVPIT Bavdhan Pune, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, PVPIT Bavdhan Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Application of IOT in Cold Chain of Fisheries

Yash Chavan, Saurabh Pilankar, Sanket Sargar, Atharva Sadesai, Prof. Harshal Salvi
UG, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Maharashtra, India
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Design and Development of Mobile Operated Electric Wire Cutting Machine

Yash Parab, Kaif Quraishi, Tanish Sawant, Parthiv Talavnekar, Raj Kalsulkar, Purushotaam Vanjari, P. K. Parab
Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
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Helmet Detection for Motorcyclist Safety Using Machine Learning

Ayisha Thasreefa P, HN Nikhil, Melbin George, Nabeel Abdul Jabbar, Sourav Sreelan
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Dept. of CSE, YIT Moodbidri, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
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Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange

Shivam Pal, Sunny Patil, Pankaj Parte, Bharati Gondhalekar
Dept. of Information Technology, Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology (VCET), Vasai, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology (VCET), Vasai, India
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Secure System for Managing Digital Assets Using Blockchain

Anusha Yallappa Hunagund, Divya P Garag, Soumya Arun Joshi, Vidya P T, Prof.Chandrashekhar M V, Prof .Waseem Khan
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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Detecting Pulserate and ECG Waveform by Using Bluetooth Stethoscope

S.Vijay Kumar, A.J. Grecia, N.Iswarya, S.Kokila, S.Mayuri
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Patient Ventilator Using Arduino with Blood Oxygen Sensing

Department of Biomedical Engineering, Gnanamani College Of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Banking Operations Using Blockchain Technology

Shivakumar Hugar, Veeresh H, Vijeth M Hadimani, Vishwanath Pattanashetty, Prof. Gangadhar S, Prof. Jagadish A N
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Karnataka, Davanagere, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Karnataka, Davanagere, India
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Modeling and Development of 3D Bone Cast Immobilization

Harikanth S, Vignesh, Suvin S, Swasthik, Sheik Muhammed Anas
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
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The Concept of the Line City

Ajinkya Kolte, Bhushan Tandale, Sarvaiye Pratik, Magare Aditya, Salunke Hariom, Pitale Bhagwat, Prof. Shaikh S. J, Prof. Sogarwal A. M, Prof. Domale A. P
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s Polytechnic College, MGM University , Chatrapati Sambhajinagar , Maharashtra , India
Lecturer , Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s Polytechnic College, MGM University , Chatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra , India
Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s Polytechnic College , MGM University , Chatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra , India
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Multi-Image Steganography Using Advanced Encryption Standard

Supriya Dighe, Namrata Shilimkar, Priti More, Chandan Thombare, Prof.Sonal Shirke
Dept of Computer Engineering, Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Bhor, India
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Design and Fabrication of 3d Printing Filament Extruder by Recycling Plastic Waste

Manish R. Ghatage,Kevin A. D’souza, Shubhamkumar A. Ram, Bharat G. Pednekar, Omkar N. Rane, Akshay B. Zore
Faculty, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
Students, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
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Development of Unmanned Areca nut Bunch Plucking Machine

G Sujaykumar, Ashik S Kulal , Kaushik, Sourabha M, Shreyas
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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Fabrication of Vegetable and Fruit Washing Machine

Shreedhara Devendra Badiger, Akash M, K. Sharath, Adithya, Ravindra Naik
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka , India
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A Review Paper on Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite

Sampada Dravid, Advait Palande, Jyotiraditya Patil, Rajat Panhale, Fayekali Shaikh, Arif Salmani
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, India
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Development of Vehicle Ignition Lock System with Driving License and Alcohol Sensor

Ravindra Naik, Mahammad Musthafa, Waleed BM, Salman Farish, Mohammed Hisham Khader
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YIT, Karnataka, India
Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YIT, Karnataka, India
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Design and Development of Smart Glass for Visually Impaired

Abdul Rahiman, Iyan, Manzoor Faiz Beig, Sanchith Patel M N, Vishnu Murthi
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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Fabrication of Automatic Water Tank Cleaning and Sediment Water Removing Mechanism

