Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2019
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Laser Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Photodynamic Therapy in Rats
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Amalgamation of Structures and Architecture in Architectural Pedagogy
Priya Raut, Saili KalamkarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design of Surge Tank for Village, Dongaon MH. India
Pallavi Kharat, Tushar Kamble, Chhatrapati Hamand, Satyam Pensenwar, Sanket PatilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Performance Evaluation of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger for Methylene Di Chloride
Nilima Khare , R.R. Arakerimath , Gurunath GoreAbstract PDF![]() |
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Development of Relationship between Various Performance Measures with Focus on Sustainability Assessment
Muniba M. Ansari, Sujesh D. GhodmareAbstract PDF![]() |
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Meaningful Content Extraction in Video Using Fuzzy Rule Based Model
M.V. Khasne, G. N. JorvekarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Performance Analysis of Cryptography Algorithms: Blowfish, DES, 3DES, AES, MARS& RC6 with Data Hiding In Images Using Steganography Technique
Shivani Varshney, Lalit Mohan Gupta, Anuj GuptaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Implementation of Kanban Concepts using Relowisa for High Pressure Assembly in CBx Pumps at Bosch Limited, Bangalore
Giridhar MP, Dr Gr Rajkumar, Sujith J KalmadiAbstract PDF![]() |
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High Frequency and Low Area for 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform using Multiplier-less Technique
Swati Singhai, Hemant KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Implementation of Partition Multiplier based on Brent Kung Adder
Anshu Kumar, Shivraj SinghAbstract PDF![]() |
11. |
Anisotropic Dark Energy Cosmological Model in Lyra Geometry
V P Kadam, S.N. BayaskarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Process Intensification of Advanced Fenton Process for Degradation of Acid Orange – 7 Dye: A Review
Rohit R. Gurav, Atish P. Limbare, Nitesh B. Pardeshi, Manoj B. Mandake, J.J. KadamAbstract PDF![]() |
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Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution Using Agricultural Wastes as Adsorbent
Ajay Nirmal, Advait Swamy, Omkar Sakpal, S.P. Shingare, M.B. MandakeAbstract PDF![]() |
14. |
Average Energy Efficient Dynamic Cluster Head based WSN using Fuzzy Inference System
Vinita Edlabadkar, Shivraj SinghAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Air Quality Forecasting Techniques using Machine Learning
Reshma J, Ashwini RAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Data Sharing in Dynamic Group Using Store SIM
P. M. Bisaguppi, D. B. KshirsagarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Hazards Measuring and Risk Controls in Textile Industry
K. Kavin Kishor, I.Sirajudeen, R.SasikumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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HOZOP Study in Paper and Pulp Industry
D.Logesh, R.Harihara, I.SirajudeenAbstract PDF![]() |
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Landslide and Flood Prediction Using Machine Learning Spark Framework
Mihir Sandeep Kungulwar, Harsh Sanjeev Mishra, Shahzer Ahmed Khattak, Uzair Nazir BhatAbstract PDF![]() |
20. |
MHD Flow of Stratified Incompressible Viscous Fluid through Porous Medium between Two Semi-Infinite Parallel Plates
Dr. Shiva Shanker K.Abstract PDF![]() |
21. |
Analysis and Identification of Macro Nutrients of Leaf
Dr.C.Karthikeyini, M.Dinesh, R.S.Gopi, S.MohanrajAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Smart Notice Board System Using IoT Technology
S.Gladson, G.BrindhaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Fabrication of Mobile Robot Control by Using FAAST and Kinect Sensor
Tamilmani.K, Santhosh Poun Raj.I, Gershom.C, Femilin.R.PAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Implementation of Arithmetic and Logical Block Using QCA Technology
S.Gladson, K.SrirevathiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design of Reconfigurable Adder by Using Carry Maskable Technique
M.Ramya, R.SaranpriyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Removing Baseline Wandernoise Using Infinite Impulse Response IIR Low Pass Filter
M.Dhivyaa, V.GopalakrishnanAbstract PDF![]() |
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GSM Controlled Arduino Smart Home Security System
Deepak Kumar, Shruti Karkra, Manoj PandeyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Digital Synthetic Ripple Modulator (SRM) for DC-DC Converter
