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International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

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Vol. 14, Issue 3, Mar 2025
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IJIRSET Citation Report



Volume 13, Issue 3, March 2024



Identification of Staple Crops Diseases in Indonesia Using Convolutional Neural Network

Rudy Adipranata, Handy Prayoga Angjaya, Kartika Gunadi
Dept. of Informatics, Industrial Technology Faculty, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
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Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce: A Comprehensive Analysis

Meet Ashokkumar Joshi
Department of Information Systems Security, University of the Cumberlands
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Research Hotspot and Trend of Urban Community Service Based on Citespace Visual Analysis

Yin Qiuxiang
School of Civil Engineering, Hunan City University, Hunan, Yiyang, China
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Wind Turbine Dynamic Investigations for Best Performance Coefficient and Maximum Extracted Power

Ferchichi Noureddine, Ben Aribia Houssem
Jazan University, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Saudi Arabia
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Review of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structural Damage Models

Zhong Dou, Wang Yukui
College of Civil Engineering, Hunan City University, Yiyang, 413099, China
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AI Meets CI/CD: Supercharging Test Automation for Speed & Reliability - Improving Test Selection, Execution, and Reporting using AI in Continuous Testing Environments

Priya Yesare
Principal SQA Engineer, Asurion, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
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An Efficient Blockchain Strategy in the course of Pandemics

School of Computer Science, Cairo University, Egypt
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Survey Paper on Prediction of Heart Disease using Supervised Machine Learning

Govind Singh, Prof. Suresh S. Gawande
M. Tech. Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, India
Guide, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, India
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A Study of Frustration Reaction among Adolescents in Relation to Their Home Environment of Male and Female Students

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From Vision to Reality: A Review of Zero Energy Buildings in the Indian Context

Prof.Rushali Mane, Aaditi Kale, Yash Lilhare, Ayush Taywade, Ankush Giriya, Anurag bhoge
Sr Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Vihirgaon, Nagpur, India
Diploma Students, Department of Civil Engineering, Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Vihirgaon, Nagpur, India
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Analysis of Opening in Shear Wall in Tall Structures

Manish Bhoir, Dr. Vikram Patil
PG Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.R.Harne College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Principal, B.R.Harne College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Comparative Antimicrobial Studies of Aerial parts and Roots of Abutilon bidentatum

Rekha Tripathi
Associate Professor, Department of Applied Sciences, Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
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PMPML E-Ticket System

Mr.V.N.Kukre, Sharvari Sasane, Shiva Patil, Kanika Tembhurne, Om Waghmare
HOD, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Diploma Students, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Survey on Machine Learning Defence against Url Web Phishing

Jayachandra T, Dr. A. Rengarajan
2nd year MCA (ISMS), School of Computer Science and IT, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bangalore, India
Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and IT, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bangalore, India
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Survey on Deep Fake Detection

Praveen Kumar K, Murugan R
Student of 2nd year MCA (ISMS), School of Computer Science and IT, Jain (Deemed –to-be University), Bangalore, India
Programme Head-MCA, School of Computer Science and IT, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bangalore, India
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Design and Implementation of Hand Gesture Recognition Using Physical Challenged People

ME Embedded System Technology, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Professor/EEE, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
Professor/EEE, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
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Enhancing Safety: Arduino Uno Applications in Accident Prevention and Detection

Mr. Shashank Mane, Swati Bhopte, Kapil Digarse, Minakshi Barde, Kirti Yaduwanshi
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, "Shri Balaji Institute of Technology and Management" Betul (M.P.) India
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Network PC Monitoring and Control

Anish Wavikar, Naresh Thapa, Swayam Chaudhari, Himanshu Suryawanshi
Department of Computer Engineering, Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
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A Review paper on Sentiment Exploration in Marketing

Maitreyee Deshmukh, Vaishnavi Walve, Vaibhavi Tembhare, Muhmmad Saad, Prof. P.P. Pawade
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science аnd Engineering P.R. Pote College of Engineering and Management Аmrаvаti, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science аnd Engineering P.R. Pote College of Engineering and Management Аmrаvаti, Maharashtra, India
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Automated Traffic Violation Detection Technique Using CNN and YOLO Algorithm

Dukare Priti Santosh, Patel Saniya Hamid, Rahane Mayur Rajendra, Prof. Walunj P.D
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Samarth Group of Institution College of Engineering, Belhe, India
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Blue Green Algae As A Source of Biofertilizer for Sustainable Agriculture

Dr.Rekha Sharma
Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Botany, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Degree College, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Advancements in Solid-State Electronics: Exploring Novel Materials and Architectures for Enhanced Performance and Energy Efficiency

Dr Satyander Kumar, Dr Rooman Kumar, Dr Krishna Kumar Sharma
Assistant Professor, Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
Assistant Professor, Seth Motilal College, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
Assistant Professor, Seth Motilal College, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
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Redefining the Indo-US Partnership: An In-depth Analysis of the Quad Framework

Dr. Ashish Vikram Singh
Assistant Professor, Department of Defence & Strategic Studies, K. S. Saket P. G. College, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India
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IOT Based Gas Detection System

V.N.Kukre, Shivendra Vishwas Kale, Shravani Rajendra Kale, Mrunal Ratnakant Mohite, Sahil Maruti Jagdale
Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Engineering, A.I.S.S.M.S. Polytechnic Pune, Maharashtra, India
Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, A.I.S.S.M.S. Polytechnic Pune, Maharashtra, India
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The Educational Transformation: Navigating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Srinivas. R, Jayashree G.V, Likhitha K
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Vishwa Chethana Degree College, Rajarajeshwari layout Anekal, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Science, Vishwa Chethana PU & Degree College, Rajarajeshwari layout Anekal, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Vishwa Chethana Degree College, Rajarajeshwari layout Anekal, Karnataka, India
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Examining the Jackfruit Seed Oil Methyl Ester (JSME 20) Blend of on a Compression Ignition Engine with Air Pre Heating

P.Rajkumar, P.Jagadesh, SK.Hussain Saheb, P.Sai Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical, DVR & Dr.HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla, AP, India
Student, Department of Mechanical, DVR & Dr.HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla, AP, India
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Vehicle Classification and Counting for Traffic Video Monitoring Using YOLO-v3

Dr. Chaudhari. N. J, Kamble Sakshi Dnyaneshwar, Tekude Sonal Babaji, Aher Sagar Machhindra
Dept. of Comp. Engineering, Samarth Group of Institution College of Engineering, Belhe, India
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Building a Crypto Wallet with Solidity Smart Contracts and Meta Mask

Naveen Kumar V, Nireesh J, Sundheep S, Yokesh S, Dr.V.Prasanna Srinivasan
UG Students, Dept. of Information Technology, R.M.D. Engineering College, Tiruvallur, TamilNadu, India
Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, R.M.D. Engineering College, Tiruvallur, TamilNadu, India
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Review of Cryogenic Cooling in the Machining Process of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy

Vishal Rajak, Hemendra Patle, Ramnarayan Sahu
Research Scholar, Master of Technology (APS), Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIIST Bhopal (M.P.), India
Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIIST Bhopal (M.P.), India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIIST Bhopal (M.P.), India
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Designing a Framework for Effective B2B Data Sharing Ecosystem

Hanson Braganza
MBA Entrepreneurship, SVKM’S Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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A Systematic Study of Machine Learning in Comprehensive Cybersecurity Approaches

Dandugudum Mahesh, Dr. T. Sampath Kumar
Research Scholar, School of CS&AI, SR University, Warangal, Telangana, India
Assistant Professor, School of CS&AI, SR University, Warangal, Telangana, India
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Efficient Green Control Algorithm for Cost Optimization in Cloud Computing

Harish Palve, Ruturaj Khopade, Omkar Khadul, Abhishek Phalke, Prof. Bharat Devhare
Department of Computer Engineering, KJEI's Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune, India
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Survey Paper on Reversible Data Hiding in Images by Using Steganography

Rohini Namdevrao Satapure, Prof. Nandkishor G. Dharashive
DBAT University, Department of CSE, M.S.Bidve Engineering College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
Head of Department, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, M.S.Bidve Engineering College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
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Gesture Language Translator

Mrs.S.M.Kuwarkar, Satyam Mali, Haris Mulla, Ritesh Patil, Pratik Patil
Project Guide, Department of Computer Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Yadrav, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Yadrav, Maharashtra, India
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Failure Analysis of Transformers during Lightning Impulse Test

Arvind Pandey, Sandeep Singh, Arun Kumar Datta, Bijay Kumar Sahu
Engineering Officer-4, Central Power Research Institute, Bhopal, India
Engineering Officer-2, Central Power Research Institute, Bhopal, India
Joint Director, Central Power Research Institute, Bhopal, India
Engineering Officer-1, Central Power Research Institute, Bhopal, India
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Meal-Mania: Revolutionizing Student Dining with Personalized Online Ordering and Efficient Shop Management

Harsh Patel, Siddharth Singh Rajput, Keshu Patidar, Sudevi Tharakan , Abhishek Kumar
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
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Effects of World War on Modern Writers

Abhishek Gurjar
M.A., NET English Literature, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
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The Effects of Trade Tariffs and Protectionist Policies on Global Supply Chains and International Trade Flows

Dr.Manjushri Gupta
Professor, Dept.Of Economics, Government Girls’ College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
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Swift Cafe: Canteen Food Service