Rohit P. Patil, Pushpak V. Sawang, Ganesh G. Kedar, Rahul G. Jadhav, Akib F. Khan, Md. Taukir Md. Zakir, Prof. A.R. Bhalekar
B.E. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
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Effective Designing of RCC Structure by Applying Computer Application

Prof. Domale A. P, Prof. Vaijwade S. M, Darshan More, Anuradha Chabukswar
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology,MGM University, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Students, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM's Polytechnic, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, India
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Safety Gadget: An IOT Based Security System

Aditi R Pillai, Krutika Malgi, Priyanka AR, Sandhya Mahadevappa Nyamati , Dr. Naveen Kumar K R, Prof. Arjun H
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
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Retrofitting of IC Engine Scooter into Hybrid Scooter

L S Prasad, Abhimanyu K K, Arjun Biju, K S Anandhu, Sachin
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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Implementation in Drone and Object Detection System using Artificial Intelligence

Pravin A, Ramya A, Deasing S, Arjunkumar, Dr.R.Nagarajan
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani college of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani college of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani college of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Design and Implementation of E-Vehicle Smart Charging for Cost Minimization Consideration Temperature and Battery Health

Shalini.V, Gayathri.S, Babyshalini.S, Srividhya.R
IV Year, Department of EEE, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Assistant Professor, Dept of EEE, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Solar Street Light 120Watts with LIFEPo4 Battery by using Smart Sensor (PIR Sensor for Motion Detection 1oM +)

Aarthi Selvaraju, Anuja Palanisamy, Prema Senthil, Suganthi Sureshkumar, M.Sundaraperumal
IV Year, Department of EEE, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Assistant Professor. Department of EEE, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Development of Smart Attendance Monitoring System Using Face Recognition RFID and IOT Technologies for Environment

Indrapriyadharshini.G, Geetha.C, Soldikumari Praveena.S, DR.J.Chandramohan
IV Year, Department of EEE, Gnanamani college of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
HOD, Department of EEE, Gnanamani college of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Automatic Water Monitoring and Control Used in Retort System

Sankar C, Gowtham M, Kumaresh K, Satheesh Kumar K
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Sustainability of Electric Vehicles with CO2 Emission Control

Balaji Senthilkumar, Devaraj Subramani, Gokulraj Rajandran, Dr.M.Malarvizhi
IV Year, Department of EEE, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Professor, Department of EEE, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Food Review Analysis Using Zero Shot Learning

Shishir S Dixit, Shreya C S, Spoorthi V, Yash R Hallalli, Prof. Radhika Patil, Prof. Supreetha S M
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
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Electric Vehicles Opportunities and Challenges in India

Ankit Kumar
Department of BBA, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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AI Driven Billing System

Basavaraj Neelagund, Aseel Ahmed, Mohammed Zidan M P, Dheeraj, Sheikh Abdul Rehman
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
B.E Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
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IoT Based Smart Dustbin with Advanced Waste Management Techniques

Prof.Prasanna S R,Aboobacker Jazeel, Dinol Monteiro, Timon Abner Lobo,Vijith Shekha
Assistant Professor, Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India.
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
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Fabrication of Rainwater Harvesting System using Solar Panel

Ravindra Naik, Abhishek Ajith Paithal, Johnson PG, Sahnoon K P, Sibin Vincent S K
Head of Department, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
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Image2speech Using Natural Language Processing(NLP): Automatically Generating Audio Descriptions of Images

Chaitra R, Impana J, Priyanka M V, Venkatesh B S, Prof. Raghu B R, Prof.Shwetha G
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, Indiaia
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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Moderating Social Media Content: Exploring the Potential of Robotic Process Automation in Moderation of Social Media Content

Abhilash B N, Anusha M P, Bhavana K V, Harshitha M P, Prof. Naseer R, Prof. Ranjitha H S
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, Indiaia
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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A Real-Time Machine Learning Approach for Stress Detection

Harshavardhan K R, Suhas N Murthy, Vijay V T, Nandeesh M D, Dr. Santosh K C
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
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Influence of Advertisement on Consumer Behaviour

Gulshan Kumar
Department of BBA, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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Supply Chain of Pharmaceutical Industry Using Blockchain Technology