Poonam B. Pawar, Prof. Pankaj BhakreAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Back Pressure Due to Biodiesel on Engine Life Improvement
Kiran R. Patil, Dr.R.R.ArakerimathAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Thermomechanical Treatment on Mechanical – Metallurgical Properties of Re- Rolled Complex Steel Sections
Shrikrishna Rishwadkar, Keyur V. Panchal, Bhavesh R. RanaAbstract PDF![]() |
31. |
A Blockchain based Cryptocurrency & the Development of an e-wallet
Pranav Waikar, Pratik Deshmukh, Rohan Patel, Aditi Kulkarni, Sudam PawarAbstract PDF![]() |
32. |
An Encryption Technique using Fusion of Multi-Biometrics Data and Prim Numbers
Kadtan Mahesh Narayan, Dr. Sadhana ChidrawarAbstract PDF![]() |
33. |
Design, Simulation and Control of Solar Wind Hybrid Renewable Power System
Payal Pisudde, Ganesh WakteAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Novel Approach for Automatic Classification of Breast cancer Using Features Extracted from Mammogram
M.Chitra Devi, B.SobiyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Detection of Breast Cancer from Mammogram
M.Chitra Devi, B.SobiyaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Disposable Feature Templates Using Biometric Systems
C. Sujatha, K.SridarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Segmentation of Outer Retinal Layers Using Model Selection Algorithms
T. Shanmugavalli, K.SridarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Predictive Analysis of Diseases Using Machine Learning and Big Data
Sireesha Kilaru, D. AnupamaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Retrofitting of Flexural Member using GFRP 300
Rohit Kumar, Shubham Anand, Suraj Gundeti, Shubham Jathar, Nilesh BaglekarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Usage & Impact of Surkhi (Brick Dust) & Fibre Glass in Concrete
Gulam Mohi ud din Rather, Peer Muzzamil Yaseen, Showkat BashirAbstract PDF![]() |
41. |
High Resolution Electrohydrodynamic Printing of PCL
Dr. Dajing Gao, Kishan Patel, Muharrem Tunel, Yifan Fei, Dr. Jack G. ZhouAbstract PDF![]() |
42. |
Read Assist, Device that Read Text from Images
Anita Kumari Khareshiya, Gaurav Dhande, Ghazala Mirani, G. B. AocharAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effectiveness of Betel Leaves Extract (Piper betle, Linn) as Mosquito Anopheles spp Repellent
Khomsatun, Wahyudi, Hari Rudijanto I.W, GustomoYamistadaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Efficient Data Contribution of WBAN Using Biomedical Sensors
S.Gandhimathi., K.J.Jagdish, G.SivakumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Risk Assessment and Management Techniques to Avoid Landslide Hazard
Aniket Sinarkar, Omkar Bhujbal, Akshay Sukre, Yogesh Thakur, Pranay KhareAbstract PDF![]() |
46. |
Drugs Selection Using Automata Based Rule Processing
Aleena Susan Mathew, Lashma. KAbstract PDF![]() |
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High Secure Gray Scale Images Sharing Using Visual Cryptography Secret Sharing Scheme
Abhirami E V, Dr.G Chithra GanapathiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Human Feature Detection in Abandoned Object by Using Android Application with Modern Security Alert System
Ananya Chandran, Dr N SudhaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Area Efficient VLSI Architecture for FFT using radix-2 Butterfly and Folding Technique
Riya Jain, Dr. Vibha TiwariAbstract PDF![]() |
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Comparative Study of Tool-Chip Temperature and Chip Formed Under Flooded and MQL Conditions
Shaikh Shoeb, Rahul ShelkeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Text Simplification Based On Lexical Analysis
Aysha Shahistha, Gangothri P Nair, Kavya M, Sherin K S, Anjali SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Survey Paper on Different Types of Shift Register using Programmable Reversible Circuit
Kamlesh Purohit, Prof. Swati GuptaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Black Cotton Soil Stabilization using Glass Powder
Babatunde O.A, Sani J.E, Sambo A.HAbstract PDF![]() |
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RADE-N: An Automatic Nuclear Radiation Detector Using Raspberry PI
Archana S, Manoj Kumar P , Ayoob Khan T EAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Nanoparticle Concentration on Thermophysical Properties of Nanofluids
Onkar Lathkar, Dr. P J BansodAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on Selecting Bidding Decision Using Multi-Criteria Analysis Methods
Shristi Singh, Alankar Ashok, Mohd Azad Shaikh, Akkineni Rochishnu, Praful NayakAbstract PDF![]() |