Sanket Mohan Kotkar, Amey Vivek Khodke, Vedant Uday Patil, Mohammad Danish Firoj Pinjari, Priti Balu Kudal
Diploma Students, Department of Computer Engineering, Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Sr. Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
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Smart Management of Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Kartikbhai Patil,Vaibhav Patel,Tejas Chaudhari, Kaushal Patil, Prof.(Dr.) Rachit Adhvaryu
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
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Auto Chatbot Heuristics and Smart Farming for Present Agriculture

Tanvi P. Sontakke, Shruti M. Gulhane, Divya V. Wankhade, Mukund S.Bondre, Dr V B Gadicha
B.Tech Scholar, Dept. of CSE, PRPCEM, Amravati, India
Guide, Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, PRPCEM, Amravati, India
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Satellite Image Processing

Prof. Hemant B. Jadhav, Prabhakar D. Jadhav, Rushikesh C. Kolte, Rushikesh P. Jagdale
Head of Department, Department of Computer Engineering, Adsul’s Technical Campus Chas, Ahmednagar, India
Department of Computer Engineering, Adsul’s Technical Campus Chas, Ahmednagar, India
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Electrifying India: Peer-to-Peer Charging and Standardizing EV Infrastructure

Smit Gadhvi
Head of Department, Department of Computer Engineering, Adsul’s Technical Campus Chas, Ahmednagar, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
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PAPR Reduction of MIMO-OFDM System using Modified SLM Technique

Pramod Kumar, Prof. Suresh. S. Gawande
M. Tech. Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, India
Guide, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, India
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Spectral Efficiency Improvement with Massive System for IOT Applications in 5G

Ranjan Prasad Yadav, Prof. Suresh. S. Gawande
M. Tech. Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, India
Guide, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bhabha Engineering Research Institute, Bhopal, India
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Petrol Generator

Harsh Vishnu Waghmare, Arpita Ganesh Keny, Rethesh Poojary, luhiaf shaikh, Mahendra Wagh
Student, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Thakur Polytechnic, Kandivali, Maharashtra, India
Guide, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Thakur Polytechnic, Kandivali, Maharashtra, India
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Innovating The Traditional Dairy Business Using Cutting-Edge Technologies and Machine Learning

Kishori Shekokar, Preet Jignesh Patel, Lokesha Gangadharani, Safira Patel, Himani Valani
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence), Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
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Performance Analysis of Different Parameters for Weather Prediction Using IoT

Vaishali Jamwal, Dr. Sameru Sharma and Dr. Ajay Abrol
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GCET College, Jammu, India
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GCET College, Jammu, India
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Privacy Preserving Secured Data Distribution between Multiple Hospitals and Medical Institutes

Mrs.Tejaswini Vinayak Patil
HOD, Department of Computer Engineering, K.P.Patil Institute of Technology ( Polytechnic), Mudal, Maharashtra, India
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A Review on Credit Card Fraud Detection System Using HMM

Harsha Meghani, Pranjali Dhamale, Tejal Mesharam, Tejas Virkar, Prof. Rutuja Ardak
U. G. Student, Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, PRPCEM, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
Guide & Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, PRPCEM, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
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Autonomous Parking System

Ashwini Nair, Yatri Shah, Hardik Jethwa, Yash Chaudhari, Himadri Vegad
U.G. Student, CSE-PIET, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Assistant Professor, CSE-PIET, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
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Design and Fabrication of Cashew Apple and Nut Separator

Gauresh G. Naik, Narayan L. Desai, Sachin S. Naik, Vishwanath S. Prabhu, Kaustubh A. Kadane, Aditya R. Sawant, Mr. Milind R. Desai
Students of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Institute of Techonology, Charathe, Sawantwadi, India
Lecturer in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Institute of Techonology, Charathe, Sawantwadi, India
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Isha Sharma, Nishant Patel, Parth Patel, Nidhi Shah, Bhagyesha Pandhi
UG Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, India
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Review on Diet Recall System

Dr. Nitin R. Chopde, Ishwari V. Khandre, Dipali S. Misal, Sakshi R. Gadge, Sharayu N. Konde
Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, P. R. Pote (Patil) College of Engineering and Management, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
U.G. Student, Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, P. R. Pote (Patil) College of Engineering and Management, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
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A Review on Navigation Tomorrow: A Machine Learning Approach to Campus Placement Prediction

Shraddha A. Wankhade, Anjali A. Nikam, Soumya P. Borkar, Prof. Samrudhi S. Mamarde
U. G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PRPCEM, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PRPCEM, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
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Prediction of House Prices in Various cites using Machine Learning

Jayshri Chandralal Sachdev, Chinmay Rajendra Kolekar, Satyajit Shivaji Rathod, Onkar Balkrishna Uttare, Krishna Appasaheb Dhone, Samarth Ramesh Surwase
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
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Mechanical and Physical Characteristics of Nanofiller- and Nanofiber-Reinforced Polyethylene Hybrid Nano composites

G.Rajesh, P.kamesh, A. Karthik, T.Murali, N.Syam Prasad
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical, DVR & Dr.HS MIC College of Technology, AP, India
Student, Department of Mechanical, DVR & Dr.HS MIC College of Technology, kanchikacherla, AP, India
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Multimedia Security through Video Steganography using Hybrid Encryption

Suriya Chellappan, Voleti Rahul, Esanaka Prasanth, Kalpana B
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, R.M.D. Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India
Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, R.M.D. Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Doc-Chain Trustshield Transforming Verification through Blockchain Brilliance

Sandhya S, Badithala Srija, Bakyashree A3, Illuri Ravalika, Jothilakshmi R
U.G. Student, Department of Information Technology, R.M.D. Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India
Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, R.M.D. Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Analysis of Surface Roughness for Laser Cutting on Acrylic Sheets using Response Surface Method

A.Joseton, S.Sanjiev Prasath, M.Madasamy, R.Delwin Raj, J.Elmer Jesura
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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A Study of Environmental Factors on the Discrete Performance of Workers in Manufacturing Plant

J.Prithith Kumar, S.Sanjiev Prasath, K.Paramasivan, M.Anantha Kumar, S.Periyasamy Prabhu
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Effect of Intake Conditions on Heat Transfer Characteristics for the Hydrogen Fueled Engine

D.Muthu Krishnan, S.Sanjiev Prasath, V.Gomathi Murugan, K.Ayyanar, M.Ganapathy Ramkumar
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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One-Dimensional Simulation for Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Operating with Ethanol

B.Akash, S.Sanjiev Prasath, V.Elroyee, P.Maria Harish, G.Valli Sarathy
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Performance Measurement of OEE Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

X.Jinphan, S.Sanjiev Prasath, S.Mani Bharathi, K.Nagarajan
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Aerodynamic Studies in the Static Components of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage

A.Johns Micheal, S.Sanjiev Prasath, S.Mervin Roshan, A.Manimaran
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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A Review of Minimum Quantity Lubricant on Machining Performance

A.Aravindha Perumal, S.Sanjiev Prasath, T. Sibiston, S.Subramani
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Characterization of Biodiesel for Use as a Fuel in Compression Ignition Engine

R.Jeniston, S.Sanjiev Prasath, D.Jasmine, B.Selva Vinisha, R.Pathmas
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Biomechanical Analysis for the Right Leg during Instep Kicking

S.Sanjiev Prasath, D.Joseph Danish, K.Suresh, T.Aakash
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Design and Fabrication of Corrugated Wall Evaporative Cooler

Trupti Khobragade, Pragati Wadve, Palak Gedam, Damini shende, Ashish Umarkar, Rajkumar Wadbudhe
Student, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, NIT Polytechnic, Nagpur, India
Guide, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Polytechnic, Nagpur, India
HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Polytechnic, Nagpur, India
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Comparison of EPI Ratio/Energy Savings of an Office Building by Energy Simulation – Using Design Builder & Energy Plus

K.N. Deepak Sarma, K.S.R. Kutumba Rao
Principal Consultant, n-PLASeS Consultancy India, Guntur, A.P, India
Chief Consultant, Sri Sai Architects, Guntur, A.P, India
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Concrete Using Waste Material – Plastic Straw

Prof. Sunil Anturkar, Yashraj Shingate, Advait More, Anant Makhamale, Varad Tannu
HoD, Department of Civil Engineering, AISSM’S Polytechnic, Pune, India
Department of Civil Engineering, AISSM’S Polytechnic, Pune, India
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MinePlate: Innovating Vehicle Registration Plate Recognition in Mining Operations

Kancherla Balakrishna, Penumalli Jyotendranadh, Vinnakota Chandana Sri, Muthyalapati Sampath Kumar, Narra Sai Chandra
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Review of Face Emotion Based Music Player

Bhavana V. Ronghe, Diksha S. Sambhe, Jagruti P. Lekurwale, Sarah Khan, Minal Tekade, Dr. A. D. Raut
U. G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PRPCEM, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PRPCEM, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
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Innovations in Flat Slab Systems: A Comprehensive Analysis for Structural Performance Enhancement

Ms. Shruti Barbade, Prof. Mr. Halbandge S. D.
Student, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded, India
Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded, India
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Early Stage Diabetic Prediction Using Machine Learning

Evelyn Tabitha. E, Mary Nisha. D, Nagadevi. B
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, PET Engineering College, Vallioor, Tirunelveli, India
PG Student, Department of CSE, PET Engineering College, Vallioor, Tirunelveli, India
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Land Registration System Using Blockchain

Anujit Nair, Hiten Patel, Vivek Parmar, Shubham Agrawal, Prof. Brijesh Vala
Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, PIET, Parul University, Gujarat, India
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, PIET, Parul University, Gujarat, India
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Smart ECG Machine: Connecting Devices with Mobile App and Tele-Alert System