Dr. Mallikarjun S B Ph. D, Sumana CMTech, Annam Reddy Sai Harshitha, Gowthami B A, Indushree B Y, Kruthika S S
Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India
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Partial Replacement of Crushed Date Seeds with Fine Aggregate in Concrete

Prof. Shaikh S. J, Siddhant Bankar, Siddhi Deshmukh, Rupali Gughe
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s Polytechnic College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s Polytechnic College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
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Remote Resource Monitoring System

Nidan Gavali, Vaibhav Deshmukh, Kaustubh Gharat, Vaishali Shirsath
Department of Information Technology, Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology, Vasai, India
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Development of an Integrated Thermal Comfort Assessment System (ITCAS)

A.Anson, S. Mariappan, I. Astin, A. Brockman, R. Prabu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikkulam, Thoothukudi, India
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Aerodynamic Studies in the Static Components of A Centrifugal Compressor Stage

S. Mariappan, S. Marimuthu, F. Rubus Robinson, A. Antony Smolin RenisS. John Mathew
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikkulam, Thoothukudi, India
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Thermal Comfort of Green Energy Office (GEO) Building

S. Mariappan, E. Ivin, S. Karthick, A. Karthik, A. Saravanakumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikkulam, Thoothukudi, India
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Air Purifier and Humidifier Using Water as the Filter

Rohan Crystal Pereira, Mohammed Saif Yonus, Sandesh Ramesh H, Sathisha, Jaganesh G.C
UG Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, , Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodabidri, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodabidri, Karnataka, India
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Growth Regulator Feeding Machine

Prof. Pratik Kamble, Rahul Pujare, Vighnesh Ghadi, Saurabh Ghadi, Chinmay Naik
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
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IoT Based Multipurpose Seed Sowing Agribot

Prof.Prasanna S R, Ahmed Sawad, Ashiq Muhammed, Mahammad Shafeek, Mohammad Musthafa
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
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The Jarvis Voice Assistant Using Python

Abhijeet Bhagwat Munde, Kunal Dilip Mandave, Sahil Sanjay Kaluse, .Kunal Sunil Umbarkar, Prof. K.S.Khamkar
Department of Computer Engineering, Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Dhangwadi, Pune, India
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DGA Detection Leveraging ML Techniques

Akash S Shinde, Brahmtej B Bargali, Sohan S P, Sushruth E S, Dr. Gururaj T, Prof. Vaishnavi AI
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Bapuji Institute Engineering and Technology, Shamanur Rd, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Bapuji Institute Engineering and Technology, Shamanur Rd, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Bapuji Institute Engineering and Technology, Shamanur Rd, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
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Energy Generation through Foot Steps on Floor through Piezosensor

Prof. Ghatol Chaitanya. B, Sarvesh Khonde, Jay Beedkar, Baliram Tulshe, Anirudha Rathod, Ravikumar Ubale
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, MGM University, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Students, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s Polytechnic College, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, India
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Automatic Beach Cleaning Machine

Venkatesh Rao H, Mohammed Husain Faizal, Sulaiman Suhail, Abdul Washi, Sheik Riyan
Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
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Design and Fabrication of Domestic Non Biodegradable Waste Material Recycling Unit

Abdul Rahiman, Mohammed Nazeen, Mohammad Hasan, Faiz Ahamed, Vipul Steevan Fernandes
Assistant Professor, Department of mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Students, Department of mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
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Tourist Application

Madhura Kadam, Janhavi Mahajan, Aarti Pharate, Ishan Ranjan, K.S. Patil
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
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Tourist Application

Gopal Junare, Dnyaneshwar Mahankar, Pavan Nikam, Dhammpal Sawale, Dhiraj Wankhade
U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
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Replacement of Fly Ash & Coconut Fibre with Cement

Atharav D.Khakare, Akash N.Tayade, Prof.Dhiraj G.Wankhede
U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Siddivinayak Technical Campus, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Siddivinayak Technical Campus, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Siddivinayak Technical Campus, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
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Synthesis, Characterization and Phase Transition Studies in Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystal p- Octyloxy Benzoic Acid: p- (p’- Ethoxy Benzylidene)- Cyano Aniline (8OBA: EBCA)