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Symmetrization and Numerical Study of a One-Dimensional System of Equations of Two-Speed Hydrodynamics with Single Pressure
Abdulkhamidv Kholmurodov, Nasrutdin Dilmuradov, Baxtiyor MamasolievAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Improved Apriori Algorithm for Frequent Item Set Mining Accuracy
M.Ranjanisindu, K.JeniferAbstract PDF![]() |
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Cognitive Radio Wireless Smart Sense Technology
Pavan BadarinathAbstract PDF![]() |
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Evaluating Excavation Equipment Productivity Constant for Construction Project
Miss. Shubhangi B. Kalokhe, Mr. Ghanasham C. Sarode, Mr. Pushpraj S. WarkeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Sun Tracking Solar Panel Using ATMEGA328 Microcontroller
Pavan BadarinathAbstract PDF![]() |
63. |
Analysis of G+20 RC Tall Building in Different Zones using ETABS
Rakshith G M, Panendar naik G, Swarna D, Chaithra R , Ashish Dubay BAbstract PDF![]() |
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Malayalam Recognizer: A Learning to Write Collaborator
Soumya Muraleedhara Menon, Roopa Sree Mohan, V. P. Deepa, T. Navya, P. GaneshAbstract PDF![]() |
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Seismic Analysis of Multistorey Building with Bracings using ETABS
Masood Ahmed Shariff, Owais M, Rachana C, Vinu S, AshishDubay BAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Experimental Investigation on Compressed Stabilized Interlocking Earth Block
Lohith M S,Chinmayi A R ,Vainika M U, Damodar N,Chetan K MAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Experimental Study on Carbon Cure Greener Concrete
Srinivasa K S,Sinchana N M ,Pooja M ,Shobharaj M S,Chetan K MAbstract PDF![]() |
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Performance Evaluation of Four Stroke Single Cylinder Diesel Engine at Different Injection Pressure Using Polanga Biodiesel as a Fuel
Sk. Md Shafeez, Dr. K. ChandrasekharAbstract PDF![]() |
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Survey on Digital Academic Scheduler using Arduino
Prof.Mrs. Deepa Bhandare , Pushpak.Arvind.Paratwar , Shreyash.Shubhash.Latkar , Shivani.Anil.Nigade , Siddhi.Gunwant.KulkarniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Rapid Approximate Processing Algorithm for 2D to 3D Conversion of HD Video using Depth Fusion Technique
Bobby Sharma, Laxmikant DewanganAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on Selecting Bidding Decision Using Multi-Criteria Analysis Methods
Shristi Singh, Alankar Ashok, Mohd Azad Shaikh, Akkineni Rochishnu, Praful NayakAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Improved Apriori Algorithm for Frequent Item Set Mining Accuracy
M.Ranjanisindu, K.JeniferAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images
Rutuja Sharad Warule, Himani Wadnere, Mayuri Wagalgave, Gayatri Wagh, Prof. Sanjay B. WaykarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Deep Feature Learning for Medical Image Analysis for Detection of Brain Tumor
Miss. Sheetal S. Sutar, Dr. Swapnaja A. UbaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Predictive Descriptive Clustering using Semantic Score
Miss.Panchashila Mokal , Prof. Anilkumar BrahmaneAbstract PDF![]() |
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An Experimental Investigation on the Properties of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Silica Fume and Coarse Aggregate by Recycled Aggregate
Yenugonda Venkatasiva, P.Lakshmaiah ChowdaryAbstract PDF![]() |
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Key Agreement for Sharing Dynamic Data with Different Group for Re Construction Using Blocks Level
Bhavna A. Khairnar, Pravin P. NimbalkarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Electric Vehicle
Sagar Bodkhe, Vishakha Jogdand ,Pruthviraj Chavan, Sanket Rathod, Ajay Awchar, Ravindra TotareAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analysis of Helmet Detection Using LENET and Transfer Learning
Sreehari Ravindran, Roopa K, Sarika P R, Nevline Jose T, Jyothish Krishna P GAbstract PDF![]() |
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Cost Estimation and Specification of a Sewage Treatment Plant at BIT campus
Shobhan Majumder , Poornesh , Reethupoorna M.B., Razi MusthafaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Weighted Residual Method for Solving Chemically Reacting MHD Boundary Layer Flow of Heat and Mass Transfer over a Moving Vertical Plate with Suction
Ajala O.A., Oderinu R.A., Abimbade S.F., Aselebe L. O, Adegoke A. O.Abstract PDF![]() |
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Performance of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement by Metakaolin