Vaishnav Dattatray Vetal , Vedant Mangaldas Phadtare, Pavan Sharad Channe, Prof.P.B.Kamble
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, JSPM’S Bhivrabai Sawant Polytechnic, Wagholi, Pune, India
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Centralized Access of Academic Activities

Mrs. Ayeesha Siddiqha, Neha Nadig, Kruthi V P
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka, India
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Development of Prototype of Automatic Clutch Gear Mechanism

Rajeshwari Gajanan Gaikwad, Mudra Ajay Ambhore, Ritesh Narendra Dhore, Harshal Patil
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PRMIT&R Bandera, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PRMIT&R Bandera, Maharashtra, India
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Analysis of Unidirectional Glass-Epoxy Laminar Composite

Mr. R B Gunale, Dr. S. P. Joshi, Joshi Krutarth Kalyan, Jagtap Abhay Ulhas
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering And Research, Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering And Research, Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Smart Farm System Using Raspberry Pi

Digvijay Suryawanshi, Dayanand Kamble
Lecturer, Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, K.P.Patil Institute of Technology (Polytechnic) Mudal, India
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, K.P.Patil Institute of Technology (Polytechnic) Mudal, India
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IOT Based Agriculture Monitoring System

D.Mary Nisha, E.Evelyn Tabitha, A.Santro Disha
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, PET Engineering College, Vallioor, Tirunelveli, India
PG Student, Department of CSE, PET Engineering College, Vallioor, Tirunelveli, India
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Analysis of Black Spot-On NH 48

Aniket A. Gurav, Amisha S. Honkalse, Rajkumar D.Ingole, Atharva A. Kadam, Prof. M. V. Khade
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Zeal Polytechnic Narhe, Pune, India
Project Guide, Department of Civil Engineering, Zeal Polytechnic Narhe, Pune, India
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Text Summarization in Hindi

Hutesh Vidhate, Dr. Diptee Chickmurge, Dwarkesh More
School of Computer Engineering & Technology MIT Academy of Engineering, Pune, India
School of Computer Engineering & Technology MIT Academy of Engineering, Pune, India
School of Computer Engineering & Technology MIT Academy of Engineering, Pune, India
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Black-Box Attacks on Visual Model of Luminance Perception in Random Gamma Transform

D.Monisha, Mr.R.Praveenkumar, Dr.M.Malarvizhi
M. E Embedded System Technology, Gnanamani College of Technology, NH-7, A.K.Samuthiram, Pachal-PO, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Professor/EEE, M. E Embedded System Technology, Gnanamani College of Technology, NH-7, A.K.Samuthiram, Pachal-PO, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
Professor/EEE, M. E Embedded System Technology, Gnanamani College of Technology, NH-7, A.K.Samuthiram, Pachal-PO, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
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Design and Analysis of Hydraulic Jack

Mr M.Sangeethkumar, Saranrajaperumal R, S.B.Rinith, U.Sabari, L.P.S.Suriyaprakesh
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sona College of Technology, Junction Main Road, Salem, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sona College of Technology, Junction Main Road, Salem, Tamilnadu, India
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Hand Written Character and Digit Recognition using Python and CNN

Mr. M Toushif Latif Patil, Aman Awez Shaikh, Pushkaraj Santosh Palli, Omkar Ratan Gondkar, Mujjammil MDSabir Mujjawar
H.O.D., Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
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Resident Engagement Strategies through Gamification and Social Features in Management Applications

Ajay Rathod, Mukta Patel
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Parul University, Post Limda, Waghodia, Gujarat, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Parul University, Post Limda, Waghodia, Gujarat, India
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Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Learning

Babu Renga Rajan. S, Shanmuga Sundari. B, Manju. S
Head of the Department, Department of CSE, PET Engineering College, Vallioor, Tirunelveli, India
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, PET Engineering College, Vallioor, Tirunelveli, India
PG Student, Department of CSE, PET Engineering College, Vallioor Tirunelveli, India
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Detection of Vitamin Deficiency in Humans through Image Processing and CNN Algorithm

Koteswara Rao Velupula, Sarath Chandra Bhimineni, Vaishnavi Akula, Sai Nikhil Simha Choduboyena, Snigdha Buddabathuni
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, India
Undergraduate student of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Guntur, India
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Arduino Programmed Line Follower

S. Nazrin Salma, R. Anusiah, M. Essaki Priya, M. Keerthana, S. Shenbaga Arasi
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
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Automatic Smoke Detector using Arduino Uno Board

S. Anusha, G. Kaleeswari, M. Manjula Devi, I. Prema
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
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Automatic Solar Tracker

A. Niyas Ahamed, M. Aarthi, M. Abinaya, V. Selvi
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
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Automatic Water Level Controller

S. Arumuga Kani, D. Antony Jacob Pushparaj, T. Arul Kumar, I. C. Dinesh Murugan, C. Selva Bala
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
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Off Gird Based Solar System

R. Rajesh Kanna, S. Abinesh, J. Jeyasurya, L. Manikandan, V. Thangaram
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
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Patient Monitoring System Using Arduino

M. Marikannan, E. Indhu Malini, K. Nimitha, A. Petchiammal, S. Velangkanni
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
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Portable Solar Power Bank

G. Srinivasan, S. Velmurugan, R. Pon Aravind Kirubakaran, B. Raj Narayanan, M. Selvaganesh
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
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Automatic Temperature Based DC fan Speed Controller Using Arduino

S. Sundararaj, M. Madhumitha, R. Thangeswari, A. Visha Preethi
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thamirabharani Engineering College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
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A Machine Learning method with Hybrid Feature Selection for Improved Credit Card Fraud Detection

Mandula china pentu saheb, Dhulipalla Vidhayini, Gaddam Sharmila, Bathula Munna, Divyakolu Vamsi
Asst. Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, India
Undergraduate student of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, India
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Graphical Representation and Analysis of Non-Fungible Tokens

Nishant Tomar, Insiya Mithaiwala, Bhargav Dave, Prof.Brijesh Vala
Department of CSE, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Parul University Vadodara, India
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An Identification of Trauma Symptoms from Text and Voice Communications with Integrated Doctor Functionality

Velmurugan S, Dhanush A, Rackland S, Retheesh A, Udhaya Kumar J
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, R.M.D. Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India
U. G. Student, Department of Information Technology, R.M.D. Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India
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Solar Power Bank with Wireless Charging

Mr. D.V.Kamble, Niranjan Mohite, Gauri Chavan, Srushti Takale, Pratiraj Varute
Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sanjay Ghodawat Institute, Atigre, Maharashtra, India
Student, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sanjay Ghodawat Institute, Atigre, Maharashtra, India
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User Authentication using Hyperledger

JM Babu, Chundu Sandhya, Gedda Pratap, Bachina Sri Harika, Gade Deependra Kumar
Associate Professor, Department of CSE, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, India
Department of CSE, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, India
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Cybersecurity and Privacy Concerns in Residential Management Applications

Bhore Shivam Gopal, Sujaya Bhattacharjee, Sujaya Bhattacharjee
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Parul University, Post Limda, Waghodia, Gujarat, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Parul University, Post Limda, Waghodia, Gujarat, India
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Design & Manufacturing of Fixture with Automatic Indexing Mechanism for Press Machine

Prof. Mr. Pushkar K. Parab, Kshitij S. Bhusanawar, Parag G.Govekar, Viraj V. Gawade, Nitesh N.Kaskar, Kunal V. Bata
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Institute of Technology, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Institute of Technology, Sawantwadi, Maharashtra, India
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Optimizing Dairy Waste Water with the Help of Natural Coagulant

Sujal. V. Gaikar, Siddharth. A. Dupargude, Sandhya. S. Devkule, Prof. Prataprao T. Patil
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Zeal Polytechnic Narhe, Pune, India
Project Guide, Department of Civil Engineering, Zeal Polytechnic Narhe, Pune, India
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Deep Learning for Early Parkinson’s Identification

D. Murli Krishna Reddy, Chegireddy Vandana, Bindu Madhavi Palaparti, Banavathu Tarun Naik, Doppalapudi Vijay Bhanu
Asst. Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhrapradesh, India
Undergraduate student of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhrapradesh, India
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Analysis of Resilience of Business Activities in the Post-Disaster Period of the Chamoli District

Ashish Singh, Dr. Deep Narayan Pandey
Research Scholar (PhD), Special Centre for Disaster Research, JNU, New Delhi, India
Assistant Professor, Special Centre for Disaster Research, JNU, New Delhi, India
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Generative AI

Shaikh Mahammadsalish, Alay Sharma, Krish Ghadiyali, Dr. Bijal Talati
Department of CSE, Parul University, Vadodara, India
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Economical Cure Method Using a Beam Curing Pad

Shravan Pradeep Bobade, Prathamesh Nitin Chondhe, Aniket Avinash Dawatkar, Pratik Prakash Dawatkar, Prof.G.R. Chila
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Zeal Polytechnic Narhe, Pune, India
Project Guide, Department of Civil Engineering, Zeal Polytechnic Narhe, Pune, India
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Design of Air Receiver for Pnuematic Devices Used in Machining Fixtures

Nihal Guhagarkar, Munaif Borkar, Shashikant S Goilkar
Undergraduate Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
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Industries of Sanduru Taluk: A Historical Overview

Dr. Thippeswamy.H., Mr. Raddeppa
Associate Professor, Department of Studies and Research in History and Archaeology, Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Jnana Sagara, Ballari, India
Research Scholar, Department of Studies and Research in History and Archaeology, Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Jnana Sagara, Ballari, India
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Ayush Services Availability App - HDAN