N. Rajya Lakshmi, K. Lakshmi Sarada, C. Umadevi, S. Sreehari Sastry
Department of Physics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunangar, India
Department of Physics, DVR & Dr.HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla, India
Department of Physics, SPW Degree & PG College, Tirupati, (A.P) India
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Design of Air Gun Using Solar

V S. Bagade, Kedar G. Bhide, Aditya U. Dhumaskar, Harshal M. Sawant, Shivam S. Vanjari, Mayuresh V. Mhadeshwar
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, University of Mumbai, India
Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, University of Mumbai, India
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AGROMEET:- Networking for Greener Future

Neev Mhatre, Asma Shaikh, Devansh Sharma, Shaurya Katke, Poonam Vengurlekar
Diploma Students, Department of Computer Engineering, Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, India
Project Guide, Department of Computer Engineering, Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, India
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Investigation on Office Fire Simulation Using FDS Software

Ambedkar T, Dr. R. Ramesh Kumar
P.G Scholar., Industrial Safety, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Professor., Industrial Safety., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Safe Path Analysis Using Social Media Data

Pranav Nemade, Aditya Mahajan, Chaitanya Naik, Yash Yenpure, A.R. Kamble
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, SITS, Narhe, Pune, India
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, SITS, Narhe, Pune, India
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Skin Cancer Classification Using Deep Learning

Abhishek B G, Deeksha N, Hrushika Singh J E, Neha B A, Prof. Naveen H M
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Karnataka, Davanagere, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Karnataka, Davanagere, India
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Manufacturing of 3D Printing Filament Using 3D Waste Material

Rushikesh Rasal, Amey A. Jadhav, Nivrutti A. Mhapadi, Aniruddha S.Jadhav, Sairaj S. Mhadeshwar
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, University of Mumbai, India
Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, University of Mumbai, India
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Sayyad Hamza Fahim, Adnan Qureshi, Deep Kale, Cavin Juneja, Smita Dangde
Diploma Students, Department of Computer Engineering, Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, India
Project Guide, Department of Computer Engineering, Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, India
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Fabrication of Spraying Robot Using Rocker Bogie Mechanism

Sunil Chandrashekar Poojar, Sharath V, Nidhish U Shetty, Rakshith, Jaganesh Chengappa
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India
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Fire Detection and Localization Using Web Camera

Karuna Tanaji Durke, Prerana Rajshekhar Bagalkote, Shreyash Sushilkumar Mane, Ratna Jayprabhu Dinkar, Sagar Abasaheb Mane, Milind Kulkarni
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A. G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, A. G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
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Model and Fabrication of Electric Cultivator

Prof. Vani R, Mohammed Ali Jawher, Mohammed Fawaz, Mohammed Muzammil Sheikh, Sagar
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India
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Dipak N. Shinde, Vaishnavi D. Patil, Shubham T. Borsare, Tujay K. Korade, Prof.Bhagwan D. Thorat
Department of Computer Engineering, Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Pune, India (MH), Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
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Development of PLC Based Automatic Temperature Controller

Pratik Bhimte, Uddesh Gajbhiye, Anzar Ali, Prashant Rahate, Rajkumar Wadbudhe
UG Students, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, NIT Polytechnic, Nagpur, India
Guide, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Polytechnic, Nagpur, India
HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Polytechnic, Nagpur, India
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Mental Health Testing

Prof.V.R.Sonar, Aditya Deshpande, Harshkacha, Krishi Malani, Neil Marian
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Student, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Delayed Gratification, Well Being, Quality of Relationship among Adolescents. A Correlational Study

Swati Manglani, Dr. Chhaya Gupta
Student, Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences, Amity University Lucknow Campus, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences, Amity University Lucknow Campus, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India
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Study and Investigation of Composition Modeling of CNG Vehicles in Aloha Software

R Jacob jaison, Dr N. Lenin, Dr.D.Suriya Prakash, Dr.Harisivasri Phanindra k
P.G Scholar., Industrial Safety, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
Professor & Dean., Industrial Safety, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
Assistant Professor, Industrial Safety, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
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The Solar Powered Farm Assisting Multipurpose Agricultural Machine with Wireless Connectivity