Arkesh N, Hemanth H M , Monisha B M, Chandhini M P, Supriya C LAbstract PDF![]() |
83. |
Study on the Strength of Sisal Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Vinaykumar B K, Prathap D, Varsha P,Pavan K J ,Supriya C LAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design Optimization of Planner Machine Mechanism
Rinoy Johnson K, Dr.S.Sankar, Rahul R , Tedy ThomasAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design Optimization of Stabilizer Bar Link Used In Sedan Vehicles
Farhan E M, Dr.S.Sankar, Tedy Thomas , Deepak.V.KAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design Optimization of Ammonia Bullet Pressure Vessel
Salman P H, Dr.S.Sankar, Sabarish C S , Tedy ThomasAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design Optimization of Sports Utility Vehicle Chassis
Dileep Krishnadas K, Dr.S.Sankar, Tedy Thomas, Deepak.V.KAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Incorporation of Nano-Sio2 in Mortar and Its Durability Studies
S.Sidhardhan, G.KarthikeyanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Top-K High Utility Itemset Mining Using Efficient Algorithm
Avinash Ubale, Monika Gole, Urja ChaudhariAbstract PDF![]() |
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Zero Waste Discharge and Sustainable Design for Hotel Industry
Rishikesh Rajan Dhebe, V S LimayeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Study of Behavior of Seismic Evaluation of Multistoried Building with Floating Columns
Nikhil Dewani, Dr.Ashok KasnaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Text (Tag) Based Search to Retrieve and Classify Images in Different Categories
Onkar Jadhav, Parag Dhavare, Pooja Sangale, Bharati DixitAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey of Emotion Based Music Player through Face Recognition System
Saurabh Sunil Deshmukh, Ruchika Balasaheb Bangar, Neeraj Mangesh Chandgude, Akash Gajanan Chopade, Sunil L. BangareAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design & Development of Air Cushion Vehicle
S.Suneel Kumar, K.Harshavardhan Reddy, G.Prabhakar Goud, K.Varun TejaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Economic Feasibility of Acoustical Panels of Natural Materials
Ar. Anjali P. Kshirsaga, Prof. M. B. KumthekarAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Effect of Recycled Aggregate on Standard Concrete Incorporate with Micro Silica
Bhavana B. Jadhav, Dr. Sanjay KulkarniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Automated Vehicle Id Verification and Tracking
Roshan Mohammed O, Mohammed Sabik KP, Lijeesh C, Darun Raj C, Ayisha Sameena VAbstract PDF![]() |
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Strength and Durability Assessment of Bacteria Based Self Healing Concrete
S.Sidhardhan, K.Kaja MohideenAbstract PDF![]() |
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Secure Data Distribution System in Cloud Computing Using Block Level
Attideep Raina, Vihan Parmar, Yamini Gaikwad, Prof. Pramod JadhavAbstract PDF![]() |
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Novel Approach to Construct QA Systems
Tushar Shedage, Honey Vyas, Anuja Zanje, Sanket ZurmureAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Injection Timing on Compression Ignition Engine Fuelled with Thevetia Peruviana Biodiesel
P.A.Harari, A.J.Deokar, S.D.Jadhav, R.P.Narvekar, P.Y.Nimbalkar, V.A.KambleAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review on Intra College Communication Platform
Suraj S. Kadam, Akshay S. Mane, Atulkumar R.Mishra, Samarth A. Pote, Nagaraju BogiriAbstract PDF![]() |
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Brain Tumor Detection and Prediction Using Different Clustering Algorithms
Rahul Sanjay Yerme, Rushikesh Joshi, Hemant Anil Yeole, Vishal Prafulla Narkhede, Prof.Rahul C. SalunkheAbstract PDF![]() |
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Efficient Image Retrieval Using Cloud Repository
Viraj Vaidya, Bhavik Avhad, Tapan Khaladkar, Mr. Chudaman D. SukteAbstract PDF![]() |
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Sentiment Analysis on College Student’s and Teachers Review
Komal Desai, Ambika Chavan, Purva Bhanegaonkar, S.S.PaulAbstract PDF![]() |
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The Battle between NoSQL Databases and RDBMS
Sourav MukherjeeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Survey Paper on Prediction of Crop yield and Suitable Crop
Trupti Bhange, Swati Shekapure, Komal Pawar, Harshada ChoudhariAbstract PDF![]() |
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Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Glass-Carbon Composites
Nitish Kumar Borah, Basant K AgrawalAbstract PDF![]() |