Saisrija A, Pragathi D, Deepak B, Divya G, Gnanendra K
Department of CSE(AI&ML), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhrapradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE(AI&ML), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhrapradesh, India
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Solar Fed Induction Motor Speed Control Through Wireless Communication

A. Shamsheer, CH. Sindhu, K. Bhanuprasad, R. Sowjanya, S. Arif, D. Krishna
U.G. Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Venkatapur, Medchal-Malkajgiri, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Assistant professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Venkatapur, Medchal-Malkajgiri, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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Customer Segmentation Using Ensemble Learning

Vamsi Desam, Ravi Sankar Beeram, Sethu Madhav Doredla, Bhargavi Lakshmi Chennupati, Yashwanth Kumar Addagiri
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Undergraduate Student , Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Role of Mobile Robots

R.Aiyshwariya Devi
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Sri Venkateswra College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Tamilnadu, India
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Simulating the Final Score: User-Driven IPL Score Prediction Using Machine Learning

Jadage Sangeeta Lagamnna, Jahagirdar Aabha Nandkumar, Pagadyakul Ganesh Anil, Awale Darshan Amogsiddh, Thamake Mrunal Sachin
Guide, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharahtra, India
Student, Department of Computer Science, A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharahtra, India
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Real Time Face Detection and Recognition System

Dr. Vivek B. Kute, Takshashil Lohkare, Mohit Pathak, Ritesh Gajbhiye, Ayush Kale
Department of Computer Science, P. R. Pote Patil Institute of Engineering and Management, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
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Development of an Integrated Dilute Acid-Lime Pretreatment of Chili Post- Harvest Residue for Bioethanol Production

Jovin.J, Ahishlin.P.S, Alwin Josh.P, Antonjebaraj.S, Arockia Vishva.M
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Effect of EGR in HCCI Mode of Combustion in a Flexible LTC Engine

Aron.R, Jovin.J, Arumugam Santhosh.M, Harihara Sudhan.S, Harish Kumar.J
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Environmental Impact of Tourism on Vembanad Lake

Kalaiselvan.A, Jovin.J, Kingston.A, Manoj.P, Manzoor Haja.H
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Process Simulation of Allothermal Air-Steam Gasification of Biomass in Aspen Plus

Mohamed Rafi.M, Jovin.J, Mugesh Kumar.V, Mugesh Selvam.J, Muniya Samy.S
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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High Performance Cross-Linked Poly (Vinyl Alcohol)/Piperazine Glycinate Polymer Membrane for Co2 Gas Separation

Perumal.R, Jovin.J, Rajeshwari.G, Risanth.J, Samsonmiranda.T
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Removal of Methylene Blue Dye from Waste Water By pH Sensitive Hydrogel

Santhosh Kumar.N, Jovin.J, Satheesh Madhavan.M, Selvaraj.P, Senthoorapandi.K
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Evaporation Rate Analysis of Different Fuel Blends for Low Temperature Combustion Engine Applications

Shantha Kumar.S, Jovin.J, Velmurugan,K, Mari Vasanth.E, Jefrin.J
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Air Pollution, Respiratory Infections and Innate Immunity

Mashew. K, Jovin. J, Archana. S
UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India
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Renewable Sources Vs Fossil Fuels

Associate Professor, Physics, Govt. PG College, Nagrota Bagwan, Himachal Pradesh, India
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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Revolutionizing Supply Chain Operations

Sachin, Avdhesh Kumar Yadav
Student, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
Assistant Professor, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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Resilient Supply Chains: Strategies for Navigating Uncertain Environment

Raj Pratap Singh, Avdhesh Kumar Yadav
Student, School of Business, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
Assistant Professor, School of Business, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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E-Commerce and the Evolution of Last-Mile Delivery in Supply Chain

Vinay Singh, Neha Verma
Student, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
Assistant Professor, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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Renewable Sources Vs Fossil Fuels

Student, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
Assistant Professor, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
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Agrotech Fusion - Tele-Consultation application for farmers

Tanniru Varun, Chinka Bhavana, Bonigala Harshitha, Challa Sanjay Reddy, Mrs. K. Deepika
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Bachelor of Technology, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Bachelor of Technology, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Cyberbullying on Social Media

Dr. T. Sudhir, Nasarvali Shaik , Gummadi Lokesh Reddy, Dola Sudheer Kumar, Mandadi Babu Kali Naresh, Galla Solomon Lokesh
Professor and Head of the Department, Dept. of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India
Dept. of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Automatic Number Plate Recognition

Shaik Nehar, Eda Mahendra, Sanagala Teja, Panyam Sai Prudhvi, Arigela Jeevan Kishore, Mrs. Vanapalli Mounica
Bachelor of Technology, Department of AI&DS, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of AI&DS, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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A Technical Review of Hybrid Welding of Dissimilar Metal Joint

Raval R Rohit, Rishabh D. Makwana, Pratik Kikani, Milan Pankhaniya , Mayur R Chotaliya, Darshan H. Bhalodia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atmiya University, India
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Assessment and Mitigation of Air Pollution in an Urban Area

Sahil R. Kedari, Swapnil S. Ladkat, Bapu D. lavate, Priyanka lonare, Prof. Vrushabh Kadam
Diploma Students, Department of Civil Engineering of Zeal Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Project Guide, Department of Civil Engineering of Zeal Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Mediscan: Real-Time Identification of Medicinal Plants Species Using Deep Learning Models

N. Nalini Krupa, Santhi Daggubati, Ch. Harshavardhan, G. Kishore, J. Sai Krishna
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE-Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Dept. of CSE-Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Automated Notes Maker from Audio/Video Recordings

V. Vishnu Vardhan Gowd, R. ManiKanta, D. Sai Sri Charan, K. Venkateswara Rao, N. Balayesu
Dept. of CSE-Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE-Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Smart Robotic Wheelchair

Prof. T.S. Pujari, Aarti Tupe, Sakshi Tupe, Ishwari Jadhav, Samiksha Koli
Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sanjay Ghodawat Institute, Atigre, Maharashtra, India
Students, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sanjay Ghodawat Institute, Atigre, Maharashtra, India
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Design of Porous Concrete

Aditya Ajay Liman, Aditya M Bansode, Vinayak Manikkame, Abhinav Kumar, Yogita S Kadam
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Zeal Polytechnic, Narhe, Pune, India
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Zeal Polytechnic, Narhe, Pune, India
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Deep Learning –Based Prediction and Stage Detection Model for Breast Cancer – A Comprehensive Analysis

S. Koushalya, Dr.S.Baulkani
Research Scholar, Department of ECE, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, Affiliated to Anna University Chennai, India
Professor, Department of ECE, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, Affiliated to Anna University Chennai, India
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Online Vehicle Services

Prof. J. C. Bambal, Sakshi A. Khetan, Shruti S. Mehare, Renushri V. Belsare, Pallavi R. Khodake
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, P. R. Pote (Patil) College of Engineering and Management, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, India
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Power Generation from the Wind Energy Available during Moment of Train

Harika, Krishna Preetham, Harshitha, Sai Kiran
U.G. Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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Automated Notes Maker from Audio/Video Recordings

V. Vishnu Vardhan Gowd, R. ManiKanta, D. Sai Sri Charan, K. Venkateswara Rao, N. Balayesu
Dept. of CSE-Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE-Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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AI Healthcare Chatbot

Dr.M. Chinnadurai, M. Aijay Mahesver, P. Aruldeva,K. Kaliya Perumal
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
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Abnormal Activities Detection Using Surveillance Camera

Dr.R. Manivannan, S. Deepan, P.Aakash, M. Harish Kanna
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
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Cross-Border Disinvestment and the Dynamics of Global Portfolio Optimization: A Case Study Approach

Pooja Sharma, Prof. Yashwant Kumar Gupta
Research Scholar, Himachal Pradesh University Business School, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
Professor, Himachal Pradesh University Business School, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
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Power Generation from the Wind Energy Available During Moment of Train

Harika, Krishna Preetham, Harshitha, Sai Kiran
U.G. Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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Automation of PV system integrated with Main grid

M. Ruchitha, P. Uma Rani, Ch. Sai Murari, N. Rithin
U.G. Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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Legal Intellect: An Ai-Powered Legal Documentation Assistant

G. Praneeth, Ch. Sathvik, D. Preethi, G.Hemanth Sai, N. Nalini Krupa
Dept. of CSE (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Earthquake Resistant Building Construction

P. V. Kapure, Pranav Sable, Nitesh Bidkar, Atharva Chavan, Yash Pawar
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, India
Department of Civil Engineering, AISSMS Polytechnic, Pune, India
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Mechanical Performance of Graphite Particulate & Al2o3 Reinforced Aluminium 6061 Alloy Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites

M.Koteswararao, B.Bhargav Ram, Sayyed.Nazim, B.Raj Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical, DVR Dr HS MIC College of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India
Student, Department of Mechanical, DVR Dr HS MIC College of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Solar Based Mobile Plough with Water Sprinkler

K. Sandhya, Syed Ghouse, G. Sai Kiran, A.Soumya
U.G. Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Venkatapur, Medchal-Malkajgiri District, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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Multidomain Privacy-Preserving Authentication in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Using Blockchain Technology

Manish R C, Suriya Narayanan R, Sanjithkumar J, Kiruthiga R
U.G Students, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, India
U.G Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Professor Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam Tamil Nadu, India
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Abnormal Activities Detection Using Surveillance Camera