Harshita Mishra, Pravin Kumar Singh
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amity University, Lucknow, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,Amity University, Lucknow, India
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Crime Hotspot Prediction using Machine Learning

Prajwal Gole, Nikhil Karale, Aditi Kardile, Prathmesh Patil, Madhura Shinde
Department of Computer Engineering, STES’S Smt. Kashibainavale College of Engineering, Vadgaon Bk, Off Sinhgad Road, Pune, India
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A Novel Deduplication Technique on Encrypted Big Data in Cloud Using Secure Dekey Methodology

Research Scholar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India
Assistant Professor, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India
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An Application for Estimation of Smart Medicine Availability Using IOT

Prof.R. Roopavathy, R. Sharmadha, N. Narmatha, N. Risanth, K. Selvaragavan
Professor of the Department, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Paavai Engineering Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
Under Graduate Students, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Paavai Engineering Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
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A Comparative Study on Competition and Sales of Mahindra and Tata

Om Prakash
Department of Marketing, School of Business, Galgotias University, India
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Evaluation of the problem of terrorism in Indian scenario

Sunil Kumar
Assistant Professor, Political Science, Smt. Mohari Devi Tapadiya Girls College, Jaswantgarh (Nagaur), India
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Distribution pattern of different means of irrigation in Churu District : (A Geographical Study)

Mohd. Abbas
Assistant Professor, Geography, Smt. Mohari Devi Tapadiya Girls College, Jaswantgarh (Nagaur), India
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Dean- Computer science and IT, Kalinga University, Raipur, CG, India
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Composting: A Way towards Sustainable Agriculture and Waste Management

Dr. Kamla Malik, Dr Sarita, Dr Meena Sindhu, Dr. Sikha Mehta, Dr.Monika Kayasth
Scientist, Department of Microbiology, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana, India
Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, G.C. Hisar, Haryana, India
Scientist, Department of Microbiology, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana, India
Scientist, Department of Microbiology, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana, India
Scientist, Department of Microbiology, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana, India
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Geodiversity: A Theoretical Analysis and Present Status

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, S.R.R.M. Govt. College, Nawalgarh, Rajasthan, India
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Chemistry and Significance of Phenols

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Rajshree Institute of Management and Technology, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Problem of Poverty in India: Causes and Solutions

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Innovative Financing Models for Social Entrepreneurship

Deepika Vettikuntla, Gloria Rodrigues, Polamuri Sri Lakshmi Manogna, Bandaru Charitardhana Manikanta
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Universal School of Administration, Bengaluru, India
UG Students, Department of Commerce, Universal School of Administration, Bengaluru, India
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Comparative Study of Healthcare Systems Using RBAC Alone versus Integrating RBAC with Digital Watermarking for Enhanced Data Security

Prof. Saurabh Verma, Prof. Ranu Sahu, Saloni Chourey, Radhika Chourasiya
Assistant Professor, Badreia Global Institute of Engineering & Management, Jabalpur, M.P, India
B. Tech 4th Sem, Department of IT, Badreia Global Institute of Engineering & Management, Jabalpur, M.P, India
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Artificial Intelligence's Impact on the Automotive Industry

Khushboo Choubey, Kuldeep Soni, Divyanshi Tiwari, Ayush Tiwari
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Baderia Global Institute of Engineering and Management, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
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"Enhancing IoT Data Processing Efficiency with AI: A Study on Edge Computing"

Prof. Divya Pandey
Dept. of CSE, Baderia Global Institute of Engineering and Management, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Operations of Genomics in Artificial Intelligence

Renju Kalarikkal
Lecturer in Computer Engineering, Central Polytechnic College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

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Internet of Medical Things: Classifications and applications in real system

Satheesh D, Ram Kumar
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, Sethu Institute of Technology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
PG Student [CSE], Dept. of CSE, Sethu Institute of Technology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

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Just-in-Time Access for Databases: Harnessing AI for Smarter, Safer Permissions

Vivekchowdary Attaluri
Manager Software Engineering, Capital One, Cyber, Identity Access Management, Plano, TX, USA
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