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Mobile Application Review Classification Using Machine Learning Approach
Laukik Padgaonkar,Sahit Jain, Swarali Ajgaonkar, Rahul Londhe, Prof. K.S.BalbudheAbstract PDF![]() |
111. |
Optimum Position of Outrigger Systems in Tall Building by Using Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls and Braces
Hemant B. Dahake, Mohd. Imran Mohd. AzgharAbstract PDF![]() |
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On Driver’s Drowsiness Detection System Using an Effective Face Expression Recognition
Ritendra Ravindra Sawale, Raunak Rajendra Badjate, Krishna Rajendra Chandak, Jagdish Malpani, Ms. Nital AdikaneAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Spam Review Detection Using Netspam Framework
Srushti Ghatage, Kiran Hinge, Gayatri Holkar, Prayag KambleAbstract PDF![]() |
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E-Voting System using Blockchain Technology for Distributed Environment
Rahul Rakhe, Rahul Kale, Pritish Bisht, Prof. K.S.BalbudheAbstract PDF![]() |
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Review of Different Techniques of Number Plate Recognition
Megha Ramchandra Lolure, Dr. M.A.Pund, Prof. G.J. SawaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Performance Analysis of Multi-Rate Approach based Adaptive Filter
Shalu Khan, Amjad KhanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Mining Competitor from Large Unstructured Data sets using C Miner
Abhijit Vetal, Akash Kakade, Sanjana Bhot, Shubham Pathak, Prof. S. A. DeshpandeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study on Treating Waste Water Using Natural Adsorbents
Rudresh Gowda D R, Suhag K V, Poojashree V K, Roopa A B, Manjunath H SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Guidance to Visually Impaired with Image Detection using Raspberry Pi - The Vision
Kafil Ahmed Shaikh, Vaidik Trivedi, Dharik ShahAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study on Treating Dairy Waste Water Using Jack Fruit Seeds and Aloevera Gel
Hemraj S.R, Megha C, Chandhini D, Lathamani C R, Manjunath H SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study of Concrete by Using SAP and Vermiculite as Internal Curing Agents
Mahesh Sawant, Pradip shelke, Kapil Chounashtte, Anshul Mishra, Shreedhar Patil, Ashish HakkeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Cloud Load Balance on the Basis of Free Space on Cloud and Packet Size
Bhushan D. Patil, Prof. R. B. WaghAbstract PDF![]() |
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Handwritten Text Recognition and Digitization System
Aisha Sharaf, Bhagya Viswanath, Kavya Chandran, Nishana Salim, Anju S OommenAbstract PDF![]() |
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A New Searchable Encryption Approach and Integrity Checking on Cloud Data
Swapnali Banne, Dr. S. A. UbaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Partially replacement of Cement and Sand by using Paper Mill Sludge & SCBA in Concrete
Manoj Deosarkar, Pratik Surana, Mayur Tayade, Sameer Madane, Akshay MungaseAbstract PDF![]() |
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Video Steganography Using Encrypted Payload for Communication
Sneha Bidkar, Priyanka Gaikwad, Shweta Chousalkar, Prajakta Avhad, Prof.Shikha PachoulyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Study of Degradation of Lubricants Used on Beam Warping Machine
Irshad M. Momin, Sunil B. MhetreAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Investigation of Concrete Using Recron Fiber
Bhavesh Sapariya, Kishor Bhandare, Suraj Shinde, Shardul Mahajan, Pramila Panchal, Rahul HodgeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Automated Health Care System for Rural Areas
Devanand Galande, Richard Roy, Akshay Goyal, Tejas Deshmukh, Prof. A. J. KadamAbstract PDF![]() |
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Evolutionary AI Algorithm for Health Risk Prediction
Miss. Bhagyashri Patil, Prof. D. D. PatilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Correspondence Methods for SQL Query Clustering
Miss. Pooja Subhash Joshi, Prof. Dinesh D. PatilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Investigation of Translucent Concrete by Using Optical Fibers
Sumit Bhandari , V.R.Rathi, P.K.KolaseAbstract PDF![]() |
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Mess food wastage saver
Sadhana Dukre, Pranali Khangate, Ankita Kamble, Prof. Jayashree KulkarniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Discovering Most Preferential Skyline Product under Price Promotion
Shilpa Dilip Ravte, Prof. A. D. PathakAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Project Report on Modified Landfill Design for Sustainable Waste Management