Dr.R. Manivannan,S.Deepan, P.Aakash, M.Harish Kanna
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
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Ecofriendly Blocks by Using Plastic Waste and Crush Sand/Dust

Kalpesh Beldar, Vyanketesh Ingalwad, Rudra Binawat, Krutuja Rupnar, Aboli Jadhav
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, JSPM’s Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic Hadapsar, Pune, India
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, JSPM’s Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic, Hadapsar, Pune, India
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Non-Newtonian Fluid Speed Bump

Kunal Urankar, Sarthak Shitole, Arti Choudhary, Swarnajeet Kalbhor, Pratiksha Mirekar, Mr. M. D. Thorat
Department of Civil Engineering, Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic College, Hadapsar, Pune, India
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic College, Hadapsar, Pune, India
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Air-Writing Detection using Deep learning Neural Network (CNN)

Komal Singh, Amruta Shinde, Vaishnavi Darkunde, Prof.Shrikant Salunke, Prof.D.B.Hanchate
Department of Computer Engineering, Dattakala Group of Institution Faculty of Engineering College Pune, Swami-Chinchol, India
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AI-Enhanced Hand Gestures for Dynamic Presentations

Dr. M. Srinivasa Sesha Sai, Shaik Sunaina, Yerramsetty Sravanthi, Sankuri Mounika, Ravi Sowmya Chowdary
Head of the Department, Department of IT, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh, India
UG Students, Department of IT, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh, India
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Design and Analysis of Flashcard Reader and Quizzing Device

P. Sadgun Kumar, D. Sai Harshith, P. S.V. S Ravi Kumar, N. Jashwanth Naik, D. Krishna
U.G. Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Venkatapur, Medchal-Malkajgiri, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Assistant professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Venkatapur, Medchal-Malkajgiri, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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An Open Source Bioinstrumentation Applied to the Poseidon Syringe Pump System

Dr.S.Atheena Milagi Pandian, S.Mohammed Sahil, Rashika Murugan, M.Sudherson
CEO & Managing Director, Atheenapandian Organization, Chennai, Coimbatore and Courtallam, India
Biomedical Trainer & Head, Operation National and International Conference, Atheenapandian Organization, Chennai, Coimbatore and Courtallam, India
CTO & Vice President, Atheenapandian Organization, Chennai, Coimbatore and Courtallam, India
Biomedical Trainer & Head, Operation- Fovea Z Biomedical Association, Atheenapandian Organization, Chennai, Coimbatore and Courtallam, India
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Analysing the Effects of Oil Price Shocks: A Comparative Study from the Cold War to the Covid Outbreak

Hem Prakash Mehta
Eklavya School, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
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Blind Assistance System

Ajay Jadhav, Shrinivas Kamble, Vaishnavi Hingmire, Pradnya Nisal, Prof. Suresh G. Shinde
Department of Computer Engineering, SMT Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, Vadgaon, Pune, India
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E-Commerce Based Chatbot System Using Text Mining and Deep Learning Algorithm

Dr.M. Priya, Neela.N, Priyanga.S, Vidhyaselvi.V
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
UG Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
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Task Failure Prediction in Cloud Data Centers Using Deep Learning

Prasanth Garneedi, Raj Kamal Kollipara, Gopi Reddy Kurri, Maheswar Mane
U.G. Students, Department of Computer Science Engineering (CIC Specialisation), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Data Leakage Detection in Cloud Computing Environment

Jonnadula. Vijay Vignesh, Kommana. Sai Chandra Ganesh, Panidapu. Nivas, Rokkam. Yaswanth Kumar
Undergraduate Students, Department of CIC, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Integrated Approaches to Road Safety Using Machine Learning

Dr. G. Guru Kesava Dasu, Syed Salma Sakeen, Uriti Sai Sravya, Shaik Rubihana, Yaganti Kalavathi
Associate Professor, Department of IT, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology And Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
UG Students, Department of IT, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology And Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Community Trade360: A Comprehensive Market Place For Divergent Communities

Devangulasetty Jahnavi, Mothukuri Durga Bhanu Sri, Polisetty Meghana, Goddanti Kusuma Sree
U.G. Student, CSE(IoT, Cybersecurity including Blockchain Technology), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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E-Smart Voting System Using Blockchain Technology

Bhandaram Sathwika, Kalyanam Rohith Venkata Sai Ganesh, S N Sri Sowmya Chandaluri, Vemuri Praveen Kumar
UG Students (IV Year), Department of CSE (IoT, Cyber Security Including Blockchain Technology), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Securing CNG Powered Vehicles an IOT Approach to Gas Leak Detection and Alerting

B.Ranjani, N.Kalaidharani, I.Brindha, S.Kirnika
Assistant Professor/CSE, E.G.S Pillay Engineering, College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
UG Student, Department of CSE, E.G.S Pillay Engineering, College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
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GPS Based Cable Fault Detector with Wireless Monitoring Station

T.Srinidhi, J.Siri Mahalaxmi, M.Swathi, V. Vinay Kumar, I.Vijay Kumar
U.G students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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Earthquake Prediction on Spatio-Temporal Data Mining: An LSTM Based Approach

Athithya Kumar Thirumalaikumar, Chandrasekar V, Kanishka K, Uma N
U.G. Student, Dept. of I.T., Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of I.T., Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India
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Sensor Network Optimization to Maximize Coverage using Modern Algorithm

Dr. Ch. Venkata Suresh, Nikhil V, Nadeemulla Sk, Chetan A
Department of Computer Science and Engineering ( IOT), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Andhra Pradesh, India
C.S Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (IOT), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Blockchain Powered Know Your Customer (KYC) Verification

D. Venkata Harshini, V. Keerthi Vardhani, V. Sasi Priya
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering (CIC), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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An Efficient Accident Detection and Alert System with GPS Using IoT

Mrs.K. Rajammal M.E, Ph.D, Chandra. A, Jeeva jothika. B, Mahalakshmi. A
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India
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Vehicle Detection, Counting and Classification using OpenCV

Mrs. J. Mounika, Bathina Tanuja Sri, Jalagam Sai Divya, Chaganti Divya Sri, Tadavarthi Hiranya Lakshmi Sri Likitha, Chimata Vara Lakshmi
Assistant Professor, Department of IT, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
UG Students, Department of IT, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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AI Powered Fashion Sustainability Advisor

Harsh Raj, Abhijay Goswami, Prakhar Gupta, Shivam Samal, Nidhi Shah
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
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Enhancing Battery Efficiency in Electric Vehicles Using Gyroscope-Based Incline Detection and Super Capacitor Power Transfer

S. Rushikesh, A. Omsai, A. Revanth Reddy, N. Sandeep, D. Krishna
U.G. Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Medchal, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Assistant professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anurag University, Medchal, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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EDUSYNC: Uniting Learning, Collaboration and Management

Venkata Gayathri Dammala, Narne Renuka Chowdary, Nikhil Satya Surya Datta Vanapalli, Sai Sree Deepthi Golu
U.G. Students, Department of CSE (IoT, Cyber Security including Blockchain Technology), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Solar Based E-Unifrom for Soldiers

K. Janshi Lakshmi, Y Sai Kiran, A Prudvi, K Nandini, Sk.Sameer
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
B. Tech student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
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Vision-Based Parking Occupancy Detecting with Embedded AI Processor

M. Ramya, K. Paul Mahesh, G. Sahithya, N. Shivaram Krishna, M. Yamini
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
B Tech Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
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LTE Applications Based 5G Microstrip Patch Antenna Design and Analysis

P.Anil Kumar, B.V.S.Sukumar, G.Praneetha, P.Santhosh Raj, M.V.S.Chaitanya
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
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A Comprehensive Study on Smart Security System for Human Activity Detection in Volatile Areas

Ch.Sai Yasaswini, M.Bhanu Prakash, R.Veera Babu, N.Vikram, P.Babu, B.Meghana
Assistant Professor, Department Of Electronics And Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute Of Technology And Sciences, Tirupati -AP, India
B.Tech Students, Department Of Electronics And Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute Of Technology And Sciences, Tirupati -AP, India
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A Hybrid Topological Flip Flop Design for High Speed and Low Power Applications

J. Haritha, B. Sravani, G. Sada, M.Velugonda Reddy, M. Raghunath
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
Students of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology& Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Low Power Design Techniques for Efficient CMOS Logic Gates and Adders

S. Thejaswini, M. Akshitha, B. Balaji, B. Bheema, K. Manasa
Asst.Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati-AP, India
B. Tech Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati-AP, India
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Verilog Design for Multi-Car Parking Management System

S.Thejaswini, N.Kalyani, M.Mohan Krushna, C.Akhila Ram, N.Lokesh
Asst.Professor, Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
B.Tech Students, Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Electronic Eye-Controlled Security System through Android using MSP430

Y. Penchalaiah, R. Yaswanth Reddy, N. Rajasekhar , C. Supriya , T. Snehitha
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Piezo-Step Power Generator

S. Rohini, P. Vikindra reddy, N. Tejasree , G. Sudheer, S. Rakesh
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India
Student, Dept of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India
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Sign Recognition and Home Automation for Deaf and Dumb People

SK Manjunath, K Aswini, B Bhavitha, K Dinesh, N Hareeswar
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India
Student, Dept of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India
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Smart Water Metering and Billing System Using IOT

T Jyothi, B Bhavana, G Bobby, P Sai Swarupa, C Mahith
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India
Student, Dept of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India
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Low Power Linear Feedback Shift Register Using A Novel Clock Gating Technique