Priya Gade, Shubham Panwar, Abhishek Shraddha, Anuradha DeshmukhAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effectiveness of Domestic Wastewater Treatment by Using Water Hycinth and Porous Concrete in Constructed Wetland System
Prajakta V.Hiremath, Sachin Mane, Ashok MoreAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Optimization of Automated Weighing System for Efficient Logistics Management
J.Anish Jafrin Thilak, P.SureshAbstract PDF![]() |
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CFD and Heat Transfer Analysis of Automobile Radiator Using Helical Tubes
Kola David, Abhishek kumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Comparison of Silver, Copper and Iron Nano particles from Leaf Extract of Azadirachta indica and its Anti-microbial, Bio sensing activity and toxicity
Vishnu Balamurugan,Sreenithi Velurajan, Karthik SubramaniAbstract PDF![]() |
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Ramp Up of Fuel Control Unit and Pump with a Foreign Drive Production Volume in Assembly Line
Giridhar MP, G.R. RajkumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Reduction of Harmonics and Improvement of voltage Profile using Static Var Compensator
Mr.Manoj R.Wankhade, Dr. V. N. Ghate, Prof.Ankita S.Borban, Prof.Yogesh P.SushirAbstract PDF![]() |
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Efficient Hybrid Algorithm for High Utility Itemset Mining
Rahul Chavan, Chirantan Dhumal, Shivani Sawwalakhe, Shivani Patki, Sandeep M. ChitalkarAbstract PDF![]() |
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PLC Based Home Energy Management System
Pooja Patil, Pragati Deshamukh, Sumedha Thorat, Pallavi KadamAbstract PDF![]() |
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Influence of High Volume Fly Ash on Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete
P. Sindhu Priya, Y. Vinod KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Seismic Analysis of Multi Storied Buildings with Floating Columns
K Sai Krishna, P Siva SankarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Strength and Durability Properties of Fibre Reinforced Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement with Metakaolin and Coarse Aggregate with Ferro Chrome Slag
Shaik Arafath, Seeram Bhanu PravallikaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Study on Strength and Durability Properties of Light Weight Aggregate Concrete with Mineral Admixtures and Steel Fibers
T. Venugopala Chari, K.Venkateswara RaoAbstract PDF![]() |
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Study on Performance of Concrete Using Hollow Glass Microsphere and Plastic Powder
E.Mohamed Najeeb, A.VellapandianAbstract PDF![]() |
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Energy Generation and Implementation of Power Floor(Pavegen)
Shreedhar Patil, Saurabh Parsewar, Bodake Pranav,Sachin Aade,Suhas HanmanteAbstract PDF![]() |
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Investigation Recommendation System Using AI
Tanuja Kharote , Aishwarya Lambrud, Susmita Bhalerao, Poonam Magar, S.T. ShindeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Twitter Spam Detection by Using Machine Learning Frameworks
Miss. Richa Ramesh Sharma, Prof. Yogesh S. Patil, Prof. Dinesh D. PatilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Designing Mathematical Didactic Model to be Used in Mathematics Realistic
Eva Monika Safitri Lubis, Herman MawengkangAbstract PDF![]() |
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Optimization Model for Hazardous Waste Management System
Muthia Ferliani, Tulus, Sawaluddin NasutionAbstract PDF![]() |
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Marine Microalgae Biomass Harvesting Based on pH Alternation in Nanochloropsisoculata
Saif M. Al- Ghais, Sujatha VaradharajuluAbstract PDF![]() |
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Thermal Analysis of Gas Turbine Blade
CH.Rami Reddy, K.ChendrasekharAbstract PDF![]() |
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Image Security in Social Media using Digital Watermarking with Embedded Metadata
Bilal Sayyad, Mubarak Sache, Vaseemakram Sayyed, Prof. Deokate VAbstract PDF![]() |
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Computation Fluid Dynamics over the Micro Combustion Chamber with a Varying Pressure & Velocity
D.Brahmaiah, K.ChendrasekharAbstract PDF![]() |
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Permeable Pavement – Innovative solution for Recharge Groundwater
Pallavi Kharat, Vijay Hallyal, Manish kushwaha, Pranay Mhaske, Akash MhaskeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Investigation of Process Parameters of CO2 Laser Beam Machining on Acrylic
Ambuj Pathak, Dr. T.U.Siddiqui, Faisal HussianAbstract PDF![]() |