O. Naga Damini , K. Madhuri, S. Hussain vali, N. Anusha, K. Rohith Reddy
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Crop Monitoring and Wildlife Alert System using IOT

V.Vijaya Lakshmi, K.Sai Varshith, N.Sangeetha,K.Santhi Priya, B.Pradeep Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
B. Tech Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
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Enhanced Street Lighting System for Optimizing Power Usage With Vehicle Detection

D. Theja, M.Anoosha, V.Appalanaidu, P.Kiranmayee, K.Bharath
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India
B.Tech Student, Dept of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India
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Smart Flood Detection and Notification System using IoT

A.S.Lavanya, G.Yaswanthi, v.Srilekha,T.Vamsikrishna, D.vamsi
Assistant professor,Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences,Tirupati, India
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Design and Analysis of Dual-band Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5G Communication

N Dilip Kumar, K Siva Kumar, M Dileep, M Balaji, V Govardhan, A.Vishnuvardhan
Assistant professor, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
Students of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology& Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Nova Guardian for Military Applications

E.Devisri, B.Nikhil, P.Sai Meghana, B.Teja
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati-AP, India
B.Tech Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati-AP, India
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Identification of Vitamin Deficiency Using Deep Learning Techniques

M.Ramu, K Thanooja, S Vineela , S Gouse Basha, K Vinay Kumar Reddy
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Faculty, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Deep Learning With VGG-19 Methodology

S Venkata Lakshmi, M Nandini, M Kiran Achari, I Rohith Kumar Reddy, B Reddy Shekar Reddy
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Bi-LSTM Based Poetry Text Classification for Emotion Recognition

P.Poornima, K.Deepa, A.Hemachandra, V.Gnanika, R.Johnson Paul, T.N Jaysheel
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Students, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Malaria Detection Using Deep Learning

C.Hemavathy, M Monika, S K Raahid, S Razaulla, D Narendra, M Prem Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Phishing Website Detection Based on URL Using Machine Learning

V Samba Siva,K Meghana Reddy, G Likith Sai, P Mahesh, V Madhuri
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Residential Market Price Forecast Using Machine Learning

N Venkatramana, P Sasikala, M Sreelekha, J Diwakar, M Yaswanth Sai
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Faculty, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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An Enhanced Technique of Skin Cancer Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Dr.S.Jumlesha, G.Bhargavi, D.Chiranjeevi, P.Ajay Markondachary, M.Karthik
Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati , India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Enhancing Stock Price Prediction with Regularized GRU-LSTM Neural Networks

Duggi Nagabhushanam, Emuru Chandhini, K Bhargavi, G Kiran kumar, G Dheeraj
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Speech Emotion Recognition System with MLP Classifier Model

Ch.Chandana, K Partha Saradhi Naidu, M Lakshmi Devi, K Lalith Kumar, V Ranjith Naik
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Ensuring Confidentiality and Efficiency:A Secure and Accessible E-Healthcare Data Management System

S Rajeswari, S NithinKumar, U Madineni Kamali, J Rohith, S Pavan Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Faculty, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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CNN-Based Automated Diagnosis of Apple Plant Diseases from Leaf Images

K Perumal, B Naveen Kumar Reddy, G Obaiah, P Nikhitha, S Nafeesa Sulthana
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Revolutionary Machine Learning Approaches for Identifying Deceptive Online Profiles

Dr. C. Siva Balaji Yadav, A. Charvee Sanjana, C. Laasya , T. Sasisree, T. Swaroop , C. Dushyanth
Head & Professor, Dept. of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS), Karakambadi, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Dept. of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS), Karakambadi, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Transformative Disaster Identification from Social Media Posts: Employing Deep Attentive Multimodal Learning

Hasthi Teja , R.Yaminipoojitha, A. Sai Narayana, C. Sai Sarath Reddy, K. Roja
Assistant Professor, Department of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Gender and Age Classification with Real time Facial Images using CNN

E. D. Pavanakumar , M.Karthik, P.Venkata Sai Jeevana, B.Vamsi Nath Reddy, M.Mounith
Professor, Dept. of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS), Karakambadi, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Dept. of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS), Karakambadi, Tirupati, Andhra radesh, India
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Predicting Urban Water Quality by Using Machine Learning

D.Divyashree, R.Lakshmi Cheritha, A.Vamsi, P.Venkata Ganesh , D.Dilli Sudha
Assistant Professor (Department of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
B.Tech Student (Department of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Precision Farming Insights: Innovating Agricultural TextClassification through Dynamic Feature Fusion

V.S. Gayathri, S. Rohith Kumar, J. Naga Lakshmi, V. Bhuvaneswari, S. Abhishek
Assistant Professor, Dept. of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences(AITS), Karakambadi, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Student, Dept. of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS),Karakambadi, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
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NeuralRoadwatch:Neural Network Based Road Event Awareness Dataset for Autonomous Vehicles

M. Swathi, M. Nandini Priya, K. Dhanush, V. Prasanth, Dr.C. SivaBalaji Yadav
Dept. of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS), Karakambadi, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Head & Professor, Dept. of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS), Karakambadi, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Forecasting Resale Values : Leveraging Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning for Pre-owned Car Price Predictions

K. Jagadeeswari, A.Swetha , K. Ravi Teja, S. Chandra Sekhar , M.Chaithanya
Assistant Professor, Dept. of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS), Karakambadi, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Student, Dept. of AI, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS), Karakambadi, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Leveraging Blockchain for Transparent Organ Allocation: Incorporating a Backend Cryptocurrency Wallet for Record Tracking

S Prathap, P Harshitha, P Manoj Achari, V Rakesh, J Raj Kumar
Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
B Tech Student, Dept of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
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Decoding Truth: Advanced Fake Media Detection Using Blockchain and Natural Language Processing Technologies

V Samba Siva, P Sai Teja, M Abhishek , K Durga Prasad Reddy, S Praveen Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
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Strengthening Privacy Measures in Personal Health Records: An Innovative Approach with Multi-Authority Access Control and Anonymous Authentication

Mrs. S. Venkatalakshmi, Ms. C Manasa, Mr. Dande Harivardhan, Mr. K Sai Ravi Teja, Ms. P Sai Ashritha
Assistant professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
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Secure Dispersal: An Innovative Approach to Encrypting Cloud Storage

T Sreenivasula Reddy, S Haseeb, T Charan Teja , B Karthik, P Suneel Reddy
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
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B.Eswar kumar, P.Rakesh, C.Chandrasekhar, K.Hemalatha, B.Tejanarasimhulu
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences-Tirupati, India
UG students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences-Tirupati, India
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Optimizing Power Quality in Star Connected Distribution System By Using D-Statcom

B.Eswar kumar, V.Lokeswari, S.Yasaswini, N.Jaya Krishna, P.Bhanu Prakash
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences-Tirupati, India
UG students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences-Tirupati, India
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Perpendicular Rectangular Gold Strip Metamaterial: A Dual-Band Mid-Infrared Absorber for Wide-Angle Operation

B. Vineetha, I. Reshma, M P Srinivasa Rao
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Professor, Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Android Speech to Text Home Automation Viable Connectivity

Mrs. B. Ranjani, M.E,(Ph.D), M. Adhithya, R. Arthi, R. Keerthika
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
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Expressive Digital Paint / Writing Using Mediapipe & OpenCV

Dr M. Srinivasa Sesha Sai, Singam Sai Prakash Reddy, Vuyyuru Chaitanya Praveen Reddy, Pedaprolu Sai Kumar, Nallaka Naga Siva Sai
Head Of the Department, Department of IT, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
UG Students, Department of IT, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Resume Parsing Using Named Entity Recognition and Hugging Face Model

Rimmalapudi Rajesh, Rankela Sai Sri Harsha, Busi Joseph, Vara Lakshmaiah Duggineni, Janardhana Rao Alapati
Department of CSE (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Asst. Professor, Department of CSE (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Precision Irrigation Based on IoT and ML

Mr. S. Saida Rao, K. Jagadeesh Varma, A. Chandra Manikanta, K. Nageswara Rao
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (IoT), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Namburu, Andhra Pradesh, India
C.S Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (IoT), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Namburu, Andhra Pradesh, India
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A Review on Replacement of Sand with Marble Dust and Cement with Fly Ash

Prof. Gajanan Potbhare, Prof. Natish Sayyed, Amaan Pathan, Siddhant Kalsait, Piyush Patil, Piyush Chaudhari, Aryan Jangam, Atharva Nimbalkar, Sanket Jangitwar
Principal, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
Guide & HOD, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
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Film Popularity Prediction Using Machine Learning

Mrs. K. Tejaswi, Vanama Siva Krishna, Penumudi Prasanna Kumar, Shaik Khadar Vali
Assistant Professor, Department of IT, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
UG Students, Department of IT, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Dynamic Navigation: Predicting Traffic Patterns

Dr.D.V.Krishna Reddy, Patibandla Shabnam, Shaik Ruhina Arshiya, Telagathoti Honey, Puli Sravani
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
UG Student, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Fake Product Review Detection Using Machine Learning

Mrs. Swathi A, Phanidapu Chandra Sekhar, Naramala Lokesh, Palepogu Praveen
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
B. Tech Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Partial Replacement of Cement by Fly Ash & RHA and Natural Sand by Quarry Sand in Concrete

Prof. Natish Sayyed, Prof Rashmi Gomkar, Kishan Verma, Vivek Kumar, Dharmendra Kumar, Akash Kumar Singh, Sujit Kumar, Abhishek Kumar, Chetan Verulkar
Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
Guide, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Polytechnic College, Nagpur, India
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Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles

Mr.D.V Kamble, Rushikesh Mane, Shubhangi Benade, Snehal Patil, Atharv Mangave
Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sanjay Ghodawat Institute, Atigre, India
Student, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sanjay Ghodawat Institute, Atigre, India
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HRM Strategies in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector – An Overview

B. Prashanth Prabhu, Namreen Asif V.A & Dr. Anil Kumar
Research Scholar, Institute of Management & Commerce, Srinivas University, Mangalore, India
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Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals in Major Asian Countries after Covid-19

Dr. Reenu Sharma
Assistant Professor, Rani Durgawati Govt. P. G. College, Mandla, M. P., India
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A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Liver Disease

Dr. Gurukesava Dasu Gopisetty, Tanikonda Koteswara Rao, Surabathuni Ramchand, Pathella Naga Gopi Adithya, Pusuluri Yaswanth
Professor, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
B. Tech Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
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Eco-Friendly Foundry Sand Used in Construction Material

Audumbar Bobade, Yashraj Bhadale, Prathmesh Nade, Sakshi Kamble, Om Chavan, Mr. N.R.More
Department of Civil Engineering, Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic College, Hadapsar, Pune, India
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic College, Hadapsar, Pune, India
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Waste Classification Using Deep Learning Algorithm

Mr.A. Baskar, Sowmiya.R, Rathaisri.V, Suruthi.M
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
UG Student, Department of Computer Engineering, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
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Investment Value Forecast

P Madhu Babu, Tadepalli Sai Teja, Sunke Jaswanth Kumar, Shaik Bashi, Yarakala Abishek Sai
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
B. Tech, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Building a Comprehensive E-commerce Analytics Ecosystem

Dr. T. Sudhir, Mutyala Harini, Kolipakula Dhanalakshmi, Yallanki Pavithra Lakshmi, Joshna Gummadi, Kakarla Prasanna
Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
UG Students, Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Comprehensive Review on Nanomedicine Pharmacology: Advancements, Challenges, and Future Prospect

Nadaf Arshad Yunus, Patil Omkar A., Patil Pratik A., Patil Abhijit A., More Sanjyot S., Kale Pratik V.
Department of Pharmacy, Adarsh College of Pharmacy, Vita, Sangli, India
Department of Pharmacy, Adarsh College of Pharmacy, Vita, Sangli, India
Department of Pharmacy, Adarsh College of Pharmacy, Vita, Sangli, India
Department of Pharmacy, Adarsh College of Pharmacy, Vita, Sangli, India
Department of Pharmacy, Ashokrao Mane College of Pharmacy Peth Vadgaon, India
Department of Pharmacy, Adarsh College of Pharmacy, Vita, Sangli, India
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Digital Advertising and Marketing Strategies, Impact on Global Pharmaceutical Business

Nadaf Arshad Yunus, Pawar Abhishek Milind, Pore Shardul Pramod, Sawant Prasad Tanaji, Kale Pratik Vijay, More Mayur Rajendra, Yadav Aniket Avinash, Patil Omkar Anil
Department of Pharmacy, Adarsh College of Pharmacy, Vita, Sangli, India
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Prediction of Chronic Liver Disease Patients Using Machine and Deep Learning Technique

M. Rajya Lakshmi, Y. Jaswanth, B. Sri Sai Sankar, G. Ram Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (IoT), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Namburu, Andhra Pradesh, India
C.S Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (IoT), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Namburu, Andhra Pradesh, India
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FuelMaster: Smart Automated Fuel Booking System for CNG

Akash Vahadne, Amol Bhawar, Aakanksha Satpute, Sakshi More, Nandita Patil, Mrs Dhanashree Joshi
Department of Computer Engineering, Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic, Maharashtra, India
Sr. Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic, Maharashtra, India
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Bone Fracture Detection System

Onteru Tirumala Gopi Krishna, Lakkamraju Hema Latha, Padavala Navya Durga, Yallaturi Chaitanya Krishna, Akkala Ganga Parvathi
Bachelor of Technology, Department of IT, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur, India
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Enhancing Handwritten Text Recognition: A Novel Approach with MXNet and Advanced Neural Architectures

Dr. V. Muralidhar, D. DharaniMahesh, Y. Hrudayesh, P. Jashwanth, K.Mokshitha
Associate Professor, Department of CSE (AI & ML), VasireddyVenkatadri Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, Nambur, Guntur, India
Department of CSE (AI & ML), VasireddyVenkatadri Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, Nambur, Guntur, India
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Canal Waste Management

Harshad Vedpathak, Om Aglave, Rohit Kamble, Chris Joseph, Dhairyashil Gaikwad, Mahesh Gaikwad, Ms.Aminabi Ansari
Department Of Civil Engineering, Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic College, Hadapsar, Pune, India
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic College, Hadapsar, Pune, India
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Innovative Machine Learning for Air Pollution Prediction

Dr.Akula Suneetha, M. Kiran Kumar, P. Karthik, M. Raghu Narayana, G. Prakash Babu
Associate Professor, Department of CSE, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology, Guntur – Andhra Pradesh, India
B. Tech Student, Department of CSE, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology, Guntur – Andhra Pradesh, India
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Plant Heat Shock Proteins - Origin, Evolution and Mechanism of Action for Biotechnological Implications in Crop Improvement

Dr.Dipan Adhikari
Associate Professor of Botany, UG and PG Dept. of Botany, Hoogly Mohsin College, Chinsurah, Hoogly, West Bengal, India
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Disease Prediction Using Symptoms-in Machine-Learning

T. Neetha, U. Lokesh Reddy, G. Bhargavi, K. Sanjana Reddy
Assistant Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Anurag University, Hyderabad, India
U.G. Student, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Anurag University, Hyderabad, India
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Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Deep Learning and Ml Techniques

K.P. Babu, Munnangi Krishna Revanth Reddy, Jonnadula Hema Sai Venkat, Bathineni Venu Kumar, Reddimasu Vikranth, Bonthu Navya Sree
Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, VVIT, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
U.G. Students, Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, VVIT, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Secure Portal for Police Complaint Filing, Tracking and Management System using Blockchain Technology

G Lakshmi Narayana, Medam Jagadeeswara Reddy, Jorige Sai Kiran, Mekala Ganesh Babu, Narla Naga Gopi
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, A.P, India
B. Tech Student, Department of CSE, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, A.P, India
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Graduate Admission Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques

Dr. M. Purnachandra Rao, Sk. Sohiel, P. Siva krishna, N. Durga Koushik, V. Bhanu Prakash
Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
B. Tech, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Exploration of Millet & Vegetables Based High Protein Apple Jam

Sahil Khan, Sonika Banyal, Ankur Luthra
B. Tech Student, Department of Food Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Food Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, India
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Developing a Chatbot Integrated in the College Website Used for FAQs for Fast, Accurate and Efficient Responses

Meduri Vijay Kumar, Kothamasu Chandra Venkat, Meghavath Monish Sai Krishna, Kalakota Himavanth Reddy, Chavali Amaresh
Student, Department of cse – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE– Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Automatic Helmet Monitoring System using Deep Learning

Dr. K. Satheesh, N. Sai Akhila, D. Amarnadh, P. Sagar Swetha, A. Venkata Sohan, V. Pardhiv
Associate Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
B. Tech Students Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Early Dectection Skin Cancer Using Deep Lerning

Vankayla Raj Prudhvi, Sanam Srikanth, Shaik Yunus, Tammisetty Mahesh, Penumaka Aravind
Department of Computer Science and Engineering. KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences (Affiliated to JNTUK), Guntur, India
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AI Based Interview Preparation System: InterviewPrep

Fatima Solkar, Pooja Birje, Shrutika Mhabdi, Sejal Nikam, Dr. Vinayak Bharadi
U.G. Students, Department of Information Technology, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Department of Information Technology Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
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Cyber Fusion -An Ethical Hacking Suite

CH.Mounika, M.Amith, N.Sita Samhitha, SK.Abdul Kalam
U.G. Student, Department of Computer Engineering (CIC), Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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SATELLITE IMAGING ANALYSIS: Unveiling the Potential of Satellite Images with Machine Learning

Mrs. B.Kalyani, Siva Nageswara Rao, Harasekhar, Vengababu, Shalem Raju
Associate Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, India
Student, Dept. of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, India
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Smart and Secured Online Voting System Using BlockChain Technology

Gavini Naga Pavani, P Bala Koteswara Rao, M Anil, J Naga Sai Krishna
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, A.P, India
B. Tech Student, Department of CSE, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, A.P, India
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Blood Supply Chain Management System Using Full Stack

Mrs.J.Mounika, V.Vijay Gopala Krishna, Shaik Samdani, N.Udaya Teja, R.Srikanth
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Co-Founder, MAKE SKILLED, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Student, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vinjanampadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Global Id Generation with Verification Based Medical Record Access

C. Ashwathi, K.Guneha, K.Rajammal
UG Student, Dept. of CSE., E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE., E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
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Augmented Reality based Furniture Application for Room Planning -fARniture App

Durvesh Nandakumar Pokade, Himali Rajendra Amberkar, Neha Vidyadhar Adarka, Atharv Rajesh Joshi, Mandar Joshi
Student, Department of IT, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of IT, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, India
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A Review Paper on Travel Information and Recommendation System

Samiksha Gulrandhe, Saniya Khan, Ankita Pole, Prasad Nandgaonkar, Prof. Samrudhi S. Mamarde
U. G. Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PRPCEM, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PRPCEM, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
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Implementing Smart and Secured Travelling Management System using RFID