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Comparative Study of Strengthening of Soil using admixtures and industrial wastes (Fly Ash, Silica Fumes and Waste Plaster of Paris)
Kaustubh Pawar, Gaurav Raut, Aniket Panzade, Nitin Ambhore, Nilesh Munde, Shilpa MahajanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Study of Concrete by Using Copper Slag
Abhishek Panhale, Sagar Kapote, Pramod Chavhan, Mahesh Shingote, Sanjay Kulkarni, Jayant KanaseAbstract PDF![]() |
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Adaptive DC-Link Voltage Regulation of Split Capacitor DSTATCOM
M.Balasubramanian, S.SumathiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Spam Review Detection using Netspam Framework
Srushti Ghatage, Kiran Hinge, Gayatri Holkar, Prayag KambleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Hand Truck Capable of Climbing Stairs using Timing Belt Driven by Motor
Yash Mali, Hemkant Bhamare, Mukul Bajare, Omkar DesaiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Enhanced Cloud Data Security Using AES Algorithm
Pooja Vilas Barawakar, Bhagyashri Kailas Pasalkar, Pooja Dilip Kshirsagar, Prajakta Rajendra Gaikwad, Suryavanshi P.M.Abstract PDF![]() |
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Secure Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Retrieval in Cloud Image Repositories
Remmy Ryntathiang, Rajesh Sarwade, Sonawane Amol, Sarade Akshay, B. S. KambleAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Alternative Low Cost Construction Materials & Techniques
Shankar Chavan, Vishwajeet Shah , Gaurav Tiwari , Rooman Iqubal, Milind. M. DaradeAbstract PDF![]() |
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The Pune Metro Station Area Management and Dispersal
Pritamkumar Kamble, Ritu Raj, Yash Badade, Krishna Augustya, Mrs.Sangeeta MishraAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on Design Image-Based Captcha Using Deep Learning Technique
Amit Pancharas, Sharda Wanve, Komal ThombareAbstract PDF![]() |
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Advance EVM Monitoring and Security Using Biometric Authentication with IOT
D H Dewarde, Priyanka Gundgal, Rucha Swami, Pradeep Hole, Aniket KudaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Pothole Detection System
Pranay Kailas Patil, Amit Kumar Sharma, Sanvid R Remane, Saurabh Chaudhari, N.M.MoreAbstract PDF![]() |
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Emotion Recognition Between POMS and K-NN Classifier Algorithm Using Twitter API
Vaishnavi Burkhande, Gauri Lipane, Kajal Raut, Shivani Jawalkar, P.V.AmbekarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Twitter Spam Detection on Real Time Data using Machine Learning Algorithms
Sumit S. Garud, Piyush Shewale, Akshay Khedkar, D.D.SapkalAbstract PDF![]() |
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IoT Based Smart Car Parking System for the IEEE SSC 2019/Pune, India
Yogesh K. Shirole, Rohit A. Sambre, Somnath B. Waghmare, H.N Bankar, D.R.PatilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Object Detection from Images Using Deep Learning
Saaod M .Rasheed, Ahmet cinarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Flood Prediction Using Wireless Sensor Network in Disaster Monitoring
R.S Prasanna Kumar, Shazia Anjum M.SAbstract PDF![]() |
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Image Based Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Computer Interaction
Sree Sankar.JAbstract PDF![]() |
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Intelligent Camera App for Noise Reduction
Sunit Shirke, Venkatesh Surve, Kalpita Sakpal, Dhanashri KanadeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Analogy of Ground Based Rainfall Observations to Satellite Based Observations from TRMM and GPM
G. Aaryavardhun, A. Anuraghavareddy, P. Hima binduAbstract PDF![]() |
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Digital Forensic System Using Web-Application Security for Prevention of Network Attack
Vidyashree M, MinavathiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Document Clustering using on the basis of Predictive Network
Shriya Sharma, Adhishree Gajare, Aruna Nandurge, Kartik Mishra, A.M.WadeAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Review on Layered & Cross Layer Design Issues and Security Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks
Sumalatha M S, Dr.V Nandalal, C Santhosh Kumar, V.Anand KumarAbstract PDF![]() |
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Study of Fire Reason, Losses and Safety Method in Road Transportation On Jhunjhunu –Churu Road (SH-37)
Amir Khan, Nikhil Kumar Sharma, Sitaram Jat, Deepak Kumar MathurAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Investigations on Tribological Properties of Glass-Jute Fibre Reinforced Hybrid Composites