Pravin Suresh Bhave, Prof. S. M. Rokade
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Sir Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Chincholi, Nashik, India
HOD, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Sir Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Chincholi, Nashik, India
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Optimizing Transportation: Carpooling

B Rajeswari, Regula Naveen, Sarekolla Venkata Siva Rama Krishna, Usurupati Anand Babu, Shaik Jani Basha
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, A.P, India
B. Tech Student, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, A.P, India.
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Comparative Study of Conventional Concrete (RCC) and Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC)

Kshitij Shashikant Kamble, Yash Hariba Gulig, Sarvesh Rajaindra Datir, Kartik Dadasaheb Jadhav, Prof. Apurva A. Bhalsinge
Diploma Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Zeal Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Zeal Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
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Intelligent Video Surveillance for Fall Detection and Alert Generation

Mrs K Rajani Devi M. Tech (Ph. D), Modi Pujitha, Podili Ratna Priya, Kandru Karunya Rainee, Chimata Indu, Vuyyala Poorna Sai
Assistant Professor, Department of AI&DS, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur, India
Department of AI&DS, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur, India
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Data-Driven Road Safety Enhancement

K.Parisuddha Babu, M.Mahalakshmi, M.Raju, P.Poojitha, G.Tirumala Rao, M.L.Pranuthna
Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT, VVIT, Andhra Pradesh, India
Student, Dept. of AI&DS, VVIT, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Virtual Assistant Using AI

Molla Khamar, Nannuri Sai Kiran, N.V.S Havin ash Reddy Arumalla, Tirupati Sathwik, Talapaneni Naveen
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
B. Tech, Department of Information Technology, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Financial Statement Fraud Detection by Machine Learning and Data Mining

Yaazhini, Boopathiraja P, Manohar P, Vijay Rs, Viknesh R
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques in Cloud Computing

M. Brindha, Akash G, Rahul A, Mohamed Ali K, Manoj P
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal Dt, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal Dt, Tamilnadu, India
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Design And Implementation of Smart Agriculture Irrigation System Based on Weather Forecasting

Nanthini. M, S. Ananthakumar, Dr. M. Malarvizhi
Power Electronics and Drives, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Assistant Professor/EEE, Power Electronics and Drives, Gnanamani College of Technology, Tamilnadu, India
Professor/EEE, M. E Embedded System Technology, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Integrating Secure Customer Centricity and Encryption

S. Sugan Priyan, Arulpandi C, Gowtham V, Surendhar I, Gowsick S
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Intelligent Phishing Website Detection Model with Deep Learning-Based Innovative Technique

R.Sowmiya, Sakaravarthy P M, Sivabharathi P C, Thilagaraj B, Akshy C
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
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Image to Text Conversion Using Machine Learning

DR.S.Govindaraju, S.Siddharth
Associate Professor, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu India
UG Student, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu India
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Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Deep Learning and Ml Techniques

K.P. Babu, Munnangi Krishna Revanth Reddy, Jonnadula Hema Sai Venkat, Bathineni Venu Kumar, Reddimasu Vikranth, Bonthu Navya Sree
Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, VVIT, Guntu, Andhra Pradesh, India
U.G. Student, Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, VVIT, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Disease Prediction using Machine Learning

Dr. Nitish Das, Sailee Gayke, Nayan Patel, Shrawani Shinde
Professor, MIT Art, Design & Technology University, Loni Kalbhor, Maharashtra, India
Students, Department of Computer Engineering, MIT Art, Design & Technology University, Loni Kalbhor, Maharashtra, India
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Judicial Evidence Integrity and Security System for Fair Judgement

Mohamed Faizal.S, Mohamed Sabeer.N, Thowfiq Aziz.H, Dr.S.Praveen Kumar
UG Student, Dept. of CSE, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
Assistant Professor, EGS Pillay Engineering College, Nagapatinam, India
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Role of Nonconventional Energy Sources in Electricity Generation: A Review

Purvanshu Kaithwas, Parag Gondane, Rutujeet Deshmukh, Harshal Patil
U.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PRMIT & R, Badnera, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PRMIT & R, Badnera, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
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Bats Detection and Repellent System

V.Ajay Kumaran, S.Anilkumar, G.Dinesh, Dr.T.Ganesan, G.Arulselvan
U.G. Student, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, E.G.S.Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TamilNadu, India
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu, India
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Nail Disease Identification Using Image Processing

DR.S. Govindaraju, E. Nidarshana
Associate Professor, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu India
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu, India
UG Student, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu India
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A Protected Information Sharing and Approved Accessible Structure for E-Medical Care Framework – Dsas

C Malathi, B Sai kumar, S Mansoor, S Harshavardhan, D Sravani
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, AITS, Tirupati, India
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Identity-Based Encryption Transformation for Flexible Sharing of Encrypted Data in Cloud

G Bhavana, C Poojitha, M Kullai Swami, K Mounika, G Madhusudhan
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Faculty, AITS, Tirupati, India
Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Smart Water Metering and Billing System Using IOT

Mrs T Jyothi, B Bhavana, G Bobby, P Sai Swarupa, C Mahith
Asst. Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
B. Tech Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Smart Security System for Human Activity Detection in Volatile Areas

Ch.Sai Yasaswini, M.Bhanu Prakash, R.Veera Babu, N.Vikram, P.Babu, B.Meghana
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati -AP India
B. Tech Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati -AP India
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IoT Platform Based Monitoring and Automation of Plant Growth

Mr. P. Anil Kumar, K. Sasivardhan Reddy, K. Vamsi, A. Vasanthi, P.Vemabindu
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
Department of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupati, India
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Design and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna

Mr.K.Manjunath, K.Mastan Bi, N.Lohitha, M.Ganesh, K.Jyothi
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
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Development and Deployment of an Embedded System for Efficient Data Transfer in a Car Using Can Protocol

Dr. N. Pushpalatha, V Kalpana, K Nageswar Raju, R Sai Dinesh, L Raghava Royal
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
U.G. Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
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A Comprehensive Approach for Hate Speech and Offensive Content Classification

K Rajani Devi, Kurra Hema Bindu, Challagundla Chaitra Pallavi, Lagadapati Sri Lakshmi Priya, Sameer Shaik
Assistant Professor, Department of AI&DS, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology Nambur, Guntur, India
Bachelor of Technology, Department of AI&DS, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology Nambur, Guntur, India
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Harnessing Green Energy: Segmentation, Forecast Generation and Payback Periods

B. Satyanarayana Reddy, Ameer Basha Shaik, Janaki Ramaiah Venigalla, Pokuri Charan
Asst. Professor, Department of CSE, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, India
Student, Department of CSE, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, India
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Utilization of Machine Learning Approaches for Diseases Forecasting and Drug Recommendation

P.Poornima, K.Krishna, P.Lakshmi Narayana Reddy, K.Komal, M.Mahesh
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
U.G. Student, Department of CSE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences- Tirupati, India
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Image Inpainting with Deep Learning

Rohan Narayan Godbole, Raj Ankush Bharankar , Chinmay Umesh Puranik, Anup Shriram Patwardhan, Mandar Joshi
Student, Department of IT, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of IT, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, India
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Sustainable Success : The Integration of Management Principles and Environmental Responsibility

Madhukar Kumar, Pawan Pathak, Prabhakar K Azad, Vishnu Jangid
Assistant Professor, ME Dept., Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, M&G, Jagatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Assistant Professor, ME Dept., Poornima University, Ramchandrapura, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
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Insect Diversity in the City Garden and Parks of Kolhapur, Maharashtra

Kalpana M. Charaple, Deelip L. Bharmal
PG Department of Zoology, Shri Pancham Khemraj, Mahavidyalaya, Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg, India
PG Department of Zoology, Shri Pancham Khemraj, Mahavidyalaya, Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg, India
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Expression of Separation in Folk Literature

Mukesh Parmar
M.A, Department of Hindi, NET, Gudamalani, Barmer, Rajasthan, India
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Identity, Multiculturalism and the Postcolonial Experience in Hanif Kureishi’s Works


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Harnessing the Power of AI and ML: Transformative Approaches in Diabetes Management and Care

Naimish Patel
Research Scholar, University of Technology, Jaipur, India

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The Rise of Nationalist Ideology and its Impact on Identity Politics in Karnataka

Dharmanna Madar, Dr. Basavaraja G
Research Scholar, DOSR in Political Science, Tumkur University Tumkur, Karnataka, India
Professor, DOSR in Political Science, Tumkur University Tumkur, Karnataka, India

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Analysis of Society and Culture through Bollywood Cinema based on English Novel

Sneha Ritesh Nag, Dr. A.A Khan, Dr. Qamar Talatr
Research Scholar, Department of English, Govt.VYT Autonomous PG. College, Durg (C.G), India
Professor, Department of English, Govt. DT PG. College, Durg (C.G), India

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Analysis of Atmospheric Scavenging Processes in Polluted Areas of India

Dr. Manoj Kumar
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Govt. College, Kota, Rajasthan, India
Professor, Department of English, Govt. DT PG. College, Durg (C.G), India

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Enhancing Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Vehicular AD HOC Networks (VANETs)

Girish G A, Sowmya L D, Kavyashree Yadav, Rakesh D N, Sowbhagya M P
Assistant Professors, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, City Engineering College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

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Advances in Speech Emotion Recognition: A Comprehensive Review

M Sai Akash, S Praveena
I M. Tech, DECE, Department of ECE, MGIT, Hyderabad, India
Associate Professor, Department of ECE, MGIT, Hyderabad, India

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