Hemanth Kumar C, Raghavendra NAbstract PDF![]() |
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Experimental Investigation on M40 Grade Concrete with Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Shabath Crushed Stone and Cement with Fly Ash
J.Akhil, D.VaneelaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Flood Disaster Management System using IOT
Priti Khaire, Priti SubramaniumAbstract PDF![]() |
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Natural and Artificial Multimedia Filter as an Adsorbent of Sewage in Treatment – Revisited
Prof. Anupama Kharche, Mayuri Dhomane, Prachi Mutyalwar, Vandana Gochade, Samiksha PangareAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Novel Network-based Spam Detection Framework for Classification of Reviews
Shubham Korde, Piyush Wankhade, Yogesh Sonawane, N.G.BhojneAbstract PDF![]() |
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Design and Fabrication of Shoe Sole Cleaning Machine
Prof. U.U. Divekar, Suraj Sutar, Pankaj Surve, Shivtej Takawale, Vishal TakawaneAbstract PDF![]() |
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Empirical Analysis of Video Streams Driven based Human Activity Recognition System using Bayesian Foraging Strategy
Vrushali Rajshekhar Bhimanavaru, Swati JoshiAbstract PDF![]() |
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Effect of Carbon Nano Tubes on Banana Fiber Reinforced Materials
Vinitha T , Santhosh Kumar D , Pradeepkumar S L, Deeban BAbstract PDF![]() |
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E-Voting System Using Visual Cryptography
Akshay Hiwrale, Ashutosh Sharma, Suhasni Pandita, Komal Kour, Prof. Kanchan WankhadeAbstract PDF![]() |
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Novel Modeling and Dynamic Simulation of Spin Valve Sensor for the Next Generation Vehicles
Ajin A. S, Arya P. M, Karthika C, Athulya HAbstract PDF![]() |
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Solar AC Generator without Inverter
Deena George, Arunbabu K, Chelsea Sunil, Irene Sara Mathew, Muhammed Nabeel KAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Survey on E-Waste: Challenges and Utilization in India
Kuldeep Tiwari, Vijay Kr. DixitAbstract PDF![]() |
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Secure Compound Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud using Enhanced Semantic Scheme
Nitin B. Pawar, Prof. Dinesh D. PatilAbstract PDF![]() |
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Irradiance Adaptive PV Module Integrated Multi Source DC Distribution System
M S Rhwithwik, Abhijith CV, Visal P, Arya G Nair, Sija GopinathanAbstract PDF![]() |
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Overview on Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Optical Networks
Ketulkumar Govindbhai Chaudhari,Abstract PDF![]() |
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Virtual Reality: An Efficient Tool for Promoting Social & Psychological Considerations in Designing for Disables
Ahmed Mohamed Abdelrazeq, Usama Mahmod Aboelaenen, Magdy Mohamed El Nahas , Hosam M. Salah El SamatyAbstract PDF![]() |
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Energy Efficient File Replication Strategy with Clustering and Authentication Systems
Ankita D. Gaikwad, Prof. K. N. ShedgeAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Study on the Regular Water Supplementation for Seed Output in Physic Nut
Harika Done, AVVS Swamy, Subhashini VAbstract PDF![]() |
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Impact of Pruning over Physical growth of the Plant in Physic Nut
Harika Done, AVVS Swamy, Subhashini VAbstract PDF![]() |
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Air Pollution in Hyderabad City, India for the years 2014 to 2016
Ch.V.Krishna Rao, Dr Siva Prasad Arikatla, Dr M.ViswanadhamAbstract PDF![]() |
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Different Feature and Classifiers the Study of Automatic Handwritten Devnagari Text Generation
Mr.Vajid Khan, Dr.Yogesh Kumar SharmaAbstract PDF![]() |
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Different Forms of Ancient Indian Scriptures
Dr. Kavita SinghAbstract PDF![]() |
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Acid Rain Destroying Many Historical Monuments
Dr. Ruchi PurohitAbstract PDF![]() |
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A Secure Anti Collusion Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud
Tanu Shree, Sheetal Ghugare, Sayali Walunj, G. S. NavaleAbstract PDF![]() |
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Cultural Identity and Postcolonial Discourse in the Serpent and the RopeDr. Anita SinghPDF |